20 Iffy Behaviours That Don’t Necessarily Make You A Bad Person

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Everyone does stuff they’re not all that proud of, but that doesn’t make them bad people.

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Chances are, you’re guilty of some behaviours that aren’t all that great, but they’re not the end of the world — especially if you only do them occasionally and don’t mean any harm. Here are some of the iffy actions that you don’t want to get in the habit of, but that aren’t that big of a deal in moderation.

1. You occasionally gossip about people.

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While it’s not the kindest habit, most people gossip from time to time. As long as it’s not malicious and constant, it’s not so bad. Sometimes you just want to chat rubbish with your friends, or they witnessed something they just HAVE to share, and it actually brings you closer together. Just be careful it’s not turning into a habit and you’re not hurting anyone.

2. You sometimes tell white lies to avoid hurting people’s feelings.

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Small lies to spare someone’s feelings, like saying you love a gift you’re not keen on, are common. While honesty is generally the best policy, these minor fibs aren’t typically harmful if they’re not happening all the time or about anything important. Does Sally from accounting really need to know you hate her jumper? Of course not.

3. You procrastinate on tasks or responsibilities.

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Putting things off until the last minute isn’t ideal, but it’s a struggle many people face. Procrastination doesn’t make you a bad person, though it’s worth working on if it’s causing major problems in your life or for other people.

4. You occasionally indulge in petty thoughts.

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Having fleeting petty or jealous thoughts doesn’t make you a bad person — it’s a normal human reaction. What matters is how you act on these thoughts. If you recognise them and choose not to act negatively or treat people differently because of them, you’re on the right track.

5. You sometimes forget to return calls or messages.

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Life gets busy, and sometimes messages slip through the cracks. While it’s not great to leave people hanging, occasionally forgetting to respond doesn’t make you a terrible friend. Just try to follow up when you remember — and let them know you’re sorry for dropping off the face of the earth.

6. You have moments of selfishness.

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Everyone has selfish moments now and then. As long as you’re not constantly putting your needs above everyone else’s, the occasional selfish act doesn’t define you as a person. It’s about finding a balance between self-care and consideration for other people.

7. You’ve bent the truth on your CV.

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While it’s not advisable to lie on your CV, many people have exaggerated a skill or achievement at some point. As long as you’re not fabricating entire jobs or qualifications, minor embellishments don’t make you a fundamentally dishonest person.

8. You sometimes judge people based on appearances.

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We all make snap judgements occasionally, but the key is recognising these thoughts and not letting them influence how you treat people. If you’re aware of this tendency and try to overcome it, you’re on the right path.

9. You’ve taken office supplies home from work.

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While it’s not strictly ethical, many people have pocketed a pen or notebook from the office. As long as it’s not excessive or regular, this minor infraction doesn’t make you a terrible person or employee. There are plenty of them lying around, and it’s not like anyone else is going to go without.

10. You’ve ghosted someone.

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Ghosting isn’t kind, but many people have done it at some point. Whether it’s a date that didn’t click or a conversation you didn’t know how to end, ghosting doesn’t automatically make you a bad person, especially if you learn from it and try to communicate better in the future.

11. You sometimes vent about your problems a bit too much.

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We all need to let off steam sometimes. While constant complaining can be draining for the people around you, the occasional venting session doesn’t make you a bad friend. Just try to be mindful of the frequency and listen when other people need to vent too.

12. You’ve kept money when someone overpaid you.

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If you’ve ever ‘forgotten’ to mention when someone gave you too much change, you’re not alone. While it’s better to be honest, this minor lapse doesn’t define your entire moral character, especially if it’s not a regular occurrence.

13. You sometimes cancel plans at the last minute.

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While it’s not ideal to bail on plans, sometimes life gets in the way. As long as it’s not a constant habit, and you’re apologetic about it, the occasional cancellation doesn’t make you a terrible friend. Sometimes you just want to sit on the couch in your pants and eat pizza!

14. You’ve snooped through someone’s phone or social media.


Curiosity can sometimes get the better of us. While it’s a breach of privacy and trust, many people have peeked at a partner’s or friend’s messages at some point. Recognising it’s wrong and avoiding it in the future is what’s important.

15. You sometimes ignore problems hoping they’ll go away.

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Avoidance isn’t the best coping mechanism, but it’s a common one. If you occasionally put your head in the sand when facing difficulties, you’re not alone. The key is recognising this tendency and working on facing problems head-on.

16. You’ve talked behind someone’s back.

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While it’s not kind, most people have said something negative about someone when they weren’t around. As long as it’s not a constant habit, and you’re working on being more direct in your communication, it doesn’t make you a terrible person.

17. You sometimes overreact to minor inconveniences.


We all have days when small annoyances feel overwhelming. Occasionally losing your cool over something minor doesn’t make you a bad person, especially if you recognise when you’re overreacting and try to manage your responses better.

18. You’ve kept a library book or borrowed item for too long.

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While it’s inconsiderate to hang onto borrowed items for ages, it’s a common oversight. As long as you return items eventually, and it’s not a regular habit, this doesn’t make you a fundamentally dishonest person.

19. You sometimes pretend to know about topics you don’t understand.

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Nobody likes to appear uninformed, and many people have nodded along in conversations about topics they don’t fully grasp. While it’s better to be honest about what you don’t know, this behaviour doesn’t make you a bad person if it’s occasional and not about important matters.

20. You’ve exaggerated a story to make it more interesting.

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Most people have embellished an anecdote at some point to make it more entertaining. As long as you’re not constantly fabricating stories or lying about important events, the occasional exaggeration in storytelling doesn’t make you a dishonest person.