17 Reasons Why Everyone Is Saying “I Appreciate You”

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“I appreciate you” has become the phrase du jour, popping up in texts, emails, and casual conversations.

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It seems pretty straightforward in meaning — someone did something nice for you, so you let them know you appreciate it. However, that doesn’t explain why it’s so popular and why it seems to have replaced a basic “thanks” across the board. Here are a few reasons for the shift.

1. It’s a step up from a basic “thank you”.


While “thank you” acknowledges a specific action, “I appreciate you” goes further. It recognises the person’s inherent value, not just what they’ve done. Given that so many people often feel like cogs in a machine, appreciation helps people feel seen and valued for who they are, not just for their actions or productivity.

2. It’s a buffer against the digital disconnect.

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As more of our interactions move online, there’s a growing need for ways to maintain human connection. “I appreciate you” serves as a digital hug of sorts, bridging the emotional gap that can develop when we’re not face-to-face. It adds a personal touch to our increasingly screen-based communications.

3. It’s a response to increased awareness of mental health issues.

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With mental health becoming less of a taboo topic, people are more conscious of the impact their words can have. “I appreciate you” is a simple way to boost someone’s mood and self-esteem. It’s a small gesture that can make a big difference in someone’s day, especially for those struggling with mental health challenges.

4. It aligns with the push for more emotional intelligence in the workplace.

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Companies are recognising the importance of emotional intelligence, and this phrase fits right in. It’s professional yet personal, making it perfect for work environments where people want to build stronger, more authentic relationships with colleagues without crossing boundaries. It’s a way to humanise workplace interactions.

5. It’s a counter to “cancel culture”.


In an era where public shaming and “cancelling” are commonplace, “I appreciate you” stands out as a positive affirmation. It’s a way of building people up rather than tearing them down, offering a refreshing change from the often harsh climate of social media and public discourse.

6. It reflects a shift towards valuing emotional labour.

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There’s growing recognition of emotional labour — the often invisible work of managing feelings and relationships. “I appreciate you” acknowledges this unseen effort. It’s a way of saying “I see the effort you’re putting in, even if it’s not tangible”, which is particularly meaningful in personal relationships and care-giving roles.

7. It’s a tool for practising mindfulness and gratitude.

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With the rise of mindfulness and gratitude practices, people are more intentional about expressing positive feelings. “I appreciate you” is a natural extension of this trend. It encourages people to pause and recognise the value other people bring to their lives, encouraging a more positive and appreciative mindset.

8. It’s a response to increased loneliness and isolation.

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In a world where loneliness is on the rise, especially post-pandemic, “I appreciate you” serves as a connector. It’s a way of reaching out and reinforcing social bonds, reminding people that they matter and are valued. This simple phrase can help combat feelings of isolation and disconnection.

9. It’s part of the movement towards more authentic communication.

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There’s a growing desire for authenticity in our interactions. “I appreciate you” feels more genuine and heartfelt than more formal or generic expressions of gratitude. It’s a way of cutting through social niceties to express a real, personal sentiment, which resonates with the current push for more honest and open communication.

10. It’s a tool for conflict resolution and relationship repair.

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In tense situations or after disagreements, “I appreciate you” can be a powerful olive branch. It reminds both parties of the value they see in each other, beyond the current conflict. This phrase can help de-escalate tensions and pave the way for more constructive conversations and reconciliation.

11. It’s a response to “hustle culture” burnout.

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As people push back against the pressures of constant productivity and “hustle culture”, “I appreciate you” offers a different perspective. It values a person’s being over their doing, countering the idea that worth is tied solely to achievement or output. It’s a small rebellion against the cult of busyness.

12. It’s a way to practice vulnerability.

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Expressing appreciation can feel vulnerable, especially in cultures where emotional expressiveness isn’t the norm. Saying “I appreciate you” is a way to practice emotional openness in a relatively low-stakes manner. It’s part of a broader movement towards embracing vulnerability as a strength, not a weakness.

13. It’s a tool for building inclusive environments.

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In diverse workplaces and communities, “I appreciate you” is a universal expression that transcends cultural differences. It’s a simple way to make people feel valued and included, regardless of their background. This inclusivity aligns with growing efforts to create more welcoming and diverse spaces.

14. It’s a response to information overload.

male and female colleaguesSource: Unsplash

In a world of constant notifications and information bombardment, “I appreciate you” cuts through the noise. It’s a clear, simple message that doesn’t require decoding or lengthy explanation. This directness is refreshing in an era where communication can often feel overwhelming or convoluted.

15. It’s part of the self-care movement.

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The self-care trend isn’t just about treating yourself — it’s also about creating a more positive environment. Expressing appreciation is a form of emotional self-care, as it fosters positive relationships and a more optimistic outlook. Saying “I appreciate you” can boost the mood of both the giver and receiver.

16. It’s a way to combat impostor syndrome.

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With impostor syndrome being widely discussed, especially in professional settings, “I appreciate you” can be a powerful antidote. It provides external validation that can help counter self-doubt. Hearing that you’re appreciated can help reinforce your sense of belonging and worthiness in various contexts.

17. It’s a reflection of changing communication norms.

two men talking outsideSource: Unsplash

As language evolves, so do our expressions of emotion. “I appreciate you” represents a shift towards more direct emotional expression. It’s part of a broader trend where people are becoming more comfortable with openly expressing feelings and affirmations, breaking down traditional barriers of formality and emotional restraint.