20 Things Only Self-Absorbed People Say Out Loud

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We all know at least one person who seems to think the world revolves around them.

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They can turn any conversation into a monologue about their life and get offended when someone else is in the spotlight for even a second. They’re obnoxious and incredibly easy to spot. Here are 20 things you might hear from these self-absorbed people. If you catch yourself saying these often, it might be time for a little self-reflection!

1. “Enough about me, what do you think about me?”

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This classic line is usually said jokingly, but for self-absorbed people, it’s pretty much their life motto. They might ask about you, but only as a segue to talk more about themselves. It’s like they’re allergic to listening or something.

2. “I’m not racist, but…”

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Newsflash: If you have to start a sentence this way, you probably shouldn’t finish it. Self-absorbed people often think their opinions are so important that they trump basic decency or respect for other people.

3. “You’re so lucky to have me as a friend.”

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While friendship is great, acting like you’re God’s gift to someone else’s social life is a bit much. It’s like they think they’re doing you a favour just by existing in your orbit.

4. “I’m just being honest.”

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This is often code for “I’m about to say something rude or hurtful, but I don’t want to face any consequences for it.” Self-absorbed people use “honesty” as a shield for their lack of tact or consideration.

5. “Why are you so sensitive?”

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Instead of acknowledging that they might have hurt someone’s feelings, self-absorbed folks often blame people for being “too sensitive.” It’s easier than admitting they might have messed up.

6. “I’m not like other girls/guys.”

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This line screams, “I think I’m special and unique, unlike all those boring ‘normal’ people.” It’s a way of putting themselves on a pedestal while knocking people down a peg.

7. “That’s nothing, listen to what happened to me…”


No matter what you’ve been through, they’ve got a bigger, better story. Your broken arm? Please, they once stubbed their toe so hard they saw stars!

8. “I don’t understand why everyone’s so obsessed with me.”

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Spoiler alert: They’re probably not. But self-absorbed people often imagine they’re the centre of attention, even when they’re not.

9. “I’m just speaking my truth.”

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Similar to “I’m just being honest,” this is often used to justify saying whatever pops into their head, regardless of how it affects other people. Your truth doesn’t need to trample over everyone else’s feelings, Karen.

10. “You should be grateful I’m even here.”


As if their mere presence is a gift to humanity. Self-absorbed people often overestimate their importance in any given situation.

11. “I can’t help it if people are jealous of me.”


Rather than considering that other people might have legitimate issues with their behaviour, they assume any negative reaction must be rooted in jealousy. It’s easier than self-reflection, I guess.

12. “I’m not good at remembering names/birthdays/important dates.”

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This is often code for “I don’t care enough to make the effort.” Self-absorbed people might use this as an excuse for not showing interest in other people’s lives.

13. “I’m an empath, I feel everything so deeply.”

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While some people are genuinely empathetic, self-absorbed folks might use this claim to make everything about their feelings, even when someone else is struggling.

14. “I’m just telling it like it is.”

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Another variation of the “honesty” excuse. It’s like they think being blunt gives them a free pass to be inconsiderate.

15. “I’m not here to make friends.”

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Often said in competitive situations, this phrase suggests they think they’re too good for basic human connections. It’s like they’re the main character and everyone else is just an extra.

16. “Do you know who I am?”

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Pexels/Alexander Suhorucov

Unless you’re literally lost and trying to figure out your own identity, this phrase reeks of self-importance. It’s usually used to try to get special treatment.

17. “I’m sorry you feel that way.”

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This non-apology is a favourite of self-absorbed people. It sounds like they’re apologising, but really they’re just sorry you’re upset, not sorry for what they did.

18. “I’m just living my best life.”

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Often used to justify selfish behaviour, as if “living your best life” means you can ignore how your actions affect other people.

19. “I’m too busy for drama.”

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Ironically, the people who say this are often the ones creating the drama. It’s a way of dismissing people’s concerns without taking responsibility.

20. “I didn’t ask for your opinion.”

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Self-absorbed people often want to share their thoughts freely but get defensive when other people do the same. It’s like they think they have a monopoly on opinions.