16 Signs Your Intuition is Warning You About Someone

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I don’t know about you, but there are plenty of times I’ve had a niggling feeling in my gut about someone without knowing exactly why.

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Those people later turned out to be incredibly toxic, and most of the time, I was left wishing I’d paid more attention to my intuition — and I’m sure I’m not alone in that. You might worry that you’re being paranoid or judgy, but listening to your instincts is all about keeping you safe. If you notice any of these warning signs, your gut is trying to tell you that something’s not right about someone. Make sure you listen!

1. You feel physically uncomfortable around them.

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Your body often knows something’s off before your mind catches up. If you feel tense, fidgety, or even slightly nauseous around someone, it could be your intuition sounding the alarm. Maybe you get a knot in your stomach or your shoulders tense up. These physical reactions are worth paying attention to, especially if they happen consistently with the same person.

2. Their words and actions don’t match up.

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We’ve all met people who talk a big game but never seem to follow through. If you notice a consistent pattern of someone saying one thing and doing another, your intuition might be picking up on their lack of authenticity. It’s not about catching them in a white lie once  — t’s about a repeated disconnect between their promises and their actions.

3. You feel drained after interacting with them.

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Some people are like energy vampires — you walk away from a conversation feeling utterly exhausted. If you always need a nap or a stiff drink after spending time with someone, it could be your intuition warning you that this person is taking more than they’re giving. It’s not always about them being overtly negative; sometimes it’s just a mismatch in energy levels.

4. You catch them in small lies.

Little fibs might seem harmless, but they can be red flags. If you notice someone regularly bending the truth about minor things, your intuition might be alerting you to a larger pattern of dishonesty. Why lie about something small, unless it’s just a habit? Trust your gut if you feel like you’re not getting the whole truth.

5. They make you feel like you’re overreacting.

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Ever shared a concern with someone only to have them dismiss it entirely? If someone consistently makes you feel like your feelings or opinions are invalid, it could be a sign of gaslighting. Your intuition might be picking up on this manipulation tactic before you can consciously identify it.

6. You feel pressured to agree with them.

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Healthy relationships involve give and take, not constant pressure to conform. If you agree just to keep the peace or avoid conflict, your intuition might be warning you about this person’s controlling tendencies. It’s subtle, but that feeling of walking on eggshells is your gut telling you something’s not right.

7. Their kindness feels forced or insincere.

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Genuine kindness has a certain warmth to it. If someone’s nice gestures feel calculated or come with strings attached, your intuition might be picking up on their ulterior motives. Maybe their smile doesn’t quite reach their eyes, or their compliments feel hollow. Trust that feeling — your subconscious is pretty good at detecting fake niceties.

8. You feel the need to justify their behaviour to other people.

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If you’re constantly making excuses for someone’s actions when talking to your friends or family, it might be time to listen to your intuition. We often try to rationalise behaviour that doesn’t sit right with us. If you’re working overtime to explain away someone’s actions, your gut might be trying to tell you something’s off.

9. They seem to enjoy your discomfort.

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Some people get a kick out of making people squirm. If you notice subtle smirks or a glint in their eye when you’re uncomfortable, your intuition might be warning you about their less-than-kind intentions. It’s not about them teasing you in good fun — it’s a consistent pattern of seeming to enjoy your distress.

10. You feel like you’re walking on eggshells around them.

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If you’re constantly monitoring what you say or do around someone for fear of their reaction, that’s a big red flag. Your intuition might be picking up on their unpredictable or volatile nature. That feeling of treading carefully is your internal warning system telling you this person might not be safe to be yourself around.

11. They make you doubt your own memories or perceptions.

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This is a classic sign of gaslighting. If you tend to question your own recollection of events after talking to someone, your intuition might be alerting you to their manipulative tactics. Trust your memories and experiences — if someone consistently makes you doubt yourself, that’s cause for concern.

12. You feel the need to check up on their stories.

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If you’re always fact-checking what someone tells you or asking people to verify their stories, your intuition might be telling you something’s not quite right. That urge to double-check is your gut saying, “Hey, this doesn’t add up.” It’s not about being distrustful — it’s about listening to that inner voice that’s catching inconsistencies.

13. They seem to know too much about you too soon.

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While some people are just naturally good at remembering details, if someone seems to have an unusually deep knowledge of your life early on, it might set off your intuition. If you find yourself thinking, “How did they know that?” it could be a sign they’re digging for information in inappropriate ways.

14. Your pets don’t like them.

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This might sound a bit out there, but animals often have a sixth sense about people. If your usually friendly dog growls at someone or your cat always hides when a certain person comes over, it might be worth paying attention. Our pets can pick up on subtle cues that we might miss.

15. You feel relieved when they leave.

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If you exhale deeply or feeling a weight lift off your shoulders when someone exits the room, your intuition might be telling you this person is bad news. That sense of relief is your body and mind saying, “Phew, we can relax now.” It’s a clear sign that their presence is causing you stress, even if you can’t articulate why.

16. You have a persistent feeling of unease you can’t explain.

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Sometimes, your intuition speaks in whispers rather than shouts. If you have a nagging feeling about someone that you just can’t shake, even if you can’t point to any specific reason, it’s worth paying attention to. Our subconscious often picks up on subtle cues that our conscious mind hasn’t processed yet. Don’t dismiss that persistent unease — it might be your intuition’s way of protecting you.