Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, and sometimes we come across people who seem to thrive on negativity and manipulation.
It’s important to recognise the signs of toxic behaviour and know how to handle those situations when they arise. Here are some of the shady tactics these people might use and how you can deal with them, without letting their darkness dim your own shine.
1. They constantly put you down.

These people are experts at chipping away at your self-esteem. They’ll make snide remarks about your appearance, your choices, or your accomplishments. Their goal? To make you feel small and insecure. Don’t let their negativity get under your skin. Remember, their words say more about them than they do about you. Surround yourself with positive people who lift you up, and don’t hesitate to distance yourself from those who constantly bring you down.
2. They manipulate and control you.

These individuals are masters of pulling the strings. They might use guilt trips, gaslighting, or emotional blackmail to get their way. They’ll twist situations to make you feel responsible for their happiness or their problems. Recognise the signs of manipulation and stand your ground. Set clear boundaries and don’t be afraid to say “no.” If they can’t respect your boundaries, it’s time to reassess the relationship.
3. They lack empathy and compassion.

These people seem incapable of understanding or caring about anyone else’s feelings. They might dismiss your concerns, mock your emotions, or offer unsolicited advice that’s completely off base. Don’t waste your energy trying to get them to see your perspective. They’re simply not wired that way. Protect yourself by limiting your interactions with them and seeking support from those who genuinely care.
4. They’re always the victim.

No matter what happens, they always find a way to make themselves the victim. They blame everyone else for their problems and refuse to take any responsibility for their own actions. Don’t get sucked into their drama. Refuse to engage in their pity parties and resist the urge to rescue them. They need to learn to own their mistakes and deal with the consequences.
5. They lie and deceive you.

These people have a knack for twisting the truth. They might tell outright lies, omit important details, or spread rumours to manipulate situations and control the narrative. Trust your gut and verify their stories. If their words don’t match their actions, don’t be afraid to call them out. And remember, you don’t owe them any explanations for why you choose not to trust them.
6. They thrive on drama and chaos.

They’re always stirring up trouble and creating conflict. They might gossip, spread rumours, or pit people against each other. They seem to get a thrill out of watching the world burn. Don’t get caught up in their drama. Stay calm, avoid taking sides, and refuse to engage in their toxic games. Focus on maintaining your own peace and serenity.
7. They are envious and jealous of you.

They can’t stand to see you happy or successful. They might try to undermine your achievements, downplay your accomplishments, or even sabotage your efforts. Don’t let their jealousy dim your light. Celebrate your successes and surround yourself with people who genuinely want to see you thrive. Their negativity is their problem, not yours.
8. They drain your energy and leave you feeling exhausted.

Spending time with them feels like an emotional rollercoaster. They’re demanding, needy, and always seeking validation. After an interaction, you’re left feeling drained and depleted. Protect your energy by setting clear boundaries and limiting your time with them. Prioritise self-care and focus on activities that recharge your batteries. You don’t owe anyone your time or your energy if it leaves you feeling depleted.
9. They try to one-up you.

Everything is a competition for these people. If you share a success, they’ll immediately try to top it with a story of their own. They’re never genuinely happy for you, and they’ll often try to downplay your achievements. Don’t let their competitiveness get to you. Remember, true success isn’t about comparing yourself to other people. Focus on your own goals and celebrate your achievements, regardless of how they stack up against anyone else’s.
10. They’re never wrong.

These people have an inflated ego and a fragile sense of self. They refuse to admit when they’re wrong, even when presented with overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Don’t waste your time trying to convince them otherwise. It’s a losing battle. Instead, focus on your own growth and development. Surround yourself with people who are open-minded and willing to learn from their mistakes.
11. They gossip and spread rumours.

These people love to talk behind other people’s backs. They thrive on drama and conflict, and they’ll often spread rumours to stir up trouble and create division. Don’t participate in their gossip sessions. Refuse to engage in negativity and avoid talking about anyone who isn’t present (unless you’re saying something nice). If they try to involve you in their drama, politely excuse yourself and walk away.
12. They take advantage of your kindness.

These people are experts at exploiting your generosity. They’ll ask for favours, borrow money, or take advantage of your hospitality without ever offering anything in return. Learn to say “no” and set clear boundaries. Don’t feel obligated to help them if it’s not convenient or if they’ve shown a pattern of taking advantage of you.
13. They hold grudges and refuse to forgive.

These people are unable to let go of the past. They’ll stay stuck on anger and resentment for years, even over minor slights. Their grudges can poison relationships and create a toxic atmosphere. Don’t let their grudges hold you back. Forgive them for your own sake, even if they don’t deserve it. Move on and focus on building positive relationships with people who are capable of forgiveness and reconciliation.
14. They make you feel guilty for their problems.

These people are masters of emotional manipulation. They’ll guilt-trip you into helping them, forgiving them, or staying in a relationship with them, even when it’s not in your best interest. Don’t fall for their guilt trips. Remember, you’re not responsible for their happiness or their problems. You have the right to set boundaries and prioritise your own well-being.
15. They’re never satisfied.

No matter what you do, it’s never enough for these people. They’re always complaining, criticising, and finding fault with everything. Their negativity is contagious and can quickly drain your energy. Don’t let their dissatisfaction rub off on you. Focus on your own happiness and surround yourself with positive people who appreciate the good things in life. Remember, you can’t please everyone, and you shouldn’t have to.
16. They’re overly competitive.

These people see everything as a contest. They constantly compare themselves to other people and feel threatened if someone else is doing better than them. They may try to undermine your success or belittle your achievements. Don’t let their competitiveness affect your self-worth. Focus on your own goals and celebrate your successes, regardless of how they compare to anyone else. Remember, true success comes from within, not from outdoing someone else.
17. They lack boundaries.

These people have no respect for personal space or boundaries. They may overshare personal information, make inappropriate comments, or try to insert themselves into your personal life. Establish clear boundaries and communicate them assertively. Don’t be afraid to say “no” or to distance yourself from them if they continue to disrespect your boundaries.
18. They’re always right.

These people have an inflated sense of self-importance and believe that their opinions are always correct. They refuse to consider other perspectives or admit when they’re wrong. Don’t waste your time trying to argue with them or change their minds. Accept that they are unwilling to see things from your point of view and move on.
19. They’re emotionally unavailable.

These people are unable or unwilling to connect with people on an emotional level. They may be distant, aloof, or avoidant of intimacy. They may also be insensitive to your feelings or needs. Don’t take their emotional unavailability personally. It’s a reflection of their own issues, not yours. Focus on building relationships with people who are emotionally available and supportive.
20. They suck the energy every album ever.

These people drain your energy and leave you feeling exhausted. They may be constantly complaining, gossiping, or creating drama. They may also be demanding, needy, or clingy. Limit your interactions with them and prioritise yourself. Spend time with people who uplift and energise you, and engage in activities that recharge your batteries.