17 Things You’ll Only Hear From A Toxic Colleague

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Working with someone who’s toxic can make every day at the office (or wherever you’re employed) absolutely miserable.

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You just want to go and do your job, but they seem to do everything in their power to make those eight hours a day way harder than they have to be. If you’ve ever worked with someone like this, chances are you’ve heard more than a few of these things come out of their mouth on a regular basis.

1. “I’m just being honest.”

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This is often used to justify cruel or unnecessary comments. A toxic colleague might say something hurtful and then hide behind the guise of “honesty.” They clearly don’t understand the fact that kindness and truth can coexist. By couching their insults or rude comments in “truth”, they can avoid taking responsibility for being an absolute jerk (at least in their own head).

2. “That’s not my job.”

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While it’s important to have clear job roles, a toxic colleague tends to say this to get out of helping anyone or contributing to team projects. They’re often the first to complain when other people don’t help them, though. Their attitude shows a lack of team spirit and flexibility, which can drag down the whole workplace.

3. “I don’t get paid enough for this.”

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We all sometimes feel undervalued, but people like this constantly complain about their pay, especially when asked to do anything that requires any level of effort.  They might even use this as an excuse for poor performance or to avoid responsibilities. It creates a negative atmosphere and can be demoralising for the whole team.

4. “I could do your job with my eyes closed.”

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This braggy (and likely untrue) statement belittles other people’s hard work and skills, and it’s usually used by toxic people to make themselves look superior or to undermine their coworkers. It shows a lack of respect for what other people bring to the table, and can create unnecessary competition in the workplace.

5. “Don’t tell anyone, but…”

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Toxic colleagues often love to gossip and spread rumours. They might try to make you feel special by sharing “secrets”, but they’re likely telling everyone else too. The worst part is that this behaviour creates distrust and division in the workplace. It’s a manipulative tactic to gain allies or stir up drama.

6. “It’s not fair that they got the promotion.”

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Instead of congratulating people when their hard work pays off, a toxic colleague will often complain about the so-called injustices they’re on the receiving end of. They might imply that favouritism or unfair practices are at play, rather than acknowledging other people’s skills and dedication. In the end, the team ends up full of resentment and negativity.

7. “I’m just playing devil’s advocate.”

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It’s good to consider all sides of an argument, but toxic people say this just to be contrary or argumentative. That’s because they actually enjoy stirring up drama or proving people wrong, rather than contributing constructively to discussions. It can derail productive conversations and create unnecessary tension.

8. “That’s just how I am. Deal with it.”

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This shows a complete lack of willingness to improve or consider other people’s feelings. A toxic colleague uses it to justify their bad behaviour without taking responsibility for how it affects the people around them. It’s a way of refusing to grow or adapt in a professional environment.

9. “You’re too sensitive.”

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When called out on their behaviour, they’ll try to flip the script and make you the problem. This gaslighting tactic dismisses your valid concerns and emotions. If they can blame you for something that’s clearly their problem, then they don’t have to take responsibility and change.

10. “I’ve been here longer, so I know better.”

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Toxic people love to use their seniority at the job to shut down new ideas or assert dominance. They resist change and innovation, preferring to stick to “how things have always been done”. Of course, all this accomplishes is holding everyone back and standing in the way of productivity.

11. “I’m not here to make friends.”

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What is this, a reality TV show? While work isn’t all about socialising, that kind of attitude shows a lack of interest in creating a good work environment. A toxic colleague who says this often creates an unnecessarily cold or hostile atmosphere. They might even use it as an excuse for their unfriendly or uncooperative behaviour.

12. “You got lucky with that project.”

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Instead of acknowledging other people’s hard work and skills, a toxic colleague attributes their success to luck or networking. This undermines their coworkers’ achievements and can be incredibly demoralising. They need to feel better about their own insecurities, so they diminish other people to do so.

13. “I’ll probably end up doing it myself anyway.”

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This passive-aggressive comment suggests that other people are incompetent and they’re the only one who knows how to do things right. A toxic colleague usually says this to avoid delegating or to make other people feel inadequate. It shows a lack of trust in team members and can create a self-fulfilling prophecy where everyone else just… stops trying.

14. “I don’t have time for training.”

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They use this excuse to avoid helping new team members or learning new skills themselves. They see sharing knowledge as a threat rather than a way to strengthen the team. Sadly, this kind of attitude can destroy the growth and development of the entire department.

15. “That’s above my pay grade.”

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While it’s important to respect job boundaries, toxic people use this gem to avoid taking on any additional responsibilities or showing initiative. They’re often resistant to growth opportunities and can hold back the team’s progress as a result. It shows a lack of ambition and willingness to contribute to the bigger picture.

16. “I’m just keeping my head down until retirement.”

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This attitude shows a complete lack of engagement and commitment to the job. Anyone who says this has clearly mentally checked out and is likely not putting in their best effort. Their apathy can be contagious and demoralising for more motivated team members.

17. “You should be grateful to have this job.”

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A toxic colleague often says this to shut down valid concerns or suggestions for improvement. It implies that you should accept poor conditions or unfair treatment without complaint. As a result, it can turn into a fear-based environment where people are actually afraid to speak up, and that’s just not right.