The importance of gratitude is drilled into us these days, and for good reason.

Sure, you remember to say thanks when someone gives you a gift or does you a favour, but there are other instances in which showing appreciation doesn’t automatically come to mind, even though it should. Here are some of the times when you should be grateful — and express that gratitude — in life, even if it feels a little strange.
1. When someone gives you honest feedback

It’s not always easy hearing when we’ve messed up or could do better, but when someone takes the risk to be truthful with you, that’s actually a gift. Thank them for caring enough to be honest, even if the feedback stings a bit. Taking a moment to show appreciation for their honesty often strengthens the trust between you.
2. After a tough conversation

When you’ve had a disagreement or worked through a misunderstanding with someone, thank them for sticking it out. It takes guts to stay and work things through instead of walking away. Expressing gratitude in these moments helps both people move forward feeling heard and respected. A simple “thanks for talking this through with me” can help heal any remaining tension.
3. When someone shares their knowledge

Whether it’s a colleague explaining how to use a new system or your nan teaching you her secret recipe, thank them for sharing their expertise. They’re giving you something valuable they’ve learned over time. Showing appreciation encourages them to keep sharing and teaching other people what they know. Your genuine thanks might inspire them to share even more valuable insights with you.
4. During everyday routines

Thank the bus driver who gets you to work safely, the cleaner who empties your office bin, or the barista who remembers your usual order. These small interactions might feel automatic, but real gratitude makes them meaningful. Taking that extra moment to look someone in the eye and say thanks genuinely can transform a routine moment into something special.
5. When someone shows vulnerability

If someone opens up to you about something personal or difficult, thank them for trusting you with their story. It takes courage to let your guard down and share deeper feelings. Acknowledging their trust with gratitude creates a safe space for more open conversations. Your appreciation might give them the confidence to be more open with other people, too.
6. For the little extras at work

Thank your colleagues for cc’ing you on important emails, giving you a heads-up about upcoming changes, or filling you in on meetings you missed. These small courtesies make work life smoother. Noticing and appreciating these gestures encourages more helpful behaviour in the workplace. You might find people become even more inclined to keep you in the loop.
7. When receiving constructive criticism

If your boss takes time to explain where you can improve, or a friend points out a blind spot, say thanks. They’re investing in your growth rather than just letting you carry on making mistakes. Showing gratitude for this kind of feedback makes it easier for them to support your development in the future. Their guidance might be exactly what you need to reach your next goal.
8. During someone’s busy moment

Thank people who make time for you when they’re clearly swamped. Whether it’s a quick question or a longer chat, they’re choosing to pause their busy day for you. Recognising their time as valuable shows respect for their priorities. Your appreciation might make them more willing to help next time you need them.
9. When plans fall through

Thank someone for letting you know they can’t make it, even if it’s last minute. Being upfront about cancelling is better than ghosting or making excuses. Appreciating their honesty keeps the relationship respectful and open. Your gracious response makes it easier for them to be truthful with you in the future.
10. For unseen preparation work

Thank people for the behind-the-scenes effort they put in, like preparing for meetings or organising events. Most people only see the final result, not the planning that went into it. Acknowledging this invisible work shows you notice and value their effort. Your recognition of their hard work might motivate them to keep giving their best.
11. When receiving unexpected support

Thank those who check in on you during tough times or celebrate your wins without being asked. These spontaneous gestures of care mean they’re really paying attention to your life. Expressing gratitude for their thoughtfulness strengthens these meaningful connections. Your appreciation encourages them to keep being that supportive friend in your life.
12. After learning something new

Thank people who help you discover new perspectives or introduce you to new ideas. They’re expanding your world and challenging your thinking in valuable ways. Showing appreciation for these mind-opening moments encourages more enriching exchanges. Your thanks might inspire them to share even more interesting viewpoints with you.