20 Couples’ Debates That Will Never Be Settled

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Relationships are full of compromises, but some arguments just keep popping up, no matter how long you’ve been together.

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From household chores to holiday plans, some debates can drive even the most loved-up couples round the bend. Obviously, these aren’t deal-breakers or the cause of any major drama, but they do drop up often enough to cause a bit of annoyance. Here are some things you and your partner have likely had a tiff over on more than one occasion — it happens to the best of us!

1. Who takes the rubbish out is a never-ending battle.


It’s such a small task, but somehow it becomes a massive point of contention. One person always feels like they’re doing it more often, while the other swears they took it out just last week. The bin doesn’t empty itself, people!

2. The thermostat setting is a constant source of friction.

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One person is always too hot, the other too cold. It’s like living with a polar bear and a tropical fish. Finding that perfect temperature that keeps both parties happy? Good luck with that one. (I have my own electric blanket for this very reason!)

3. Deciding what to have for dinner is a nightly struggle.

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The dreaded “What do you fancy for dinner?” question is crazy-making. One wants pasta, the other wants curry. Or worse, the infuriating “I don’t mind, you choose” followed by vetoing every suggestion. It’s enough to make you want to eat cereal for every meal.

4. The correct way to load the dishwasher remains a mystery.

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You’d think there’d be a universally accepted method by now, but no. Plates facing this way or that? Cutlery up or down? And don’t even get started on whether pots and pans belong in there. It’s a minefield of domestic disagreement.

5. The ideal volume for the telly will never be agreed upon.


One person is constantly asking, “Can you turn it up?” while the other is frantically reaching for the remote to lower it. Finding that sweet spot where both can hear comfortably without feeling like they’re at a rock concert or straining to catch every word? It’s the holy grail of cohabitation.

6. How to properly fold clothes is an ongoing conversation.

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Rolling, folding, or hanging? It seems like such a simple task, but the ‘right’ way to do it can spark heated debates. And let’s not even get into how to organise the wardrobe. It’s enough to make you want to live out of a suitcase.

7. The correct amount of time to spend with the in-laws is never resolved.

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For one person, it’s never enough. For the other, it’s always too much. Finding that balance between keeping family relationships strong and maintaining your sanity is nearly impossible, and neither partner is ever fully satisfied either way.

8. The debate over how to squeeze the toothpaste tube rages on.

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From the middle or from the bottom? It’s such a trivial thing, but it can drive a wedge between even the most harmonious couples. And don’t even mention leaving the cap off – that’s grounds for divorce in some households.

9. The ‘right’ way to hang the toilet roll will never be settled.

unhappy couple fightSource: Unsplash

Over or under? It’s the age-old question that’s torn apart families and ended friendships. You’d think we’d have bigger issues to worry about, but no – this little roll of paper has the power to cause big arguments.

10. How to load the car for a trip is always a point of contention.

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One person wants to pack light, the other insists on bringing everything but the kitchen sink. And then there’s the Tetris-like challenge of fitting it all in. It’s amazing how a simple weekend away can turn into a logistical nightmare.

11. The perfect room temperature for sleeping remains elusive.

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One person is bundled up like an Arctic explorer, while the other is sprawled out in their pants with the window wide open. Finding that sweet spot where both can sleep comfortably is so common, it’s almost cliche at this point.

12. The ideal time to leave for the airport is never agreed upon.

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One wants to arrive with hours to spare, the other thinks racing through security with minutes to go is perfectly acceptable. It’s a recipe for holiday stress before you’ve even left the country.

13. How clean is clean enough is an eternal question.

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For one person, a quick tidy is sufficient. For the other, anything less than a deep clean is unacceptable. Finding a middle ground that doesn’t result in resentment or a house that looks like a crime scene? It’s an ongoing challenge.

14. The definition of ‘on time’ varies wildly.


One person’s “fashionably late” is another’s “rudely tardy”. Whether it’s for dinner reservations or meeting friends, the concept of punctuality seems to be surprisingly flexible – and a constant source of friction.

15. The appropriate level of PDA is never settled.

couple fightSource: Unsplash

Hand-holding or full-on snogging in public? One person might love shouting their affection from the rooftops, while the other prefers to keep things private. Finding that balance can be a real tightrope walk.

16. The ‘right’ way to spend money causes endless debates.

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Save or splurge? Invest or enjoy? When it comes to finances, couples often find themselves at odds. One person’s essential purchase is another’s frivolous waste. It’s like trying to mix oil and water sometimes.

17. How often the sheets need changing is a recurring argument.

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Weekly? Fortnightly? Monthly? It seems like such a simple thing, but it can cause surprising levels of disagreement. And don’t even get started on how often to flip the mattress – that’s a whole other can of worms.

18. The perfect holiday destination is never unanimously decided.

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Beach or city? Adventure or relaxation? All-inclusive or off the beaten track? Planning a holiday should be fun, but it often turns into a diplomatic nightmare. It’s amazing how two people who love each other can have such different ideas of paradise.

19. The ideal pet for the household is a constant source of debate.

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Dog person vs cat person is a tale as old as time. And that’s before you even get into the specifics of breeds, sizes, and how much fur is acceptable on the furniture. Finding a furry friend that makes everyone happy can be tough, and as a result, you might not get a pet at all!

20. The ‘correct’ way to hang art on the walls will never be settled.

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Height, arrangement, frames – who knew putting a few pictures up could cause so much strife? One person’s gallery wall is another’s cluttered mess. And don’t even mention using a spirit level – that’s when things really get heated.