18 Ugly Habits Of Many Outwardly Attractive People

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Some people have everything going for them in the looks department, but the minute they open their mouths, they’re incredibly unattractive.

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No matter how physically beautiful or handsome someone is, these ugly behaviours make them instantly lose all appeal to most people. After all, looks will only get you so far — it’s personality and how you treat people that really draw people to you.

1. They expect preferential treatment wherever they go.

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They often assume their good looks should open doors for them, literally and figuratively. They might expect to be served first at a restaurant or to get away with things other people wouldn’t, and that’s ridiculous. Their sense of entitlement can be off-putting to those around them and can lead to awkward situations when their expectations aren’t met.

2. They’re overly fixated on their appearance.

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While taking care of yourself is important, they often take it to the extreme. They spend hours getting ready or constantly check their reflection in any available surface. Sadly, their obsession with their looks can come across as vain and self-absorbed, often at the expense of more meaningful interactions or experiences.

3. They use their attractiveness to manipulate people.

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Some attractive people aren’t above using their looks to get what they want. They tend to flirt to get favours or use their charm to manipulate situations in their favour, which can be particularly hurtful when the person on the receiving end realises they’re being used rather than genuinely liked or respected.

4. They struggle to form deep, meaningful relationships.

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Because they’re used to people being drawn to them for their looks, they find it really hard to connect on a deeper level. They may have a wide circle of acquaintances but few close friends. So much superficiality can lead to feelings of loneliness and disconnection, despite their apparent popularity.

5. They quickly judge people based on appearance.

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Having been judged positively for their own looks, these people often extend the same shallow criteria to other people. They tend to dismiss or look down on those they deem less attractive, missing out on potentially rewarding relationships. As a result, they seem shallow and unkind to people who see past surface appearances.

6. They often lack empathy for other people’s struggles.

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Because their attractiveness has often smoothed their path in life, these people might struggle to understand or empathise with the tough experiences other people are facing. They tend to dismiss real problems with unhelpful advice like “just be confident” or “smile more”. Gee, thanks. Their lack of empathy can make them seem out of touch and insensitive, and that’s because they are!

7. They tend to be self-centred in conversations.

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Used to being the centre of attention, they often dominate conversations with talk about themselves, and they struggle to even pretend like they care about other people’s lives or perspectives. Interacting with them is one-sided and ultimately unpleasant for anyone who’s unfortunate enough to have to do it.

8. They often underestimate the importance of personal growth.

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Because they rely so heavily on their looks, they tend to neglect developing other aspects of themselves. They may not put much effort into learning new skills or expanding their knowledge, and this lack of personal growth can leave them feeling stagnant or unfulfilled as they age and their looks inevitably change.

9. They can be overly competitive with people they see as attractive.

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Many outwardly attractive people feel threatened by other people they see as equally or more attractive. This can lead to petty behaviour, like putting down their so-called rivals or constantly trying to one-up them. Such competitiveness can create a toxic environment and strain relationships with friends and colleagues.

10. They often lack patience for tasks or people that don’t come easily to them.

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They’re used to things coming easily due to their looks, so it’s no wonder they get so frustrated when faced with challenges that require perseverance. They usually give up quickly on tough tasks or relationships that require work. Their complete and utter lack of resilience can seriously hold them back over time, but they don’t seem to notice (or care).

11. They can be dismissive of compliments not related to their appearance.

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Most of the praise they’ve had in life has been about their looks, and as a result, they often struggle to appreciate compliments about their character, intellect, or skills. They might even brush off or seem uninterested in recognition for things beyond their physical appearance. For people who are trying to connect with them on a deeper level, this can be a bit disheartening.

12. They often have unrealistic expectations in romantic relationships.

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Their attractiveness might lead them to believe they deserve a “perfect” partner. They might have a long list of superficial criteria for potential mates, overlooking important qualities like kindness or compatibility. However, these unrealistic standards can lead to a string of short-lived relationships and eventual loneliness.

13. They can be quick to take offence at any wrongdoing (even if it’s just in their heads).


Used to constant positive attention, they’re often overly sensitive to any hint of criticism or lack of admiration. In fact, they tend to seriously overreact to minor comments or perceived slights to their appearance. Because they’re so thin-skinned, it can make them hard to be around, as people feel they’re constantly walking on eggshells.

14. They often struggle with the ageing process.

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Having built much of their identity and self-worth on their youthful appearance, they tend to have a hard time accepting the natural ageing process. They might go to extreme lengths to maintain their looks, or become bitter and resentful as they age. Their struggle to gracefully accept life’s natural changes can lead to a lot of personal unhappiness.

15. They can be dismissive of other people’s accomplishments.

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Some attractive people might downplay or dismiss other people’s achievements, especially if they feel threatened. They’ll claim that people’s success all came down to luck or connections rather than hard work and skill. This just makes them look petty and insecure, but they’re too busy primping in the mirror to recognise that.

16. They usually lack genuine curiosity about the world around them.

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They’re so focused on themselves and their appearance that they’re not very interested in broader topics or issues. They often avoid engaging in intellectual discussions or exploring new ideas, but this lack of curiosity can make them seem shallow and uninteresting in prolonged conversations. Surely, everyone needs a bit of depth sometimes, no?

17. They can be overly sensitive to rejection (or anything they see as rejection).

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Used to being universally liked or admired, they tend to take it very personally when someone doesn’t seem impressed by them. They might obsess over why someone didn’t like them, or go to great lengths to win over someone who seems indifferent. Needless to say, this oversensitivity can lead to unnecessary drama and emotional turmoil.

18. They struggle with accepting genuine criticism.

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Having been praised for their looks most of their lives, constructive criticism isn’t something they’ll easily or willingly take on board. They tend to get defensive or dismiss valid feedback, which just holds them back in life. How are they ever going to grow as people or in their careers if they don’t improve in the areas where they’re falling short?