If you suffer from analysis paralysis anytime you need to make a decision, big or small, you might put it down to indecision.

Plenty of people find it hard to choose due to their fear of picking the wrong thing, so this makes sense. However, maybe you’re not indecisive at all, and the reasons you can never make decisions come down to completely different problems, like one or more of these.
1. You’re overwhelmed by too many options.

We’re spoilt for choice in every possible way these days. Whether it’s picking a Netflix show or choosing a career path, having too many options can be overwhelming. Because we have so many things to pick from, our brains can short-circuit, making it harder to decide. This isn’t indecisiveness — it’s a very human response to information overload. Try not to be so hard on yourself.
2. You’re afraid of making the wrong choice.

Sometimes, the fear of messing up can keep us from making any decision at all. If you’ve had bad experiences with past decisions, you might be extra cautious about future ones. This isn’t indecisiveness — it’s your brain trying to protect you from potential harm or disappointment. The trouble is, not deciding is often a decision in itself.
3. You’re a perfectionist.

If you’re always striving for the perfect outcome, you might struggle to make decisions. Perfectionists often delay choices because they’re waiting for the ‘ideal’ option to present itself. Of course, perfect rarely exists in real life. Your unrealistic expectations are holding you back and keeping you stuck in place.
4. You’re dealing with decision fatigue.

Did you know that making decisions actually takes mental energy? If you’ve been making lots of choices throughout the day, you might find it harder to decide on things later on. This is your brain’s way of telling you it needs a break. Maybe that’s why choosing what to have for dinner can feel so hard after a long day at work!
5. You’re trying to please everyone.

If you’re always considering how your decisions will affect other people, you might find it hard to make choices. While it’s kind to think of the people in your life, trying to please everyone often means pleasing no one — including yourself. Take this as a sign that you really need to prioritise your own needs a bit more.
6. You lack confidence in your own judgement.

Maybe you’ve been told your decisions were wrong in the past, or you’ve had some choices backfire. It happens to everyone, but it can shake your confidence and make you doubt your ability to make good decisions. It’s important to remember that everyone makes mistakes sometimes. You lack trust in yourself right now, but the good thing is that it can be rebuilt.
7. You’re dealing with anxiety or depression.

Mental health issues can have a big impact on decision-making. Anxiety might make you overthink every possible outcome, while depression can make even small choices feel overwhelming. Not being able to make a decision, in this case, is a symptom of a larger issue that might benefit from help from a therapist or counsellor.
8. You’re missing important information.

Sometimes, we struggle to make decisions because we simply don’t have all the facts. If you feel like you’re always saying “I don’t know,” it might be because you actually don’t know enough to decide. You just need a bit more info to make sure you’re making an informed choice. There’s nothing wrong with that!
9. You’re afraid of change.

Big decisions often come with big changes, and change can be scary. If you always avoid making decisions that would shake up the status quo, it might be because you’re comfortable with how things are now. It’s a natural human tendency to prefer the familiar over the unknown. You’re not weird for feeling that way!
10. You’re a natural procrastinator.

Some people put off decisions because they work better under pressure. If you’re always waiting until the last minute to decide, it might just be your natural style. This isn’t necessarily indecisiveness — it could be that you process information differently and make better choices when you’re up against a deadline.
11. You’re dealing with decision overload.

In our modern world, we’re faced with countless decisions every day. From what to wear to which emoji to use in a text, it can all add up. If you’re struggling to make choices, it might be because you’re simply overwhelmed by the sheer number of decisions you’re expected to make on a daily basis, and this is even more likely to be the case if you have kids. It’s a very normal response to the demands of modern life.
12. You’re too focused on the outcome.

Sometimes, we get so caught up in trying to predict the results of our decisions that we forget to focus on the decision itself. If you’re always worrying about what might happen, you might find it hard to choose anything at all. You need to shift your focus from the outcome to the process. Your life will be a lot less stressful if you do!
13. You’re dealing with conflicting values.

Life isn’t always black and white, and sometimes our decisions involve weighing up different values or priorities. If you’re struggling to choose between two options that both align with things you care about, it’s a sign that you’re dealing with a complicated situation that requires careful consideration. Those are bound to crop up in life!
14. You’re experiencing decision paralysis.

Sometimes, when faced with a big decision, our brains can just… freeze. This isn’t because you’re indecisive, but because your brain is trying to process too much information at once. It’s like when a computer has too many tabs open and starts to slow down. Taking a step back and breaking the decision down into smaller parts might help.
15. You’re afraid of commitment.

Some decisions, especially big ones, require a level of commitment that can be scary. If you swerve choices that would tie you down in some way, it could be down to a fear of commitment. This might be something to explore further to understand why commitment feels so daunting.
16. You’re actually quite decisive, but only about certain things.

Maybe you can decide on a restaurant in seconds, but take ages to choose a new phone. This doesn’t mean you’re indecisive — it just means different types of decisions are easier or harder for you. We all have areas where we’re more confident in our choices. Recognising this can help you understand your decision-making style better.