Some people just can’t help but criticise everything we do.

It’s exhausting, but you don’t have to just sit there and put up with it. Here are some cutting responses to keep in your back pocket for when you’ve had enough of their constant nitpicking.
1. “I’ll give your opinion all the consideration it deserves.”

This one’s a beauty because it sounds polite on the surface, but we both know you’re basically saying their opinion is worth diddly-squat. It’s like serving up a slice of shut-up pie with a side of smile.
2. “I’m sorry you feel that way. Fortunately, your approval isn’t required.”

Boom! This response acknowledges their feelings (because we’re not monsters), but then swiftly reminds them that you’re not living your life for their gold star. It’s a great way to set boundaries without starting a fight.
3. “Thanks for your input. I’ll file that away.”

The beauty of this one is its ambiguity. Are you filing it away for future reference, or straight into the mental rubbish bin? They’ll never know, and that’s the point. It’s like giving them a verbal pat on the head while showing them the door.
4. “I’m impressed by how you always know exactly what everyone else should do.”

Sarcasm alert! This one calls out their know-it-all attitude without directly calling them a jerk. It’s like holding up a mirror to their behaviour and saying, “See how ridiculous this looks?”
5. “I don’t remember asking for your criticism.”

Sometimes, you’ve just got to be blunt. This response is like a verbal stop sign for unwanted opinions. It clearly says, “Thanks, but no thanks” to their unsolicited advice.
6. “Wow, you must be exhausted from all that judging.”

This one’s got a dash of humour that might just make them pause and think about their behaviour. It’s like saying, “Hey, doesn’t it get tiring being so negative all the time?” without actually saying it.
7. “I’m working on being the best version of myself, not your version of me.”

This comeback is like a self-esteem booster shot with a side of boundary-setting. It reminds them (and yourself) that you’re on your own journey, not trying to meet their arbitrary standards.
8. “I’d explain it to you, but I’m all out of crayons.”

Ouch! This one’s got some bite to it. It’s basically calling them a child, so save it for when you’re really at the end of your rope. Sometimes, a little sass is just what the doctor ordered.
9. “Your criticism would hurt if it actually mattered to me.”

This one’s like emotional armour. You’re basically saying, “Your words can’t touch me because I don’t value your opinion.” It’s a powerful way to take back control of the situation.
10. “I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.”

Time to bring out the big guns of self-confidence! This humorous comeback shows you’re not about to let their negativity rain on your parade. It’s like a verbal strut, showing them their words just roll right off your back.
11. “I’m not perfect, but at least I’m not you.”

Whoa, this one’s got some serious teeth! It’s like saying, “I’d rather have my flaws than your nasty attitude.” Use this sparingly, though – it’s more of a nuclear option when you’re really fed up.
12. “Thank you for that unsolicited character assessment.”

This is like wrapping sarcasm in a polite package. You’re basically telling them, “Nobody asked for your opinion, buddy,” but with a smile. It’s the verbal equivalent of a pat on the head and a “bless your heart.”
13. “I’m glad to see you’re not letting your education get in the way of your ignorance.”
Ouch! This one’s dripping with sarcasm. It’s like saying, “Congrats on staying ignorant despite all odds.” It’s pretty harsh, so save it for when they really deserve it.
14. “I’m visualising duct tape over your mouth.”

Sometimes, you just want someone to zip it, right? This comeback lets them know you’ve had enough of their chatter, without actually telling them to shut up. It’s like a verbal “talk to the hand.”
15. “I’m trying to see things from your perspective, but I can’t get my head that far up my rear.”

This one’s not pulling any punches! You’re basically telling them their view is, well, full of it. It’s pretty confrontational, so use it wisely – maybe when subtlety has failed, and you need to bring out the big guns.
16. “I’m not arguing, I’m just explaining why I’m right.”

This comeback flips the script on them. It’s like saying, “I’m not being difficult, you are.” It’s a cheeky way to stand your ground while throwing their criticism back at them.
17. “I’d agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong.”

Classic! This one dismisses their criticism while implying they’re off base. It’s like saying, “Nice try, but no cigar,” with a bit of extra sass.
18. “I’m busy right now, can I ignore you some other time?”

This response is perfect when you’re just done with their nonsense. It’s a humorous way to say, “I don’t have time for your criticism – not now, not ever.” It’s like hanging a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your forehead.
19. “Your opinion of me is none of my business.”

This one’s like a zen master of comebacks. You’re essentially saying, “Your thoughts about me are your problem, not mine.” It’s a mature way to disengage that leaves them with nothing to grab onto.