You love your kids and wouldn’t change them for the world, but they’re also full of quirks and habits that can drive you up the wall.

The thing is, as they grow up, some of those exhausting moments will become the memories you cherish most, even if you can’t possibly imagine that at the moment. Their weird ways and frustrating behaviours are part of their process of learning and growing into young adults and finally grown-ups, and they really are precious in their own way. Here are just a few habits you might find yourself longing for once they’re older.
1. Interrupting your conversations

It doesn’t matter if you’re on the phone, chatting with friends, or just trying to have a quiet moment to yourself — kids always seem to interrupt at the most inconvenient times. “Mum! Dad!” It can feel relentless, like they’re always demanding your attention. But one day, when they stop bursting in with their stories, questions, or just random observations, you might find yourself missing their eager interruptions. It’s their way of staying connected to you, even if it means pulling you away from something else. Eventually, when their excitement to share every little detail dies down, you’ll realise how much you miss it.
2. Asking endless questions

“Why is the sky blue?” “Where do birds sleep?” It feels like they’ll never stop with the questions, doesn’t it? At times, it can be exhausting, especially when you’re barely hanging on and running on fumes. But in reality, those questions show how curious they are and how much they look up to you, thinking you’ve got all the answers. When they stop coming to you with their “why” questions and start Googling everything, you might be surprised at how much you miss those moments.
3. Leaving their stuff everywhere

Lego bricks strewn across the living room, socks in the weirdest places, toys scattered around the house — it sometimes feels like you’re constantly cleaning up after them. It’s like a never-ending cycle of picking up mess. But as chaotic as it seems, those little scattered toys are a sign of their busy, active minds. When your house eventually becomes spotless and their things stay neatly tucked away in their rooms, you’ll probably wish for just one more day of the colourful mess they brought into your life.
4. Constant noise and chatter

Whether they’re singing, humming, or just chatting away non-stop, kids rarely leave a moment of silence. At times, the endless noise can be overwhelming, especially if you’re craving a bit of peace. But when they get older and those moments of constant chatter fade away, you might realise you miss the sound of their energy filling the house. Their voices were a reminder that they were there, full of life and joy, and that silence you crave now won’t ever feel the same.
5. Being your constant shadow

It feels like they follow you everywhere — into the kitchen, to the bathroom, and even while you’re just trying to sip a cup of tea in peace. “What are you doing, mum?” They just can’t seem to get enough of you, and at times, it feels like they’ve taken over every inch of your personal space. But as they grow and begin spending more time with their friends, or start retreating into their own world, you might find yourself longing for the days when they just wanted to be by your side 24/7.
6. Repeating the same stories over and over

“Did I tell you what happened at school today?” Yes, you’ve heard this one five times already, but it doesn’t stop them from recounting every little detail. Their excitement to share with you is contagious, but it can also be tiring when you’ve already heard the story several times. But one day, when they’re too busy or too cool to share every detail of their day with you, you’ll look back on these repeated stories with fondness and wish they still wanted to include you in every part of their life.
7. Picky eating battles

From refusing to eat vegetables to insisting on eating only chicken nuggets for weeks, mealtimes can sometimes feel like a battleground. The endless negotiations, the food fights, the “I don’t like that” complaints — sometimes it can feel like you’ll never win. But as they get older and their tastes change, you might find yourself missing those simple times when cutting the crusts off their sandwiches or making their favourite pasta was all it took to make them happy.
8. Drawing on everything but paper

It doesn’t matter how many times you tell them — walls, furniture, and sometimes even their own faces end up with little drawings. The frustration of finding a masterpiece on a freshly painted wall can be enough to drive you mad. But, as annoying as it is at the time, those doodles are a snapshot of their creativity and imagination. When they’re older and their drawing is confined to sketchbooks, you’ll miss the unfiltered, carefree way they expressed themselves through their art.
9. Insisting on one more bedtime story

“Just one more story, please!” Bedtime can feel like it takes forever, with them stalling for one more hug, another glass of water, or the umpteenth request for one more story. As much as you might long for peace and quiet, one day when they start tucking themselves in, and you’re not needed for those bedtime rituals anymore, you’ll realise just how much you miss being the one to help them wind down and feel safe.
10. Inviting themselves into your bed at night

Nothing quite disrupts a good night’s sleep like a tiny human climbing into bed with you. Their elbows, knees, and wiggling around leave you wide awake while they sleep soundly, completely oblivious to the havoc they’re causing. But one day, when they stop sneaking into your bed and are happily snuggled up in their own room, you’ll long for the days of having them so close, even if it meant a restless night.
11. Wearing the most outrageous outfits

It could be rain boots with pyjamas or a superhero cape over their school uniform — kids have no fear when it comes to fashion, and it can sometimes leave you scratching your head. But their unapologetic style is a reflection of their confidence and individuality. When they start dressing to fit in instead of standing out, you might find yourself missing their bold and fearless self-expression.
12. Clinging to you in public

Whether it’s holding your hand or hiding behind you in unfamiliar places, your child’s need for reassurance in public can sometimes feel overwhelming. But as they grow and start to venture out on their own, stop holding your hand, or prefer hanging with their friends, you’ll find yourself longing for those moments when they wanted you as their safe space in the world.
13. Obsessing over the same shows or movies

If you’ve watched the same animated film a hundred times or can recite the dialogue from a TV show by heart, you know the feeling of repetitive viewing habits all too well. It gets a bit much after a while, but when their interests change, and they start watching something new (or even worse, stop watching with you), you might find yourself wishing for just one more round of those beloved childhood favourites.
14. Making everything take forever

Getting dressed, putting on shoes, brushing teeth — it doesn’t matter what it is, kids seem to have a magical ability to turn the simplest tasks into drawn-out events. You’re always rushing them along to stay on schedule. But one day, when they’re managing their own time and getting ready without any help, you’ll realise just how precious those slow, unhurried moments were.
15. Needing you for everything

“Can you help me?” “I need you!” Kids rely on you for almost everything, and while it can feel overwhelming at times, it’s also a sign of how much they trust and depend on you. But as they grow and become more independent, you’ll find yourself missing being their go-to person for everything. Their requests, no matter how tiring, remind you of the love and connection you share.