Narcissists think they’re the centre of the universe and that everything revolves around them.

They’re wrong, of course, which is why they get so angry when things don’t go their way. Because they’re so desperate to be in control all the time, when they have no say over a person or situation, it really grinds their gears. Here are just some of the things these toxic personality types really hate.
1. Being ignored

Narcissists love attention – it’s like their lifeblood. So when they’re ignored, it’s like someone cut off their oxygen supply. They hate feeling invisible and might overreact or pull some crazy stunts just to get back in the spotlight. Seriously, it can get dramatic.
2. Not getting their way

Narcissists think they’re royalty and deserve to be treated like it. They’re used to getting everything they want, exactly when they want it. Try telling them “no” and watch the fireworks. They might throw a tantrum, guilt-trip you, or try to manipulate you until they get what they want.
3. Being criticised

Narcissists have super-sensitive egos. Even the tiniest bit of criticism can make them explode. They see it as a personal attack, not as a chance to grow. Get ready for some serious defensiveness, anger, or even attempts to make you look like the bad guy.
4. Feeling inferior

Deep down, narcissists are actually pretty insecure. They hide those feelings behind a mask of confidence and arrogance. If anything makes them feel less than amazing, they freak out. Expect them to get defensive or try to prove how awesome they are.
5. Losing control

Narcissists need to be the puppet master in every situation. They think they know best and have to have things their way. When they lose control, it’s like their world is falling apart. They might get anxious, lash out, or do whatever it takes to regain power.
6. Being exposed

Narcissists work hard to keep up a perfect image. They don’t want anyone to see the real them, flaws and all. If their true colours are revealed, it’s a total nightmare for them. They might deny it, get angry, or try to spin the story to make themselves look good.
7. Being compared to other people

Narcissists think they’re one-of-a-kind and better than everyone else. Comparing them to someone else, especially someone who seems better, totally crushes their ego. Prepare for some major jealousy, resentment, or attempts to put that other person down.
8. Feeling vulnerable

Narcissists try to act tough and invincible. They hate feeling vulnerable or needing help because it makes them feel weak. If they ever admit they need something, it’s a really big deal.
9. Being alone

Even though they seem super self-centred, narcissists actually need other people around to boost their ego. Being alone can make them feel empty and worthless. They might go into overdrive trying to find someone, anyone, to give them attention.
10. Not being admired

Narcissists are like attention vampires – they need constant admiration to survive. They think they’re special and deserve endless praise. If they don’t get it, they might get moody, try to find it elsewhere, or even put down those who aren’t worshipping them.
11. Seeing other people succeed

Narcissists can’t stand it when someone else shines brighter than them. It challenges their idea that they’re the best. They might try to downplay other people’s achievements, get super jealous, or even try to sabotage them.
12. Being reminded of their flaws

Narcissists have this warped view of themselves as perfect beings. Reminding them of their flaws or past mistakes is like throwing water on a witch. They might deny it, blame someone else, or get super defensive.
13. Feeling rejected

Narcissists are terrified of rejection. It makes them feel like they’re not good enough. They’ll do whatever it takes to avoid it, even if it means manipulating, controlling, or ditching people who seem like a threat.
14. Being held accountable

Narcissists think they’re above the rules. Making them take responsibility for their actions? Forget about it. They’ll probably get defensive, blame someone else, or try to pretend it wasn’t a big deal.
15. Experiencing genuine intimacy

Narcissists have a hard time with real, close relationships. They might use people to get what they want, but they don’t really know how to connect on a deep level. True intimacy requires vulnerability and giving back, and that’s not really their style.
16. Ageing

Narcissists often think youth and beauty equal power and attention. Getting older can freak them out. They might deny it, try way too hard to look young, or focus on other ways to feel in control.