Growing up isn’t just about age; it’s about letting go of things that hold us back.

While it’s good to be young at heart, and you certainly don’t need to swear off the things you loved when you were younger, there are definitely some habits, mindsets, and patterns that make adulthood a bit harder. If you really want to give yourself the best chance of happiness and success, it’s time to leave these things behind.
1. Waiting for “the right time”

There’s rarely a perfect time to start something big or make a change. Waiting for ideal conditions often means missing out on chances that are right in front of you. Taking action despite the uncertainty helps you get closer to what you want. Sometimes, you have to jump in and figure things out as you go.
2. Needing approval from everyone

Constantly looking for other people’s approval can keep you from pursuing what’s truly meaningful to you. Not everyone will understand your choices, and that’s okay. Trusting your own judgment lets you live on your terms. Your life isn’t a group project—it’s yours to create.
3. Comparing yourself to other people

It’s easy to look around and feel like you’re behind or not good enough. But everyone has their own path, and comparison only adds unnecessary pressure. Focusing on your own progress brings a sense of peace and fulfilment. Life isn’t a race, and you’re exactly where you need to be.
4. Holding petty grudges

Grudges weigh you down and keep you stuck in the past. Carrying resentment makes it hard to move forward and enjoy what’s happening now. Letting go doesn’t mean forgetting—it means freeing yourself. Releasing old anger gives you more space for things that actually matter.
5. Making excuses for inaction

It’s easy to blame circumstances or tell yourself you’re not ready, but that mindset holds you back. Growth comes from trying, failing, and adjusting. Taking responsibility for your actions and choices lets you create the life you want. When you own your decisions, you step into true adulthood.
6. Living beyond your means

Trying to keep up with other people financially or spending without a plan can quickly lead to stress. Building financial stability, even in small steps, provides security and peace of mind. Living within your means doesn’t mean sacrificing happiness; it’s about being smart for your future.
7. Fear of failing

Fear of failure can keep you from even trying, but avoiding risk also means avoiding growth. Failure isn’t the end—it’s a learning experience. Letting go of that fear helps you take bolder steps and discover what’s possible. Success often follows the risks we’re willing to take.
8. Clinging to old identities

We all change, and sometimes, old labels or ways of seeing ourselves no longer fit. Holding on to a past version of yourself limits what you can become. Embracing change lets you grow into who you’re meant to be. You’re allowed to evolve beyond what you once were.
9. Seeking comfort over growth

Growth rarely happens in your comfort zone. While staying in familiar routines feels safe, it also keeps you from new experiences and challenges. Pushing yourself a little outside that zone builds confidence and resilience. True growth comes from embracing the unknown.
10. Refusing to have awkward but necessary conversations

Dodging tough discussions might seem easier, but it often creates bigger issues down the line. Being able to communicate openly, even when it’s uncomfortable, builds stronger relationships. Tackling issues head-on helps prevent misunderstandings and encourages real connections.
11. Worrying about things you can’t control

Obsessing over things outside your control only drains your energy. Focusing on what you can actually influence brings a sense of calm and direction. Letting go of unnecessary worries lets you put energy toward things that matter. Life feels lighter when you stop carrying what isn’t yours to hold.
12. Blaming other people for your problems

It’s easy to blame circumstances or other people when things go wrong, but this mindset holds you back. Taking responsibility for your own actions empowers you to make changes. Owning your part in situations helps you feel more in control of your life.
13. Staying in toxic relationships

Holding on to people who bring negativity or drain you emotionally only stunts your growth. Healthy relationships uplift and support you, while toxic ones hold you back. Letting go of toxic connections creates room for people who genuinely add to your life.
14. Expecting perfection from yourself

Perfectionism is a heavy burden to carry, and it often keeps you from starting or finishing things. Accepting that mistakes are part of learning lets you move forward without that pressure. Progress, not perfection, is what leads to real growth.
15. Fear of being vulnerable

Keeping walls up might feel protective, but it also keeps you isolated. Being open and vulnerable allows for deeper, more meaningful connections. Letting people in shows strength, not weakness. Vulnerability helps you build trust and find support.
16. Letting past failures define you

Everyone has setbacks, but they don’t have to define who you are or what you’re capable of. Dwelling on past mistakes keeps you stuck in regret and prevents new opportunities. Seeing failures as experiences, not labels, helps you grow beyond them.