We’ve all experienced moments where we feel like someone doesn’t quite respect us.
Sometimes it’s an outright rude comment, but other times it’s more subtle, a feeling you can’t quite put your finger on. Maybe it’s a friend who always cancels plans last minute, or a colleague who consistently takes credit for your work. These subtle signs can be just as hurtful as overt disrespect, and it’s important to recognise them so you can address the issue or decide if it’s time to move on from the relationship. Keep an eye out for these red flags.
1. They won’t let you finish a sentence.

It’s frustrating when you’re mid-sentence and someone cuts you off. If this happens occasionally, it might just be a case of excitement or forgetfulness. However, if someone consistently interrupts you, it could be a sign that they don’t value your thoughts or opinions enough to let you finish speaking.
2. Your feelings are constantly downplayed, brushed off, or belittled by them.

When you share how you feel about something, do they brush it off or tell you you’re overreacting? If so, this is a clear indication that they don’t respect your emotions. A respectful person will listen to your concerns and validate your feelings, even if they don’t necessarily agree with them.
3. They make you the target of their “jokes”.

A little playful teasing can be fun, but if someone’s jokes consistently make you feel uncomfortable or put down, it’s not okay. Someone who respects you will know where to draw the line and won’t intentionally hurt your feelings for a laugh.
4. They don’t listen when you talk.

Do you find yourself repeating information or having to constantly bring up the same topics? If someone consistently zones out or seems uninterested when you’re speaking, it’s a sign they don’t value what you have to say.
5. They’re always late.

Sure, everyone runs late occasionally, but if someone is consistently tardy for meetings or get-togethers, it can be disrespectful of your time. Being on time shows that you value the other person and respect their schedule.
6. They break promises.

Whether it’s a small promise to pick up milk on the way home or a bigger commitment like helping you move, when someone repeatedly breaks their promises, it destroys trust and shows they don’t take their commitments to you seriously.
7. They talk over you.

Similar to interrupting, talking over someone is a way of dominating the conversation and not allowing them to express their thoughts fully. It’s a subtle way of saying, “My voice is more important than yours.”
8. They criticise you in front of other people.

Constructive criticism in private can be helpful, but publicly pointing out someone’s flaws is embarrassing and disrespectful. A respectful person will choose their words carefully and offer feedback privately.
9. They take credit for your work.

This is a major red flag in both personal and professional relationships. If someone consistently takes credit for your ideas or contributions, it shows that they don’t respect your effort or creativity.
10. They don’t apologise.

Everyone makes mistakes, but a respectful person will acknowledge when they’ve done wrong and offer a sincere apology. If someone refuses to take responsibility for their actions or apologise for hurting your feelings, it’s a clear sign of disrespect.
11. They don’t respect your boundaries.

Everyone has different comfort levels and limits. Whether it’s physical space, personal information, or emotional boundaries, a respectful person will acknowledge and honour your boundaries. If someone consistently pushes your limits or ignores your requests, it’s a sign they don’t respect your autonomy.
12. They belittle your achievements.

Have you ever shared a success or accomplishment, only to have someone downplay it or make you feel like it wasn’t a big deal? This can be incredibly demoralising and a clear sign of disrespect. A respectful person will celebrate your wins with you, no matter how small they may seem.
13. They gossip about you.

Trust is essential in any relationship, and gossiping is a major breach of that trust. If you find out that someone is talking behind your back or spreading rumours about you, it shows that they don’t respect your privacy or reputation.
14. They exclude you.

Whether it’s intentionally leaving you out of social gatherings or not considering your input in group decisions, exclusion can be a painful experience. It can make you feel like you don’t belong or that your presence isn’t valued.
15. They compare you to other people (and not in a nice way).

Everyone is unique, and comparing someone to other people is unfair and disrespectful. It can make someone feel like they’re not good enough or that they have to measure up to unrealistic standards.
16. They never ask for your opinion.

Even if they don’t always agree with you, a respectful person will value your perspective and ask for your input. If someone consistently makes decisions without consulting you or considering your thoughts, it shows that they don’t value your opinion.
17. They flaunt their superiority.

Whether it’s bragging about their accomplishments, reminding you of their higher status, or constantly trying to one-up you, someone who flaunts their superiority is showing that they don’t see you as an equal.
18. They don’t offer help when you need it.

We all need a helping hand sometimes. If someone consistently refuses to lend a hand or offer support when you’re struggling, it could be a sign that they don’t care about your well-being.
19. They use condescending language.

Speaking down to someone or using patronising language is a subtle form of disrespect. It implies that the other person is less intelligent or capable.
20. They don’t respect your personal space.

Everyone has different preferences when it comes to personal space. If someone consistently invades your bubble, touches you without permission, or makes you feel uncomfortable, it’s a clear sign they don’t respect your physical boundaries.