16 Small But Important Ways To Give Yourself A Break When The World Feels Like Too Much

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Sometimes life can feel like it’s coming at you from all angles, and you feel like you just can’t cope.

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I know that feeling all too well — I feel like most of us do at this point. However, it’s so important not to let it get the better of you. In fact, when the world starts to feel a bit too much, it’s important to take a step back and give yourself a breather. Here are some small but meaningful ways to find some peace when everything feels overwhelming.

1. Turn off your notifications for a while.

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Our phones are constantly demanding our attention thanks to non-stop notifications from texts, emails, and apps. Sometimes, the best thing you can do is just switch them all off. Give yourself an hour, or even a whole afternoon, without the constant digital nudges. The world won’t end if you don’t immediately see every like, comment, or news alert.

2. Take a proper lunch break.

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No more eating at your desk or scrolling through your phone while you munch. Step away from your workspace, sit down somewhere nice, and actually taste your food. Even if it’s just for 20 minutes, giving yourself a real break can make a massive difference to your day. If it’s a sunny day (rare in the UK, I know), try to get outside for some vitamin D, however briefly.

3. Go for a walk without a destination in mind.

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Just step outside and start walking. No need for a plan or a purpose. Let your feet take you where they want to go. It’s not about exercise or getting somewhere, it’s about giving your mind a chance to wander and your body a change of scenery.

4. Have a good cry.

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Sometimes, you just need to let it all out. Put on a sad film, listen to that song that always gets you, or just sit with your feelings for a bit. Crying can be incredibly cathartic and there’s no shame in it. Let those tears flow and don’t apologise for it.

5. Take a day off from your to-do list.

sad blonde woman head in handsSource: Unsplash

Your to-do list will still be there tomorrow. For one day, try living without it. Don’t worry about being productive or ticking off tasks. Just do what feels right in the moment. It’s liberating to live without that constant nagging feeling of things that need doing.

6. Treat yourself to something small but special.

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Buy yourself flowers, or that fancy coffee you usually skip, or the good biscuits. You don’t need a reason or an occasion. Sometimes, a small indulgence can lift your spirits and remind you that you deserve nice things.

7. Have a proper nap.

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Not a quick doze on the sofa, but a proper, get-under-the-covers, set-an-alarm nap. Give yourself permission to rest deeply, even if it’s just for 30 minutes. You’ll be amazed at how refreshed you can feel afterwards.

8. Declutter one small space.

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When everything feels chaotic, creating a bit of order can be soothing. Don’t tackle your whole house — just focus on one drawer, or your bedside table, or that corner of the kitchen counter. Having one tidy space can give you a small sense of control.

9. Reach out to a friend, but keep it light.

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Send a text to a mate, but not to vent or problem-solve. Share a funny meme, or a memory that popped up on your phone, or just say hello. Sometimes, a small, positive connection is all we need to feel a bit more grounded.

10. Do something with your hands.

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Knit, draw, colour, bake, garden — anything that gets your hands moving, and your mind focused on a task. It doesn’t have to be productive or perfect. The act of creating or tending to something can be incredibly calming.

11. Have a proper pamper session.

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Put on a face mask, soak your feet, or give yourself a mini massage. It doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive. Taking the time to care for your body can be a wonderful way to show yourself some love and attention.

12. Write it all down, then put it away.

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Grab a piece of paper and scribble down everything that’s swirling around in your head. All your worries, to-dos, and random thoughts. Then, fold it up and put it in a drawer. Sometimes, the act of getting it all out can help clear your mind.

13. Change your scenery.

smiling man looking up to sunSource: Unsplash

If you can’t go out, try changing rooms. If you usually work in your office, try the kitchen table. If you always watch TV in the living room, try your bedroom. A change of environment, even a small one, can give you a fresh perspective.

14. Listen to a comfort podcast or audiobook.

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Put on something familiar and soothing. Maybe it’s a podcast that always makes you laugh, or an audiobook you’ve heard a hundred times. Let someone else’s voice fill your head for a while and give your own thoughts a rest.

15. Do absolutely nothing for 10 minutes.

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Set a timer and just… be. Don’t try to meditate or clear your mind. Just sit or lie down and exist. It’s harder than it sounds, but giving yourself permission to do nothing, even for a short time, can be incredibly freeing.

16. Go to bed ridiculously early.


Who says you can’t go to bed at 8pm? If you’re feeling overwhelmed, sometimes the best thing you can do is call it a day. Put on your pyjamas, brush your teeth, and tuck yourself in. Even if you don’t sleep, giving yourself extra time to rest can work wonders.