No matter how much you love someone, that doesn’t mean they’re right for you.

Whether you have completely different communication styles, want different things in life, or see relationships in totally different lights, your relationship might be doomed for failure, despite your and your partner’s best intentions. If these things are happening with any regularity, it might be worth figuring out if your relationship is truly worth continuing, or if you both might be much happier and healthier apart than you are together.
1. You constantly feel anxious.

If you’re always worried about your partner’s reactions or feel the need to carefully monitor your words and actions, it’s a sign of an unhealthy dynamic. A relationship should provide comfort and security, not constant anxiety.
2. Your partner is consistently dismissive of your feelings.

When your emotional needs are regularly ignored or belittled, it indicates a lack of empathy and respect. A supportive partner should validate your feelings, even if they don’t always agree with them.
3. There’s a pattern of lies or deceit.

Honesty is crucial for trust in a relationship. If you catch your partner in frequent lies, whether big or small, it undermines the foundation of your partnership and indicates a lack of respect for you.
4. You feel drained after spending time together.

While all relationships require effort, you shouldn’t consistently feel emotionally or mentally exhausted after interacting with your partner. If you find yourself needing to recover after spending time together, it may indicate an unhealthy dynamic.
5. Your core values are fundamentally incompatible.

Differences can be enriching, but when your basic values and life goals are in conflict, it can lead to ongoing tension and dissatisfaction. Compromising on fundamental beliefs often leads to resentment over time.
6. There’s a lack of mutual respect.

Respect is the bedrock of any healthy relationship. If you or your partner frequently engage in name-calling, belittling, or dismissive behaviour, it’s a clear sign that the relationship lacks a crucial element of mutual respect.
7. You’re not comfortable being yourself around them.

A healthy relationship should allow you to be authentic. If you feel the need to constantly change or hide aspects of yourself to please your partner, it’s a sign that the relationship may not be right for you.
8. There’s a consistent imbalance in effort.

If you find yourself always being the one to initiate plans, make compromises, or put in effort to maintain the relationship, it indicates an unhealthy imbalance. Both partners should contribute equally to the relationship’s growth and maintenance.
9. Your partner is excessively jealous or controlling.

While some jealousy can be normal, excessive possessiveness or attempts to control your behaviour, friendships, or activities are red flags. A healthy relationship is built on trust and respects individual autonomy.
10. You have different ideas about commitment.

If you and your partner have mismatched expectations about the level of commitment in your relationship, it can lead to ongoing conflict and disappointment. It’s crucial to be on the same page about the nature and future of your partnership.
11. There’s a lack of emotional or physical intimacy.

While levels of intimacy can fluctuate, a consistent lack of emotional connection or physical affection can indicate underlying issues. Both partners should feel desired and emotionally supported in a healthy relationship.
12. Your partner refuses to discuss or work on relationship issues.

If your partner dismisses your concerns or refuses to engage in conversations about improving the relationship, it shows a lack of commitment to growth. A willingness to address problems is crucial for a relationship’s longevity.
13. You don’t trust each other.

Trust is fundamental in any relationship. If you find yourself constantly doubting your partner’s words or actions, or if they express frequent distrust in you, it’s a significant red flag that the relationship may not be sustainable.
14. Your personal growth is stifled.

A healthy relationship should support and encourage personal development. If you feel your growth is being hindered or your partner is resistant to your self-improvement efforts, it may indicate that the relationship is holding you back.
15. There’s a pattern of disrespect for your boundaries.

Healthy relationships require respect for personal boundaries. If your partner consistently ignores or pushes against the limits you set, whether they’re emotional, physical, or practical, it’s a sign of disrespect and potential future issues.
16. You have fundamentally different communication styles.

While differences in communication can be worked on, if you find it consistently difficult to understand each other or express your needs effectively, it can lead to ongoing misunderstandings and frustration.
17. Your partner is unwilling to compromise.

Relationships require give and take. If your partner always insists on having their way and is unwilling to meet you halfway on decisions or issues, it indicates a lack of consideration for your needs and desires.
18. You feel responsible for your partner’s happiness.

While supporting each other is important, feeling solely responsible for your partner’s emotional well-being is unhealthy. It can lead to codependency and neglect of your own needs. Each person should be responsible for their own happiness.
19. There’s a lack of support for your goals and dreams.

A partner should be your cheerleader, not your critic. If your significant other consistently dismisses or discourages your aspirations, it can eat away at your self-esteem and hold you back when it comes to personal growth.
20. You’re always hoping they’ll change.

If you find yourself constantly wishing your partner would change fundamental aspects of their personality or behaviour, it’s a sign that you may be incompatible. A healthy relationship involves accepting your partner for who they are, not who you hope they’ll become.