Navigating relationships with narcissists can be tricky.
Their self-centred nature and manipulative tactics can leave you feeling confused and frustrated. But once you’re onto their game, you’ll start noticing subtle cues that give away their true intentions. Armed with the right words, you can set boundaries, protect yourself, and maybe even make them reconsider their behaviour. Here are some phrases that let a narcissist know you’re not falling for their BS anymore.
1. “I hear what you’re saying, but my experience is different.”

Narcissists often try to invalidate your feelings or experiences to maintain control. By calmly stating your perspective, you’re asserting your reality and refusing to be gaslit. This simple phrase reminds them that your thoughts and emotions are valid, regardless of their attempts to diminish them.
2. “I appreciate your opinion, but I’ll make my own decision.”

Narcissists thrive on controlling people and often offer unsolicited advice or try to manipulate your choices. By acknowledging their opinion but asserting your autonomy, you show them that you’re capable of independent thought and won’t be swayed by their tactics.
3. “I need some time to process this.”

When confronted with a narcissist’s manipulative behaviour, it’s easy to get caught up in their emotional whirlwind. Taking a step back and creating space for yourself allows you to gain clarity and respond from a place of calm and reason, rather than reacting impulsively.
4. “I’m not comfortable with how you’re speaking to me.”

Narcissists often use aggressive or demeaning language to undermine your confidence. By directly addressing their disrespectful behaviour, you’re setting boundaries and refusing to tolerate their mistreatment. This can catch them off guard and force them to reconsider their approach.
5. “I’m responsible for my own actions, and you’re responsible for yours.”

Narcissists love to play the blame game, deflecting responsibility for their mistakes onto other people. By clearly stating this phrase, you’re reminding them that they can’t manipulate you into taking the fall for their shortcomings. It also emphasises personal accountability, a concept they often struggle with.
6. “I’m not going to engage in this conversation anymore.”

Narcissists thrive on conflict and drama. If a conversation becomes unproductive or toxic, disengaging is a powerful way to regain control. By refusing to participate in their manipulative games, you’re putting yourself first and denying them the attention they crave.
7. “I value honesty and respect in my relationships.”

This seemingly simple statement can be incredibly impactful when dealing with a narcissist. It reminds them that you expect a certain level of integrity and won’t tolerate their dishonesty or manipulative tactics. It also serves as a gentle nudge to reevaluate their behaviour if they want to maintain a relationship with you.
8. “I’m focusing on my own needs and well-being right now.”

Narcissists tend to put their own needs and desires above everyone else’s. By shifting the focus to your own self-care and personal growth, you’re reclaiming your power and sending a clear message that you won’t be their emotional punching bag. It also allows you to break free from their codependent grasp and prioritise your own happiness.
9. “That might be your truth, but it’s not mine.”

Narcissists often project their own insecurities and flaws onto other people. They may accuse you of being selfish, insensitive, or manipulative, even when their behaviour reflects those very traits. By stating this phrase, you’re gently but firmly rejecting their projections and asserting your own reality. It can help them see the disconnect between their words and their actions.
10. “I’m not interested in playing games.”

Narcissists love to play mind games to maintain power and control. They might withhold affection, send mixed signals, or create drama to keep you hooked. By clearly stating your disinterest in their manipulative tactics, you’re setting a boundary and refusing to participate in their toxic patterns. This can be a wake-up call for them to either change their behaviour or risk losing you.
11. “I’m not responsible for your happiness.”

Narcissists often expect everyone to cater to their every whim and fulfil their emotional needs. They may guilt-trip you or make you feel responsible for their happiness. By stating this phrase, you’re drawing a healthy boundary and reminding them that you’re not their emotional crutch. It can encourage them to take ownership of their own well-being.
12. “I deserve to be treated with respect and kindness.”

Narcissists often belittle and devalue people to boost their own ego. They may criticise your appearance, achievements, or personality. By affirming your self-worth and setting a clear expectation for respectful treatment, you’re empowering yourself and refusing to tolerate their negativity. It can also challenge them to reassess their behaviour.
13. “I won’t apologise for something I didn’t do.”

Narcissists often try to manipulate you into apologising for their mistakes or for simply having your own needs and boundaries. They may twist your words or gaslight you into believing you’re at fault. By refusing to accept unwarranted blame, you’re standing up for yourself and asserting your integrity. This can be a powerful way to break their cycle of manipulation.
14. “I’m allowed to have my own opinions and feelings.”

Narcissists often try to control your thoughts and emotions by telling you what to think or feel. They may dismiss your concerns, invalidate your opinions, or mock your feelings. By asserting your right to have your own thoughts and emotions, you’re reclaiming your independence and refusing to be controlled by their narrative.
15. “I need some space right now.”

When dealing with a narcissist, it’s important to prioritise your own mental and emotional health. If you’re feeling overwhelmed or drained by their behaviour, taking a break can be a crucial self-care strategy. By creating distance, you give yourself time to recharge and gain perspective. It also sends a clear message that their behaviour is unacceptable, and you won’t tolerate it.
16. “I choose to surround myself with positive and supportive people.”

Narcissists often isolate their victims from loved ones and create a toxic environment where they have complete control. By prioritising healthy relationships and surrounding yourself with positive people, you’re breaking free from their grip and creating a support system that can empower you to thrive. It also shows the narcissist that you won’t tolerate their negativity, and you have other options.
17. “I’m not perfect, and I don’t expect you to be either.”

Narcissists often hold themselves to unrealistic standards of perfection and project those expectations onto other people. This can create a toxic environment where everyone feels constantly criticised and judged. By acknowledging your own imperfections and accepting that everyone makes mistakes, you’re promoting a more compassionate and realistic approach to relationships. It can also help the narcissist feel less threatened by your autonomy and individuality.
18. “I forgive you, but I won’t forget.”

Forgiveness is a powerful tool for healing and moving forward, but it doesn’t mean forgetting the past or condoning harmful behaviour. By expressing forgiveness, you’re releasing the emotional burden of resentment and anger. However, by acknowledging that you won’t forget, you’re setting a boundary and protecting yourself from future hurt. It also sends a message to the narcissist that while you’re willing to forgive, you won’t tolerate repeated offences.