Sometimes one of the hardest truths in relationships is that your partner loves you, but just not enough.

That doesn’t make them wrong, it just means that you view and express love differently. While that’s okay, it’s often heartbreaking to realise, especially since it pretty much means the end of the relationship. Here are some signs that your partner definitely cares about you, just not in the way they should (or you want them to).
1. They make plans without considering you.

They’ll tell you about their weekend plans after they’ve made them. Your schedule never factors into their decisions. They don’t think to check if you’re free or interested. Important dates get booked without asking your input. You’re always expected to fit into their plans, rather than being part of making them.
2. They only show up when it’s convenient.

When things are easy, they’re all in. The moment you need support that requires effort, they’ve got excuses. They’re there for the good times but disappear during tough moments. Their comfort always comes before your needs. You can predict their availability based on how much work it requires of them.
3. They keep your relationship private.

Your relationship status stays unclear to other people. They avoid posting about you on social media, and meeting their friends or family keeps getting delayed. They’ve got endless reasons why now isn’t the right time to go public. You feel like their secret rather than their partner, and their excuses are wearing thin.
4. They dodge conversations about the future.

Any talk about tomorrow gets shut down or brushed off. They keep things vague when discussing plans beyond next week. Long-term commitments make them visibly uncomfortable. They change the subject when you bring up future goals. Your relationship stays stuck in an endless “right now” phase while they avoid real promises.
5. They put minimal effort into special occasions.

Birthdays and anniversaries get basic acknowledgment at best. They grab last-minute gifts without much thought. Special dates often slip their mind completely. They make you feel demanding for wanting celebrations. Your important moments get treated like inconvenient obligations rather than chances to show love.
6. They keep their options visibly open.

They maintain suspiciously close friendships with exes. Their dating apps mysteriously stay active. They flirt with other people right in front of you, then call these behaviours “harmless” or “friendly.” Your concerns about their wandering attention get dismissed as insecurity.
7. They never fight for the relationship.

Every problem becomes your problem to fix. They let arguments fade without resolution. They choose peace over progress every time. They watch you struggle to make things work alone. Their comfort matters more than actually solving relationship issues.
8. They give bare minimum responses.

Your messages get one-word replies hours later. Conversations feel one-sided and draining. They rarely ask about your day or feelings. Their responses lack any real engagement or interest. You find yourself doing all the heavy lifting in your communications.
9. They prioritise everything else first.

Work, friends, hobbies — everything ranks higher than you. They spend their best energy elsewhere. Quality time together only happens if nothing better comes up. They give you their leftover time and attention. You’re always last on their list of priorities.
10. They keep emotional distance.

Deep conversations get avoided or shut down. They hold back from sharing real feelings. Emotional intimacy makes them pull away fast. They keep their guard up even after months together. You know more about their daily coffee order than their hopes and fears.
11. They don’t notice your efforts.

Your thoughtful gestures go unacknowledged. They take your care for granted. Special things you do get treated as expected. They never reciprocate your level of attention. Your efforts to make them feel loved become another unremarkable part of their day.
12. They forget important details about you.

Basic facts about your life slip their mind repeatedly. They mix up important dates and preferences. Your stories get forgotten or confused. They make the same questions about your life multiple times. Someone who claims to love you can’t remember things that matter to you.
13. They don’t protect your feelings.

They make jokes at your expense in public. Your insecurities become casual conversation topics, and they share private details with other people freely. Your emotional boundaries get ignored regularly. They act surprised when their careless words or actions hurt you.
14. They’re stingy with affection.

Physical affection only happens when they want something. They dodge your attempts at closeness. Public displays of affection are always refused. They keep physical distance in social settings. Your need for simple touch gets treated like a burden.
15. They don’t include you in decisions.

Major life choices get made without your input. They inform rather than consult you about changes. Your opinion doesn’t factor into their choices. They make moves that affect you both unilaterally. You’re left dealing with the impact of decisions you never got to discuss.
16. They keep you at arm’s length from their life.

Parts of their world stay completely off-limits to you. They maintain strict boundaries about their personal space. You’re not welcome in certain aspects of their life. They keep their world carefully separated from yours. After all this time, you still feel like an outsider in their life.
17. They never make you feel secure.

You’re always guessing where you stand with them. Their commitment feels conditional and shaky. They keep you wondering about their feelings. Your relationship status feels uncertain even months in. You can’t shake the feeling that they’ve got one foot out the door already.