18 Truths A Narcissist Will Never Admit To

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Narcissists are, for lack of a better term, completely delusional at times.

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They rewrite history in their own favour and completely lack any semblance of reality, which allows them to avoid accountability for their actions, blame everyone else for things that go wrong in their lives, and play the victim. Because of this, don’t ever expect them to cop to any of these things because it will never happen.

1. They’re not as great as they think they are.

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Narcissists have this larger-than-life image of themselves, and they genuinely believe they’re the best thing since sliced bread. Admitting they’re just average like the rest of us? Not happening. They’re living in their own personal fan club, and they’re the only member.

2. They care what other people think of them.

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Despite claiming they don’t care at all about other people’s opinions, narcissists are actually super concerned with their image. They’re constantly checking how people see them and adjusting accordingly. It’s exhausting just watching them try to maintain their perfect façade.

3. They’re insecure deep down.

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All that confidence? It’s often a cover for some serious insecurities. But good luck getting them to admit that. They’d rather keep up the act than show any vulnerability. It’s like they’re wearing emotional armour 24/7, afraid of what might happen if they let their guard down.

4. They’ve made big mistakes.

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In a narcissist’s world, they don’t make mistakes — everyone else does. They’ve always got an excuse or someone else to blame. Owning up to a major screw-up just isn’t in their playbook. It’s always someone else’s fault, the weather, or Mercury being in retrograde — anything but them.

5. They manipulate people.

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Narcissists are pros at getting what they want from other people, but they’ll never admit to being manipulative. In their mind, they’re just “persuasive” or “good with people.” They’ve got more tricks up their sleeve than a magician, but they’ll swear they’re just being themselves.

6. They’re not always right.

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Being wrong is not an option for a narcissist. They’ll argue until they’re blue in the face rather than admit they made a mistake. It’s exhausting for everyone involved. Even when faced with cold, hard facts, they’ll find a way to twist the truth to fit their narrative.

7. They need constant validation.

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Narcissists thrive on compliments and admiration — they need it like we need air. However, they’ll never admit to needing this constant ego boost. They literally need praise and admiration to get through their day, and they’ll take it anywhere they can get it.

8. They get jealous of other people’s success.


When someone else succeeds, a narcissist is often secretly fuming. But they’ll put on a happy face and pretend to be thrilled for you. Inside, they’re plotting how to outdo you. They can’t stand the spotlight being on anyone but them, even for a moment.

9. They struggle with empathy.

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Understanding and empathising with other people’s feelings isn’t a narcissist’s strong suit. They have a hard time putting themselves in someone else’s shoes, but they’ll never admit this shortcoming. They’re emotionally colour-blind, unable to see the full spectrum of human feelings.

10. Their self-esteem is actually pretty fragile.

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Despite their big talk, a narcissist’s self-esteem is often hanging by a thread. One criticism can send them spiralling, but they’ll never let you see that. They’re like a house of cards — impressive looking, but one wrong move, and it all comes tumbling down.

11. They often feel empty inside.

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Many narcissists have this gnawing feeling of emptiness. But instead of dealing with it, they chase after more attention and success to fill the void. It’s like they’re trying to fill a leaky bucket — no matter how much they pour in, it never seems to be enough.

12. They’re not as independent as they claim.

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Narcissists love to brag about how self-sufficient they are. The truth is, they often rely heavily on other people for their sense of self-worth. They need their audience more than they’d ever admit, like a performer who can’t function without applause.

13. They fear abandonment and rejection.

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Deep down, many narcissists are terrified of being left or rejected, but they’d rather push people away than admit to this fear. It’s a classic case of “I’ll leave you before you can leave me” mentality.

14. They’re not as confident in their decisions as they seem.

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A narcissist will act like every choice they make is the right one. In reality, they’re often second-guessing themselves but are too proud to show it. They’d rather stick to a bad decision than admit they’re unsure or made a mistake.

15. They care a lot about their appearance and status.

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While they might act like they’re above caring about looks or social standing, narcissists are often obsessed with these things. They just won’t admit how much energy they put into maintaining their image. For them, keeping up appearances is a full-time job.

16. They struggle with real intimacy.

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Genuine, deep connections are tough for narcissists. They find it hard to be truly vulnerable with other people, but they’ll never admit that it’s their issue. Real closeness scares them, so they keep people at arm’s length while complaining about how no one understands them.

17. They often feel misunderstood.

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For all their talking about themselves, narcissists often feel like no one really gets them. But instead of opening up, they’ll just complain that other people aren’t smart enough to understand them. It’s a lonely way to live, but they’ll never admit to feeling that loneliness.

18. They’re afraid of being ordinary.

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The thought of being just another regular person terrifies a narcissist. They’ll do anything to stand out and be seen as special, even if it means alienating other people. Being average is their worst nightmare, so they’re constantly trying to prove how extraordinary they are.