No doubt, there’s at least one person in your life who seems to drain your energy and leave you feeling emotionally exhausted.

These “emotional vampires” come in many forms, each with their own draining tactics. The worst part is that you’re probably continuing to put up with them even though you know you’re way better off kicking them to the kerb. Here are 16 types to watch out for in your life. If they come along, get rid of them ASAP.
1. Someone who complains constantly

This person always has something to whine about. No matter what’s going on, they’ll find a way to make it negative. Sunny day? They’ll moan about the heat. Got a promotion? They’ll grumble about the extra responsibilities. Hanging out with them feels like being stuck in a never-ending pity party. They suck the joy out of every situation, leaving you feeling down and drained. The worst part? They rarely want solutions — they just want an audience for their misery.
2. A person who creates drama

Everything is a crisis for this person. They turn minor inconveniences into major catastrophes. A slight disagreement becomes World War III, a small mistake at work is suddenly a career-ending disaster. They thrive on chaos and seem to create it wherever they go. Being around them is exhausting because you’re constantly on edge, waiting for the next meltdown. They pull you into their dramatic world, making you feel responsible for managing their emotions.
3. Someone who makes you feel guilty

This emotional vampire is an expert at making you feel bad about yourself. They have a knack for twisting situations to make you feel guilty, even when you’ve done nothing wrong. “I guess you’re too busy to call your mother,” or “I wouldn’t have bought this if I knew you didn’t really want to see me” are their go-to phrases. They use guilt as a weapon to control your behaviour and decisions. After interacting with them, you’re left feeling like a terrible person, questioning your every action.
4. A person who always needs attention

This vampire craves the spotlight and will do anything to get it. They dominate conversations, steer topics back to themselves, and can’t stand it when they’re not the centre of attention. If you’re sharing good news, they’ll find a way to one-up you or change the subject. They might even create problems or illnesses to gain sympathy. Being around them is draining because you’re constantly catering to their need for attention, leaving no room for your own needs or feelings.
5. Someone who’s overly critical

Nothing is ever good enough for this person. They’re quick to point out flaws and slow to offer praise. Whether it’s your appearance, your work, or your life choices, they always have something negative to say. Their constant criticism chips away at your self-esteem and leaves you feeling inadequate. Even their “helpful” suggestions come across as judgmental. After spending time with them, you find yourself second-guessing everything you do.
6. A person who’s always the victim

This vampire sees themselves as perpetually wronged by the world. Every setback, no matter how small, is proof that life is unfair to them. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions, always blaming everyone else for their problems. Being around them is exhausting because they constantly crave sympathy and validation, draining your emotional energy. Their victim mentality can be contagious, leaving you feeling helpless and negative about your own life.
7. Someone who’s passive-aggressive

This person never says what they mean directly. Instead, they express their negative feelings through subtle digs, backhanded compliments, or “jokes” with a mean edge. They might give you the silent treatment when they’re upset, leaving you to guess what’s wrong. Their behaviour creates a tense atmosphere, where you’re always trying to decode their true feelings. It’s emotionally draining to constantly navigate their hidden agenda and unexpressed anger.
8. A person who gossips excessively

This vampire thrives on spreading rumours and talking behind other people’s backs. They always have the latest dirt on everyone and can’t wait to share it. While it might seem entertaining at first, their constant negativity about other people becomes draining. You start to wonder what they might be saying about you when you’re not around. Their gossip creates a toxic environment of mistrust and negativity, leaving you feeling guilty and on edge.
9. Someone who’s overly needy

This person seems incapable of doing anything on their own. They constantly ask for your advice, approval, or help with even the simplest tasks. They message you non-stop and get upset if you don’t respond immediately. Their neediness can make you feel responsible for their happiness and well-being. It’s exhausting to constantly prop them up emotionally, leaving little energy for your own life and needs.
10. A person who’s always jealous

This vampire can’t be happy about other people’s successes. They view life as a competition and feel threatened when anyone else does well. Their envy seeps into every interaction, making it hard to share good news or celebrate your achievements. They might try to downplay your successes or find ways to compete with you. Being around them leaves you feeling guilty for your own happiness and reluctant to share positive aspects of your life.
11. Someone who’s controlling

This person has a strong need to dictate how things should be done. They try to micromanage your decisions, from what you wear to how you spend your time. They often disguise their controlling behaviour as “helpful advice” or “looking out for you”. Being around them feels suffocating, as you’re constantly battling for your autonomy. Their need for control can leave you feeling doubtful of your own judgment and worn out from defending your choices.
12. A person who’s overly competitive

For this vampire, everything is a contest. They can’t enjoy activities without turning them into a competition. Even casual conversations become a chance to prove they’re smarter, funnier, or more successful. Their constant need to one-up everyone makes interactions feel like a battle. It’s exhausting to always be on guard, knowing they’ll find a way to turn any situation into a competition. Their behaviour can leave you feeling inadequate and drain the fun out of social interactions.
13. Someone who’s always negative

This person sees the world through a persistently gloomy lens. They can find the downside to any situation and are quick to point out why things won’t work. Their pessimism is contagious, making it hard to maintain your own positivity. After spending time with them, you might find your own outlook becoming more negative. Their constant doom and gloom can leave you feeling hopeless and drained of energy and optimism.
14. A person who doesn’t respect boundaries

This vampire has trouble understanding or respecting personal space and limits. They might show up uninvited, ask overly personal questions, or ignore your requests for privacy. They often overshare and expect the same from you, regardless of your comfort level. Dealing with them is exhausting because you’re constantly having to defend your boundaries. Their behaviour can leave you feeling invaded and stressed, always on guard to protect your personal space.
15. Someone who’s emotionally volatile

This person’s mood can change at the drop of a hat. One minute they’re laughing, the next they’re furious or in tears. Their emotional instability makes every interaction unpredictable and stressful. You find yourself walking on eggshells, never sure what might trigger their next mood swing. Being around them is emotionally draining, as you’re constantly trying to manage their feelings and brace for the next outburst.
16. Someone who’s always right (even when they’re clearly wrong)

This vampire can’t stand being wrong. They’ll argue their point to death, even in the face of clear evidence to the contrary. They have difficulty admitting mistakes or considering other viewpoints. Conversations with them often turn into debates or lectures. It’s exhausting to interact with someone who always needs to be right, as it leaves no room for open, balanced discussion. Their behaviour can leave you feeling frustrated, unheard, and drained from constant arguments.