Awkward Moments Everyone Has Experienced At The GP

Going to the GP is never exactly a fun experience, but sometimes, it can be downright awkward.

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From trying to explain embarrassing symptoms to fumbling through small talk with a doctor who clearly has no time for chit-chat, we’ve all had moments that make us wish we could just disappear. Whether it’s the waiting room tension or a personal question you weren’t quite ready for, these uncomfortable moments at the GP are all too familiar.

1. Struggling to pronounce the name of your medication

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There’s nothing worse than confidently stepping up to the receptionist, only to realise you have no idea how to say the name of the medication you need. You either attempt it and hope for the best, or you mumble something vague and hope they understand. Most of the time, they do — but there’s always that one receptionist who stares blankly, waiting for you to try again. By the end of it, you just wish you’d written it down instead of embarrassing yourself.

2. That moment when the doctor asks, “And what brings you in today?”

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It doesn’t matter how many times you’ve rehearsed your symptoms in your head — when you actually have to say them out loud, they suddenly sound ridiculous. “Well… there’s this weird pain in my, um… left side? Or maybe the right?” Even worse is when you have a symptom that feels too awkward to explain directly. You end up over-explaining, under-explaining, or avoiding eye contact altogether while hoping the GP just magically knows what’s wrong.

3. Panicking when they ask how much you drink

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It’s a simple question, but why does it feel like an interrogation? You quickly calculate how many drinks you had last weekend, subtract the ones you think don’t count, and somehow come up with a number that feels both honest and socially acceptable. But even after giving your answer, you can’t help but wonder if you’ve been judged. Did you say too much? Not enough? Is there a “correct” answer? The overthinking continues long after the appointment is over.

4. Trying to figure out where to put your clothes during an examination

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There’s nothing quite as awkward as undressing for a check-up and not knowing where to put your clothes. Do you neatly fold them on the chair? Hold onto them awkwardly? Leave them in a crumpled pile on the floor? And then there’s the added horror of sitting there half-dressed, waiting for the GP to return. No matter how normal it is, it never feels comfortable.

5. When they ask you to describe your pain, and you suddenly forget how to talk

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They ask you to rate your pain from one to ten, and suddenly, you have no idea what a ten even feels like. Is your pain a seven? A five? You don’t want to sound dramatic, but you also don’t want them to think you’re fine when you’re not. Then comes the dreaded question: “Can you describe the pain?” All logic disappears, and you find yourself saying something completely useless like, “It’s… sort of tingly, but also sharp, but also dull?”

6. The weird pressure to be a “good patient”

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For some reason, many of us feel the need to be on our best behaviour at the GP, as if we’re being graded. We sit up straighter, nod seriously, and pretend we’ve been looking after ourselves perfectly, even when we haven’t. “Do you exercise regularly?” Of course! “Have you been taking your medication as prescribed?” Absolutely! “Have you been eating healthily?” Er… next question?

7. That awkward moment when you don’t know if you should shake hands

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Some doctors go straight in for a handshake, while others keep their distance. The problem? You never know which type you’re dealing with. You either go for it and get left hanging, or you stand there awkwardly, waiting to see what they do first. And if they do shake your hand, there’s that instant thought of, “How many germs have just transferred between us?” Suddenly, you’re itching to wash your hands as soon as you leave.

8. Making eye contact with someone who just heard everything you said

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Waiting rooms are awkward enough, but they’re even worse when you step out of the consultation room and lock eyes with the person who definitely just overheard you talking about your embarrassing rash. You both pretend it didn’t happen, but the awkwardness lingers. If you’re lucky, they’ll be called in next, saving you from sitting there in silence, avoiding their gaze.

9. Trying to leave the appointment but struggling with the door

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It’s a simple task — open the door and leave. But somehow, in the post-appointment rush, it never goes smoothly. Either the door is unexpectedly heavy, the handle is weirdly complicated, or you panic and push when it clearly says “pull.” Every GP surgery has at least one person who fumbles with the door on their way out. And if it happens to be you, it just makes the whole visit feel even more embarrassing.

10. Sitting in the waiting room way past your appointment time

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You arrive on time, check in, and sit down… only to realise you’re going to be waiting much longer than expected. Every time the door opens, you sit up a little, only to feel disappointed when it’s not your turn. Then comes the overthinking: Did they forget about you? Should you ask? Will that make you seem impatient? By the time your name is finally called, you’re equal parts relieved and mildly annoyed.

11. Not knowing whether to make small talk or stay silent

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Some GPs keep things strictly professional, while others chat about the weather, your job, or last night’s football match. The tricky part is figuring out which type you’ve got. Do you just nod and answer questions directly, or do you try to engage? And if you do, how much is too much? The last thing you want is to be halfway through a funny story when they suddenly cut you off with, “Right, let’s have a look at that rash.”

12. Feeling weirdly judged when they check your weight

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Even if you’re not worried about your weight, stepping on the scales at the GP always feels slightly nerve-wracking. You don’t want to look, but you also kind of do. And if the doctor makes a neutral “hmm” sound, your brain instantly spirals into overanalysis. Are they judging you? Is that number higher than last time? Should you say something, or just pretend you didn’t notice? No matter what, it’s an awkward moment that never gets any easier.

13. That awkward moment when you’re not sure if the appointment is over

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The GP has given their advice, typed some notes, and nodded… but are you supposed to leave now? Or is there more? You sit there, waiting for a clear sign, but they just keep staring at their screen. Eventually, you awkwardly ask, “So… is that everything?” and hope you haven’t just rushed them. There’s no smooth way to handle this, only trial and error.

14. Saying “you too” when it makes no sense

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It’s a classic awkward moment: The doctor says, “Take care!” and you respond with “You too!” Or worse, they say, “Get well soon,” and you instinctively say it back before realising they’re not the one who’s ill. At this point, the only option is to quickly leave and hope they forget about it. But let’s be honest — you’ll be thinking about it for days.