17 Behaviours That Scream “Low IQ” Even In Generally Smart People


Sometimes even the smartest people make really dumb decisions.


Sadly, intelligence doesn’t guarantee that someone will never do things that make them look like total idiots. Here are some of the worst habits of people who might be really clever, but definitely don’t seem like it in the moment. Hopefully, they have the self-awareness to realise when they’ve gone wrong and can correct course!

1. Doubling down when they’re clearly wrong

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We all know that person who’d rather eat glass than admit they got something wrong. Even when you show them solid proof, they dig their heels in deeper. It’s like watching someone argue that the sky is green while standing outside on a clear day. Just say “my bad” and move on — it’s way less painful.

2. Taking everything as a personal attack


Someone disagrees with your take on a movie, and suddenly, it’s like they’ve insulted your entire family tree. We’ve all been there, but geez — it’s just an opinion about Thor. Your worth as a person doesn’t hang on whether people agree with your hot takes.

3. Sharing stuff without checking if it’s real

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You probably have at least one friend who shares every wild story that pops up on their feed. “Scientists discover dragons in Antarctica!” Cool story, but maybe spend 30 seconds googling before hitting share? It takes less time than writing “so true bestie” in the comments.

4. Letting feelings completely override facts

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Look, feelings are important, but maybe don’t bet your life savings on crypto just because your gut says it’s right. It’s that moment when emotion is in the driver’s seat and logic is locked in the boot. Sometimes you need to let your brain have a say too.

5. Thinking they know better than actual experts

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Sure, WebMD made you feel like a medical expert for five minutes, but maybe your doctor who studied for 12 years knows a thing or two. It’s wild watching someone with three YouTube videos worth of knowledge argue with someone who’s spent their life studying something.

6. Seeing everything as black or white

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Life’s messy and complicated, but some folks treat everything like it’s a superhero movie — pure good versus pure evil. Real life has way more gray areas than that. Sometimes there isn’t a clear right answer, and that’s just how it goes.

7. Throwing good money after bad

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We’ve all been there — you’ve already spent so much on something that’s not working out, but you keep going because “you’ve come this far.” Like trying to fix a car that’s worth less than the repairs. Sometimes you just gotta know when to fold ’em.

8. Thinking things are connected just because they happened together

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Did you wear your lucky socks and got a promotion? Cool, but probably not connected. It’s like saying ice cream causes swimming pool accidents because they both happen more in summer. Sometimes stuff just happens at the same time.

9. Writing off good ideas because they don’t like who said it

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That annoying coworker finally had a decent idea, but you’re still gonna shoot it down because… well, it’s them. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. Maybe the idea isn’t as bad as the person you hate-follow on social media.

10. Falling for smooth talkers

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Just because someone talks like they know everything doesn’t mean they do. That guy at the party speaking with absolute confidence about quantum physics might just be really good at sounding smart. Actions speak louder than a well-practised speech.

11. Making simple stuff sound complicated

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When someone uses ten-dollar words to explain a five-cent idea, they’re probably just showing off. If you can’t explain it to your friend over coffee without sounding like a textbook, you might not get it as well as you think.

12. Never owning up to mistakes

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There’s always that person with an excuse ready to go. The dog ate their homework, Mercury’s in retrograde, and the stars just weren’t aligned. Sometimes you just messed up, and that’s okay. We all do.

13. Following the herd off a cliff

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Everyone’s buying those weird moon boots? Guess you need them too! Sometimes stepping back and asking, “Wait, why am I doing this?” saves you from some questionable choices. Just because everyone’s jumping on a trend doesn’t make it smart.

14. Being too proud to ask questions

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Sitting there nodding along while having no clue what’s going on isn’t fooling anyone. Everyone’s lost sometimes — might as well speak up and learn something. Better to ask and know than stay quiet and stay confused.

15. Making fights personal

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Disagreeing about pizza toppings shouldn’t end in character assassination. When someone starts attacking you instead of your point, you know they’ve run out of actual arguments. Pineapple on pizza might be controversial, but it’s not that deep.

16. Missing the big picture

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It’s like being so focused on picking the perfect playlist that you forget you’re late to the party. Sometimes you need to zoom out and ask, “What am I actually trying to do here?” The details matter, but not if you’re heading in the wrong direction entirely.

17. Living in an echo chamber

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Only hanging out with people who think exactly like you is comfortable but kind of boring. It’s like only eating one flavour of ice cream forever — sure it’s your favourite, but you’re missing out on a whole lot of other good stuff out there.