Everyone enjoys a night in, but if your “me time” is turning into “all the time,” you might be headed for the danger zone.

Human beings are social creatures, and we all need some level of companionship in order to be happy, healthy, and well-adjusted. Sure, there’s nothing wrong with preferring your own company or not being super into socialising, but there’s a fine line between healthy solitude and the hermit life. Here are some warning signs you’re falling into the latter camp.
1. You haven’t changed out of pyjamas in days.

If your pyjamas are practically your new uniform, it might be a sign you’re too comfortable staying in. Getting dressed, even in something casual, can help you feel refreshed and ready to face the day. Sometimes, a quick wardrobe change is the first step out the door.
2. You have more conversations with your pet than with people.

Your pet is great company, but if they’re your main conversation partner, you might need a little more human interaction. Even a quick coffee run can remind you that there’s a world beyond your living room—and more people to talk to than just your furry friend.
3. You can’t remember the last time you saw sunlight.

When you realise you haven’t seen the sun in a while, it’s a definite sign it’s time to step outside. A little fresh air can work wonders for your mood and energy. Even a short walk around the block can remind you how good it feels to be out and about.
4. Your social invitations are down to zero.

If friends have stopped asking you to hang out, they might think you’re not interested. While staying in is comfy, reconnecting with friends can lift your spirits. Let them know you’re up for plans, even if it’s just a low-key outing to ease you back into socialising.
5. You’re starting to forget what day it is.

When the days start to blend together, it’s a telltale sign that your routine could use a shake-up. Adding a few outside activities to your schedule can help bring structure back to your week. A little variety keeps things interesting and makes the days feel distinct.
6. You’re best friends with your delivery driver.

When your delivery driver knows your order by heart, it might be a sign you’re ordering in a little too often. Heading out to pick up a meal or grabbing groceries can be a refreshing change. Plus, it’s an easy way to get a quick dose of fresh air and interaction.
7. You start feeling “peopled out” after just five minutes.

If social gatherings suddenly feel overwhelming, it could mean you’re just out of practice. Spending a bit more time around other people can help ease the social awkwardness. Start small with short outings, and you’ll gradually feel more comfortable with company again.
8. You have zero new photos on your phone.

When all your photos are just food or your pet, it might be time to make some new memories outside. Exploring a new place or meeting up with friends can be a fun way to add more photos to your collection—and remind you of all the things there are to enjoy.
9. Netflix keeps asking, “Are you still watching?”

If you’re getting that “still watching” prompt all the time, it might be a sign to take a break from the binge-watching. Mixing things up with an outdoor activity or a quick catch-up with friends can add a little more excitement to your routine.
10. You’ve turned down every invitation that comes your way.

It’s easy to turn down plans, especially if staying in is your default. But saying “yes” to an invitation now and then can make you feel more connected and boost your mood. Stepping out of your comfort zone, even once in a while, can be refreshing.
11. You’re developing niche hobbies to pass the time.

If you’re suddenly into obscure activities like birdhouse-building or snail-watching, it could be a sign you’re looking for things to do at home. Trying out a group activity or a community class can be a great way to get back out there and meet people with similar interests.
12. You’re more excited about online shopping than real-life events.

When a package delivery feels like the highlight of your week, it might be a sign you need to shift focus. Real-life events, even small ones, offer new experiences that online shopping can’t match. Meeting friends or attending a local event can remind you of the fun outside your door.
13. You find yourself talking back to the TV.

If you’re having full-on conversations with the characters on your favourite show, it might be time to interact with actual people. TV can be entertaining, but real-life conversations are a lot more rewarding. Calling up a friend or family member could be just what you need.
14. You feel strangely productive after leaving the house…for five minutes.

If a short trip to the mailbox feels like an accomplishment, it might be a sign to get out a bit more. Simple activities like a coffee run or a stroll can add variety and a sense of accomplishment to your day. Small steps can make a big difference in breaking up your routine.
15. You start missing out on important life events.

If you’re skipping birthdays, weddings, or even small gatherings, you might be a little too attached to staying in. Important events create memories and connections, so don’t let the habit of staying in keep you from those moments. A few meaningful outings can remind you of what you’ve been missing.
16. You’re genuinely unsure about the latest news or trends.

If you’re completely out of the loop on what’s happening in the world, it might be time to reconnect. Catching up with people or checking out a local event can keep you in touch. A little social time is a fun way to stay up-to-date and avoid feeling out of the loop.