Ever felt like your kindness is being taken for granted, especially by someone who seems a bit self-centred?
We’ve all been there. Unfortunately, for those with narcissistic tendencies, your kindness isn’t just appreciated; it’s a resource to be exploited. Here are some common tactics they might use to take advantage of your good nature.
1. They guilt-trip you into doing things for them.

Narcissists are masters of manipulation. They’ll often make you feel guilty for not meeting their demands, even if those demands are unreasonable or inconvenient. They might use phrases like, “If you really cared about me, you would…” or “I always do things for you, but you never…” to make you feel obligated to comply.
2. They downplay your accomplishments and magnify their own.

They’ll often dismiss your achievements or downplay your successes, while simultaneously exaggerating their own. They might make you feel like your contributions are insignificant compared to theirs, creating a sense of inadequacy and self-doubt. This helps them maintain control and keep you dependent on their approval.
3. They take your generosity for granted.

Narcissists rarely express gratitude for your kindness. They might see your acts of generosity as something they’re entitled to, rather than a gift. They won’t hesitate to ask for more and more, without ever acknowledging or appreciating your efforts.
4. They play the victim to avoid responsibility.

When things go wrong, they’ll often blame you or other people, deflecting any responsibility for their actions. They might even twist the situation to make you feel like you’re the one who wronged them. This tactic is used to maintain control and avoid accountability for their own mistakes.
5. They use your empathy against you.

Narcissists are skilled at recognizing and exploiting your empathy. They might share sob stories or exaggerate their problems to gain your sympathy and support. Once they’ve got you hooked, they’ll use your empathy to manipulate you into doing things for them or excusing their bad behaviour.
6. They make promises they don’t intend to keep.

They might shower you with promises and grand gestures, but they rarely follow through. They use these promises to gain your trust and affection, but they have no intention of actually fulfilling them. This leaves you feeling disappointed and disillusioned.
7. They create drama and chaos to keep you off balance.

Narcissists thrive on drama and chaos. They might start arguments, spread rumours, or create other conflicts to keep you emotionally invested and distracted from their own flaws and shortcomings. This constant turmoil serves to keep you focused on them and their needs, rather than your own.
8. They isolate you from your friends and family.

Narcissists often try to isolate you from your support system. They might criticise your friends and family, make you feel guilty for spending time with them, or even create conflicts between you and your loved ones. This isolation makes you more dependent on them and easier to control.
9. They use your kindness as a weapon against you.

A narcissist might twist your kind acts into something negative, making you feel like you’re being too accommodating or enabling their bad behaviour. They might accuse you of being “too nice” or “naive,” using your kindness to deflect blame and avoid taking responsibility for their own actions.
10. They drain your energy and leave you feeling depleted.

Being around a narcissist can be emotionally exhausting. Their constant demands for attention, their lack of empathy, and their manipulative tactics can leave you feeling drained and depleted. They might suck you into their drama, leaving you feeling emotionally overwhelmed and physically exhausted.
11. They never truly appreciate your efforts.

No matter how much you do for them, it’s never enough. They’ll always find something to criticise or complain about. They might even devalue your efforts, making you feel like your contributions are insignificant. This lack of appreciation can be demoralising and make you question your own worth.
12. They use your vulnerability against you.

If you open up to a narcissist about your fears, insecurities, or past traumas, they might use that information against you. They might mention it in arguments, use it to manipulate you, or even weaponise it to make you feel ashamed or embarrassed.
13. They make you feel like you’re always walking on eggshells.

Narcissists are often unpredictable and moody. Their reactions can be extreme, and you might never know what might set them off. This can create a sense of unease and anxiety, making you feel like you have to constantly monitor your words and actions to avoid triggering their anger or displeasure.
14. They never apologise sincerely.
Even if they offer an apology, it’s often insincere and lacking in genuine remorse. They might say “I’m sorry,” but it’s usually followed by a “but” or a justification for their behaviour. They might even turn the tables and make you feel like you’re the one who needs to apologise.
15. They project their own flaws onto you.

Narcissists often accuse people of the very things they’re guilty of themselves. If they’re dishonest, they might accuse you of lying. If they’re manipulative, they might accuse you of being controlling. This projection is a defence mechanism that allows them to avoid facing their own shortcomings.
16. They lack empathy and emotional intelligence.

They struggle to understand or relate to your feelings. They might dismiss your emotions as invalid, overreacting, or irrational. They might even mock or belittle you for expressing your feelings. This lack of empathy can make you feel isolated and misunderstood.
17. They never truly change.

While a narcissist might occasionally show remorse or make promises to change, their behaviour rarely changes in the long run. They might try to charm you back into their good graces, but their underlying patterns of manipulation and exploitation remain unchanged. They’re too invested in their own ego and self-image to make any lasting changes for anyone else’s sake.
18. They use your kindness as a shield.

They might flaunt your kindness to other people, portraying themselves as the lucky recipient of your generosity. They might even use your kindness to deflect criticism or portray themselves in a positive light. This allows them to continue exploiting your good nature while maintaining a facade of respectability.