21 Behaviours That Scream “I Wasn’t Raised Right”

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Some people make you wonder how on earth they were brought up.

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I’m referring to people who have zero basic manners, refuse to follow social norms, and are generally just a nightmare to be around. They don’t need to be posh or mind their Ps and Qs, but they should at least know how to act like normal, decent people, especially in public. Here are some cringe-worthy behaviours that really make you question how they were raised.

1. They never say “please” or “thank you”.

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It’s such a simple thing, but it makes a massive difference. If someone can’t be bothered to use these basic courtesies, it’s a dead giveaway that they weren’t taught the importance of gratitude and respect. Whether it’s ordering at a restaurant or receiving a gift, those two little words go a long way in showing you’ve got some manners.

2. They’re always late and don’t apologise for it.

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Running late occasionally happens to everyone, but if someone is chronically late and doesn’t even have the decency to say sorry, it screams poor upbringing. It shows a lack of respect for other people’s time and a sense of entitlement that the world should wait for them. A bit of consideration goes a long way.

3. They litter without a second thought.

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Dropping rubbish on the street or leaving your mess for other people to clean up is just plain lazy and disrespectful. It shows a complete disregard for the environment and the people around you. If you can’t be bothered to find a bin or take your rubbish home, it’s a clear sign you weren’t taught to take responsibility for your actions.

4. They’re rude to service staff.

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The way someone treats waiters, shop assistants, or cleaners says a lot about their character. If they’re constantly barking orders, being condescending, or treating service staff like they’re beneath them, it’s a massive red flag. Good manners and basic human decency should apply to everyone, regardless of their job.

5. They interrupt people mid-conversation.

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Constantly butting in when other people are talking is not only rude but shows a lack of respect for other people’s thoughts and opinions. If someone can’t wait their turn to speak or always thinks what they have to say is more important, it’s clear they weren’t taught the art of conversation and listening.

6. They never offer to help.

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Whether it’s clearing the table after a meal or offering to lend a hand when someone’s struggling with heavy bags, people who never volunteer to help people often weren’t raised to think beyond themselves. It’s about being aware of those around you and showing a bit of kindness and consideration.

7. They’re glued to their phone in social situations.

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We all use our phones, but if someone can’t put their device away during a meal or a face-to-face conversation, it shows a lack of respect for the people they’re with. It’s as if they’re saying, “Whatever’s on my phone is more important than you.” A bit of digital etiquette goes a long way in showing you value real-life interactions.

8. They gossip and spread rumours without a second thought.

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People who constantly talk behind other people’s backs and spread gossip like it’s their job often weren’t taught the importance of integrity and kindness. It shows a lack of empathy and consideration for how their words might affect other people. Good upbringing usually includes learning to mind your own business and not to speak badly about people.

9. They never take responsibility for their mistakes.

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If someone always has an excuse or blames other people for their own mistakes, it’s a clear sign they weren’t taught to own up to their actions. Being able to admit when you’re wrong and apologise is a crucial life skill. Those who can’t do this often create a trail of resentment and frustration in their wake.

10. They don’t respect personal space or boundaries.

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Some people seem to have no concept of personal space, whether it’s standing too close, touching without permission, or asking overly personal questions. This behaviour shows they weren’t taught to respect other people’s boundaries or to pick up on social cues. It can make people feel uncomfortable and violated.

11. They’re always trying to one-up everyone.

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You know the type — no matter what story you tell or achievement you share, they always have to top it. This constant need to be the best or have the most impressive tale often stems from insecurity and a lack of being taught how to genuinely listen and celebrate other people’s successes.

12. They don’t clean up after themselves in shared spaces.

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Whether it’s leaving dirty dishes in the office kitchen sink or not wiping down gym equipment after use, failing to clean up in shared spaces shows a lack of consideration for other people. It’s a basic courtesy that seems to have been missed in their upbringing.

13. They’re always asking for favours but never return them.

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Some people are happy to take, take, take, but when it comes to giving back, they’re nowhere to be found. This one-sided behaviour often indicates they weren’t taught the importance of reciprocity and mutual support in relationships.

14. They make offensive jokes and don’t care who they hurt.

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There’s a difference between edgy humour and just being plain offensive. If someone consistently makes jokes at other people’s expense, especially about sensitive topics, and doesn’t care about the hurt they cause, it shows a lack of empathy and respect that often stems from poor upbringing.

15. They don’t respect other people’s property.

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Whether it’s borrowing things without asking, returning items in poor condition, or being careless with other people’s belongings, this behaviour shows a lack of respect for other people and their property. It’s a basic principle that seems to have been missed in their upbringing.

16. They’re always complaining but never do anything to change their situation.


Constant complainers who never take action to improve their circumstances often weren’t taught the value of personal responsibility and problem-solving. It’s easier to whinge than to actually do something, but it’s not a particularly admirable or productive trait.

17. They ignore dress codes or appropriate attire.

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While personal style is important, completely disregarding dress codes for events or workplaces shows a lack of respect for the occasion and the people involved. It often indicates they weren’t taught to consider context and appropriateness in their appearance.

18. They don’t RSVP or cancel plans at the last minute.

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Failing to respond to invitations or bailing on plans at the eleventh hour without a good reason is inconsiderate and shows a lack of respect for other people’s time and efforts. It’s a basic courtesy that seems to have been overlooked in their upbringing.

19. They’re always trying to get something for free.

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While there’s nothing wrong with a good deal, constantly trying to scam freebies or avoid paying for things shows a lack of integrity and respect for people’s work and products. It often indicates they weren’t taught the value of fair exchange and honesty in transactions.

20. They don’t respect different cultures or beliefs.

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Being openly disrespectful or dismissive of cultures, religions, or beliefs different from their own shows a narrow-mindedness that often stems from a lack of exposure and education about diversity. It indicates they weren’t raised to appreciate and respect the rich tapestry of human experiences and beliefs.

21. They don’t know how to lose gracefully.

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Whether it’s a board game or a professional competition, someone who can’t handle losing without throwing a strop or making excuses wasn’t taught important lessons about sportsmanship and humility. Being a good loser is just as important as being a good winner, and it’s a skill that should be learned early on.