17 Inconsiderate Things Men Do In Relationships That Drive Women Nuts

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Relationships are a wild ride, and they’re not always fun even in the best partnerships.

Let’s face it, men have a knack for doing some truly head-scratching things that can leave us women wondering if we’ve stumbled into an alternate universe. Here are some of the most common (and sometimes hilarious) inconsiderate habits that men seem to have mastered. Men, if you’re reading this, take heed.

1. You have a selective listening superpower.

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We get it, the game is on, or your favourite show is reaching a crucial point. But when we’re trying to share something important, and you suddenly develop a case of selective hearing, it’s beyond frustrating. Active listening is like a love language, guys. Nodding along occasionally or offering a genuine “That sounds tough” can go a long way in showing us you care.

2. You have a magical disappearing act when it comes to household chores.

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It’s like those dirty dishes and overflowing laundry baskets have an invisibility cloak, right? We’re not asking you to become cleaning superheroes, but a little teamwork goes a long way. Plus, it’s incredibly attractive when a guy rolls up his sleeves and tackles chores without being asked. Bonus points for doing the dishes without prompting!

3. You treat the toilet seat like a guessing game.

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This one’s a classic, but seriously, guys, it’s not that hard. A simple lift before you go, and a gentle put-down afterward can save us from a lot of unpleasant surprises in the middle of the night. We’re not asking for the moon here, just a little consideration for our behinds.

4. You have a secret language of grunts and monosyllabic responses.

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We understand that not everyone is a wordsmith, but when every question is met with a “huh?” or a “yeah,” it’s like trying to communicate with a caveman. We crave real conversations, not a game of charades. Share your thoughts, feelings, and dreams with us. It might surprise you how much closer we can become when you open up.

5. You’re a master of the lost sock phenomenon.

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Where do those socks disappear to? Is there a parallel sock universe we don’t know about? We’re not expecting you to become laundry experts overnight, but a little effort in keeping track of your socks (and maybe even learning how to do laundry) can save us from endless sock-matching frustration.

6. You think leaving clothes on the floor is an art form.

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We appreciate your unique fashion sense, but the floor is not a closet. Picking up your clothes and putting them in the hamper isn’t rocket science. It’s a simple gesture that shows respect for our shared space and saves us from tripping over your discarded jeans in the dark.

7. You transform into a human GPS when we’re driving.

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We’ve got this, guys. We don’t need a constant stream of backseat driving instructions. Trust us, we know how to get to our destination, even if we take a slightly different route. Let us enjoy the journey without feeling like we’re being monitored by a navigation system.

8. You have a mysterious aversion to asking for directions.

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We get it, the male ego is a delicate thing. But when we’re hopelessly lost and you refuse to ask for directions, it’s like a comedy skit gone wrong. We’d rather reach our destination a few minutes later than drive in circles for hours while you pretend to know where you’re going.

9. You have an uncanny ability to leave empty toilet paper rolls on the holder.

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It’s like a magic trick – the toilet paper disappears, but the empty roll remains! Seriously, guys, it takes two seconds to replace the roll. It’s a small act of kindness that shows you’re not living in a self-centred bubble and that you care about our bathroom experience.

10. You think every conversation is a competition.

Dmytro Adamov

We love a good debate as much as the next person, but when every conversation turns into a battle for who’s right, it gets exhausting. Sometimes, we just want to share our thoughts and feelings without feeling like we’re being cross-examined. Remember, relationships are about connection, not conquest.

11. You have a phobia of throwing away old, worn-out clothes.

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That holey t-shirt from college might hold sentimental value, but it’s not exactly a fashion statement. We’re not saying you need to overhaul your entire wardrobe, but a little decluttering can go a long way. Plus, it opens up space for new clothes – maybe even something we picked out for you!

12. You leave your beard trimmings all over the sink.

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We admire a well-groomed beard, but the aftermath of your trimming session can resemble a miniature forest fire. A quick wipe-down of the sink afterward is a small gesture that shows you care about keeping our shared space clean and tidy. It’s like a mini-spa treatment for the bathroom!

13. You become a remote control hog during TV time.

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Sharing is caring, guys. We don’t mind whether you want to watch your favourite sports game or action film, but give us a chance to choose the program sometimes too. A little compromise goes a long way in making sure both of our entertainment needs are met.

14. You have a knack for forgetting important dates and anniversaries.

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We understand that not everyone has a photographic memory, but when you forget our birthday or our anniversary, it hurts. These are special moments in our relationship, and remembering them shows us that you value us and the time we’ve spent together. Set reminders on your phone or write it down in your calendar – whatever it takes to show us you care.

15. You turn into a zombie when you’re hungry.

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We all get hangry from time to time, but when your hunger turns you into a grumpy, monosyllabic monster, it’s not exactly endearing. Communicate with us when you’re feeling hungry and let’s figure out a snack or meal solution together. We’re a team, remember?

16. You leave your dirty dishes in the sink “to soak.”

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We appreciate your good intentions, but leaving dishes to soak for days on end is not the way to go. It just creates a breeding ground for bacteria and a not-so-pleasant smell. A quick rinse and a trip to the dishwasher is all it takes to keep the kitchen clean and sanitary.

17. You have an aversion to PDA.

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Not everyone is comfortable with public displays of affection, and that’s perfectly fine. But a little hand-holding, a quick kiss, or a gentle hug can go a long way in making us feel loved and appreciated. It’s a small gesture that shows the world (and us) that you’re proud to be with us.