Ever wondered what makes someone more likely to end up on the wrong side of the law?

It’s not as simple as good vs. bad, is it? There’s a whole mishmash of personality traits that might push someone towards dodgy behaviour. Here are some of these characteristics — obviously, having these traits doesn’t automatically make someone a criminal, but they very well might!
1. They’ve got an extremely short fuse.

Some people fly off the handle at the drop of a hat. If someone’s always ready to kick off over the smallest things, they might struggle to keep their cool when faced with real problems. Their hair-trigger temper can lead to fights, property damage, or worse. It’s hard to stay on the right side of the law when you’re always seeing red.
2. They’re allergic to following rules.

We all bend the rules sometimes, but some people take it to a whole new level. They see rules as challenges to be overcome, not guidelines to follow. Whether it’s nicking stuff from work or speeding through red lights, they get a kick out of breaking the rules. This constant pushing of boundaries can easily slide into proper illegal territory.
3. They think the world owes them a living.

You know the type — always banging on about how unfair life is and how they deserve more. This sense of entitlement can make people feel justified in taking what they want, even if it means breaking the law. If they think society’s cheated them, they might see crime as a way of evening the score.
4. They’re proper impulsive.

Some people act first and think later — if they think at all. This shoot-from-the-hip approach might be exciting, but it’s a recipe for trouble. When you’re not considering the consequences of your actions, it’s dead easy to end up doing something illegal without even meaning to. One rash decision can lead to a world of bother.
5. They’ve got no empathy.

Imagine going through life without caring about how other people feel. That’s the reality for some people, and their lack of empathy makes it easier to hurt people or take advantage of them. If you don’t care about the impact of your actions on other people, what’s to stop you from breaking the law?
6. They’re addicted to the thrill.

For some people, life’s all about the next adrenaline rush. They’re always chasing that buzz, pushing boundaries to feel alive. While this might start with relatively harmless stuff, it can escalate. The need for bigger and bigger thrills can lead them down a slippery slope into proper illegal activities.
7. They can’t handle being told “no”.

We’ve all met someone who throws their toys out of the pram when they don’t get their way. But for some, this goes beyond a bit of sulking. They might resort to manipulation, threats, or even violence to get what they want. Their inability to accept rejection or disappointment can lead to all sorts of criminal behaviour.
8. They’re always playing the blame game.

Some people are champions at dodging responsibility. Nothing’s ever their fault — it’s always someone else to blame. This refusal to take responsibility for their actions can make it easier to justify criminal behaviour. After all, if it’s never their fault, why should they feel guilty about breaking the law?
9. They’ve got a chip on their shoulder about authority.

A healthy scepticism of authority is one thing, but some people take it to the extreme. They see all forms of authority as the enemy, whether it’s the police, the government, or even their boss. The constant state of rebellion they exist in can easily spill over into law-breaking behaviour as a way of sticking it to the man.
10. They’re proper paranoid.

Living in a constant state of suspicion can make anyone a bit crazy. Some people are always looking over their shoulder, convinced everyone’s out to get them. This paranoia can lead to pre-emptive actions that cross legal lines, all in the name of self-protection against imagined threats.
11. They’ve got a wonky moral compass.

Most of us have a pretty clear idea of right and wrong, but some people’s moral compass is all over the shop. They might justify stealing as “borrowing” or see violence as a valid problem-solving tool. When your sense of ethics is this flexible, it’s easy to rationalise all sorts of illegal behaviour.
12. They’re addicted to living on the edge.

Some people get their kicks from constantly pushing boundaries. They’re not happy unless they’re walking a tightrope between legal and illegal. Their insistence on constantly flirting with danger can easily tip over into full-blown criminal activity. It’s like they’re daring the law to catch them.
13. They’ve got a desperate need for attention.

We all like a bit of attention now and then, but some people crave it like oxygen. They’ll do anything to be the centre of attention, even if it means breaking the law. Whether it’s vandalism, public disturbances, or more serious crimes, they’re after that spotlight, no matter the cost.
14. They can’t handle boredom.

Some people just can’t stand being bored. They need constant stimulation and excitement. When life gets too quiet, they might turn to illegal activities to spice things up. It’s not about the money or even the thrill sometimes — it’s just about doing something, anything, to break the monotony.
15. They’ve got a warped sense of loyalty.

Loyalty’s generally a good trait, but it can go too far. Some people are so devoted to their friends or family that they’ll do anything for them, including breaking the law. Whether it’s covering up a crime or getting involved in dodgy dealings, their misplaced loyalty can lead them down a dark path.
16. They’re always chasing the next big score.

For some, life’s all about getting rich quick. They’re not interested in the slow and steady approach — they want it all, and they want it now. This get-rich-quick mentality can lead to all sorts of illegal schemes and scams. They’re so focused on the payoff that they don’t care about the legality of their actions.
17. They’ve got a serious case of FOMO.

Fear of missing out isn’t just about social media these days. Some people are so terrified of missing out on life experiences that they’ll do anything to keep up. If their mates are living large through illegal means, they might jump on the bandwagon just to feel included. It’s peer pressure on steroids, and it can lead to some proper dodgy decisions.