17 Phrases Only Genuinely Smart People Use During An Argument

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Arguments can be heated, emotional, and sometimes even downright unpleasant.

But for genuinely smart people, arguments are not about winning or losing. They’re an opportunity to learn, understand different perspectives, and potentially find common ground. This approach requires a specific set of communication skills and a willingness to engage in respectful dialogue. So, how do you argue like a genuinely smart person? Here are 17 phrases that can leave a lasting positive impression.

1. “I understand your perspective, but I see it differently.”

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This acknowledges the other person’s viewpoint while also asserting your own. It shows that you’re willing to listen and consider their perspective, even if you don’t necessarily agree with it. This creates an atmosphere of mutual respect and openness, which is essential for productive dialogue.

2. “Can you explain why you feel that way?”

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Asking for clarification shows that you’re genuinely interested in understanding the other person’s reasoning. It encourages them to elaborate on their thoughts and feelings, which can lead to a deeper understanding of the issue at hand. This also demonstrates that you’re not just interested in winning the argument, but in finding a mutually beneficial solution.

3. “I apologise if I misunderstood you. Could you clarify what you meant?”

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Misunderstandings are common in arguments, and acknowledging them can help de-escalate the situation. By apologising and asking for clarification, you show that you’re willing to take responsibility for your own mistakes and that you value clear communication. This can create a more positive and constructive environment for dialogue.

4. “I see your point, and I’d like to add…”

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This acknowledges the validity of the other person’s argument while also allowing you to introduce your own perspective. It’s a respectful way to disagree and can lead to a more nuanced discussion. By building on each other’s ideas, you can potentially arrive at a solution that incorporates both viewpoints.

5. “I’m open to hearing your thoughts on this.”

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This signals a willingness to listen and learn from the other person. It shows that you value their opinion and are open to being persuaded by their arguments. This open-mindedness can help make your conversation a lot more productive (and a lot less painful).

6. “Let’s focus on the facts and evidence.”

Daniel Ingold

In any argument, it’s important to base your claims on factual information and evidence. By focusing on the facts, you can avoid getting sidetracked by emotions or personal attacks. This helps to keep the discussion grounded in reality and can lead to more informed and rational decision-making.

7. “I value our relationship and want to find a solution that works for both of us.”

Philipp Nemenz

Reminding the other person that you value your relationship can help to de-escalate the situation and create a more positive atmosphere. It shows that you’re not just interested in winning the argument, but in finding a solution that benefits both parties. This collaborative approach can strengthen your relationship and lead to a more positive outcome.

8. “Let’s take a break and come back to this later when we’ve had time to cool down.”

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Sometimes, arguments can become heated and unproductive. Taking a break can give everyone a chance to cool down, reflect on their emotions, and come back to the discussion with a clearer head. This can prevent the argument from escalating and allows for a more productive and respectful conversation when you resume.

9. “What I hear you saying is…”


This demonstrates active listening, a crucial skill in any productive argument. By summarising the other person’s point in your own words, you ensure that you’ve understood them correctly and avoid misinterpretations. This also allows them to clarify any points you might have missed, making the conversation fairer.

10. “I’m curious about your reasoning behind that statement.”

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Asking for clarification about the reasoning behind a statement can help you understand the underlying assumptions and values driving the other person’s argument. This can lead to a deeper understanding of the issue and potentially reveal common ground that you can build upon.

11. “I’m not trying to be confrontational, but I disagree with you on this point.”


This softens the blow of disagreement by explicitly stating your intention to be respectful. It acknowledges that disagreement is not personal and can help to maintain a positive tone even when discussing contentious issues.

12. “Let’s agree to disagree on this point and move on.”


Sometimes, reaching a consensus on every issue is simply not possible. In such cases, it’s okay to agree to disagree and move on to other aspects of the discussion. This shows maturity and a willingness to prioritise the overall conversation over individual points of contention.

13. “I appreciate you sharing your perspective with me.”

Source: Pexels
Pexels/Alexander Suhorucov

Expressing gratitude for the other person’s willingness to share their thoughts and feelings can go a long way in building rapport and creating a positive atmosphere. It shows that you value their input, even if you don’t necessarily agree with it.

14. “I’m willing to compromise if you are.”

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Compromise is often the key to resolving disagreements. By expressing your willingness to compromise, you demonstrate a flexible and collaborative approach. This can encourage the other person to reciprocate and can lead to a mutually agreeable solution.

15. “Let’s brainstorm some potential solutions together.”

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Shifting the focus from the disagreement itself to finding solutions can be a productive way to move forward. By brainstorming together, you can tap into each other’s creativity and potentially discover options that neither of you had considered individually.

16. “I’m not interested in being right, I’m interested in finding the truth.”

Source: Unsplash

This highlights the importance of seeking truth over simply winning an argument. It shows that you’re willing to be wrong if it means getting closer to the truth. This humble and open-minded approach can create a more collaborative and productive conversation.

17. “I value your opinion, even if we don’t always agree.”

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This reinforces the importance of respecting different perspectives. It acknowledges that disagreement is not a threat to the relationship and can actually strengthen it by promoting open communication and understanding. By valuing each other’s opinions, you create a safe space for dialogue and exploration of ideas.