17 Subtle Signs Someone Might Have A Problem With You

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Sometimes, people aren’t straight with us about their feelings. They might have an issue but don’t come out and say it. Picking up on these subtle cues can help you address problems before they get out of hand. Here are 17 signs that someone might not be your biggest fan.

1. They give you the cold shoulder with short replies.

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When someone’s always giving you one-word answers or barely responding, it’s often a sign something’s up. They might be trying to keep you at arm’s length without directly saying there’s a problem.

2. Their body language screams, “stay away.”

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Watch for crossed arms, turned away shoulders, or minimal eye contact when you’re around. Our bodies often spill the beans even when our mouths stay shut.

3. They’re the king or queen of last-minute cancellations.

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We all have to bail sometimes, but if someone’s always giving you the “something came up” line, they might be dodging you. It’s an easy way out of spending time with someone without confrontation.

4. You’re mysteriously left out of group plans.

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Finding out about get-togethers after the fact? If it happens once, it might be an oversight. If it’s a pattern, you’re probably being sidelined on purpose.

5. Their tone changes when talking to you.

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Listen for a shift in how they speak to you versus everyone else. A suddenly chilly or overly formal tone is often a giveaway that something’s off.

6. They never reach out first anymore.

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If you’re always the one initiating contact, it might mean they’re not as invested in keeping the relationship going. It’s a passive way of creating distance.

7. They talk over you like you’re not even there.

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Constantly being interrupted is frustrating and often disrespectful. If someone’s always cutting you off, they might not value what you have to say.

8. They keep their distance… literally.

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Notice if someone always seems to back away when you approach or chooses the seat furthest from you. This physical avoidance often mirrors emotional discomfort.

9. Their compliments come with a side of sting.

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Beware of backhanded compliments like “You’re so brave to wear that!” These sneaky jabs are often masked criticism.

10. They’re two-faced: nice to you, not-so-nice behind your back.

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If you hear that someone’s tune changes when you’re not around, it’s a red flag. It shows they’re not being genuine with you face-to-face.

11. Your good news is met with crickets.

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When someone can’t muster up enthusiasm for your achievements, it might signal some underlying negativity or jealousy.

12. They poke at your soft spots.

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If someone often makes “jokes” that hit a little too close to home, they might be taking subtle digs at you on purpose.

13. They’re suddenly super formal with you.

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An unexpected switch to overly polite language can be a way of putting up walls. It’s like they’re treating you like a stranger.

14. Their eye contact is off.

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Either avoiding your gaze completely or staring you down can signal discomfort or hostility. Both extremes are worth noting.

15. They’re always ready to prove you wrong.

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If someone’s constantly fact-checking you or questioning everything you say, they might be trying to undermine you.

16. They mock your mannerisms.

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Subtle mimicking, especially if it’s slightly exaggerated, can be a form of mockery. It’s like they’re poking fun at your quirks.

17. They zoom in on your mistakes.

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Someone who’s always quick to point out your errors might be harbouring some negative feelings. It’s like they’re keeping a tally of your slip-ups.