When things go wrong in life or someone hurts you, taking the high road isn’t exactly easy.

However, if you’re emotionally mature, you realise that stooping to people’s level or throwing a fit when things don’t go your way isn’t the way to go. Here are some signs you have this quality — your life is no doubt a lot easier because of it.
1. You don’t lose your head when things go pear-shaped.

Remember when the slightest hiccup would send you into a tizzy? Not anymore. These days, when things get tough, you take a deep breath and figure out how to handle it. You realise that freaking out won’t solve anything, so you stay cool as a cucumber and tackle the problem head-on.
2. You’re not afraid to admit when you’ve messed up.

Gone are the days of blaming everyone else for your mistakes. Now, you own up to your mess-ups without hesitation. You understand that admitting fault isn’t a sign of weakness, but a mark of strength. Plus, it’s way less hassle than trying to weasel your way out of it.
3. You can handle criticism without getting upset.

Criticism used to feel like a personal attack, but now you see it differently. You’ve learnt to separate yourself from the feedback and use it to improve. Sure, it might still sting a bit, but you don’t let it ruin your day or dent your self-esteem.
4. You don’t need to win every argument.

You’ve realised that being right isn’t always worth the hassle. Sometimes, it’s better to let things slide for the sake of peace. You pick your battles wisely and know when to agree to disagree. It’s not about giving up; it’s about knowing what’s worth fighting for.
5. You’re not constantly fishing for compliments.

Remember when you’d post a selfie and obsessively check for likes? Those days are behind you. You’ve learnt to validate yourself instead of relying on other people for a confidence boost. Sure, compliments are nice, but they’re not the be-all and end-all of your self-worth.
6. You can say no without feeling guilty.

Saying no used to fill you with guilt, but now you understand the importance of boundaries. You don’t overcommit or agree to things just to please anyone else. You know your limits and aren’t afraid to stick to them, even if it means disappointing someone.
7. You don’t let your emotions run the show.

You used to be a slave to your feelings, but now you’re the boss. You recognise your emotions without letting them dictate your actions. You can feel angry without flying off the handle, or sad without spiralling into despair. It’s all about finding that sweet spot between feeling and reacting.
8. You’re not obsessed with what everyone thinks of you.

The days of agonising over every little interaction are over. You’ve realised that most people are too wrapped up in their own lives to scrutinise yours. You focus on being true to yourself rather than trying to please everyone. It’s liberating, isn’t it?
9. You can handle being alone without going bonkers.

Being on your own used to scare the living daylights out of you, but now you cherish it. You’ve learnt to enjoy your own company and use alone time for self-reflection and growth. You don’t need constant social interaction to feel fulfilled or valid.
10. You don’t hold grudges like they’re Olympic medals.

Forgiveness isn’t always easy, but you’ve learnt it’s important for your own peace of mind. You don’t let past pain define your present or future. You can acknowledge the pain without letting it consume you, and you’re able to move on without harbouring resentment.
11. You’re not afraid to show your vulnerable side.

Opening up used to feel like pulling teeth, but now you understand the strength in vulnerability. You’re not afraid to share your fears, insecurities, or struggles with trusted people. You know that being authentic and honest about your feelings deepens your connections.
12. You don’t play the blame game when things go wrong.

Instead of pointing fingers when the shit hits the fan, you focus on finding solutions. You understand that playing the victim doesn’t solve anything. You take responsibility for your part in any situation and look for ways to make things better.
13. You can celebrate other people’s success without feeling like a loser.

Someone else’s win doesn’t make you feel like a failure anymore. You’ve learnt to genuinely be happy for other people without comparing yourself to them. You understand that success isn’t a finite resource and that there’s enough to go around.
14. You don’t expect other people to read your mind.

Gone are the days of sulking when people don’t magically know what you want. You know how to communicate your needs and feelings clearly. You don’t expect others to be mind readers, and you’re not afraid to ask for what you need or want.
15. You can handle change without having a meltdown.

Change used to send you into a panic, but now you see it as an opportunity for growth. You understand that life is constantly evolving, and you’ve learnt to adapt rather than resist. You’re flexible and open to new experiences, even if they’re outside your comfort zone.
16. You’re not constantly trying to fix or change other people.

You’ve realised that you can’t control or change anyone but yourself. Instead of trying to mould others to fit your expectations, you accept them as they are. You focus on your own growth and let others be responsible for theirs. It’s a lot less stressful this way, isn’t it?