21 Conversation Starters That Will Impress Smart People

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Want to impress the smartest people in the room?

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Being yourself and making a good impression aren’t really that difficult — it all comes down to your conversational skills. Try these conversation starters that’ll get the intellectual juices flowing.

1. What’s the most interesting book you’ve read lately?

Anna Bizon

Bookworms love this one. It’s a great way to discover new reads and dive into fascinating topics. You might end up in a heated debate about the latest bestseller or uncover a hidden gem you’ve never heard of. Plus, it’s a sneaky way to gauge someone’s interests and depth of knowledge.

2. If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?


This classic icebreaker never fails to spark interesting conversations. It reveals a lot about a person’s values and interests. Are they fascinated by scientific geniuses, political revolutionaries, or artistic visionaries? You might be surprised by their choice and the reasons behind it.

3. What emerging technology do you think will have the biggest impact on our future?

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Tech enthusiasts will jump at this one. It’s a chance to discuss AI, renewable energy, or even space exploration. You’ll get a sense of how optimistic or sceptical they are about technological progress. Be prepared for some mind-bending predictions about our future!

4. What’s a commonly held belief that you think might be wrong?

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Prepare for some controversy with this one. It challenges people to think critically about accepted norms. You might hear anything from scientific theories to social conventions being questioned. It’s a great way to see how someone thinks outside the box.

5. How do you think your field of expertise will evolve in the next decade?


People love talking about their work, especially when it comes to future trends. This question shows you’re genuinely interested in their professional life. You might learn about upcoming innovations or challenges in industries you know nothing about.

6. What’s a skill you’d like to master in the next year?

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Everyone’s got that one thing they’ve been meaning to learn. Maybe it’s playing guitar or mastering a new language. This question taps into people’s aspirations and can lead to some pretty inspiring conversations. You might even find a learning buddy or pick up some tips for your own self-improvement journey.

7. How do you think social media is changing human interaction?

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This one’s bound to get people talking. Love it or hate it, social media’s everywhere. You’ll hear all sorts of opinions on how it’s affecting our relationships, attention spans, and even politics. It’s fascinating to see how different generations view this digital revolution.

8. What’s the most thought-provoking documentary you’ve watched recently?

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Documentary buffs will light up at this question. It’s a goldmine for discovering new perspectives on current events, historical moments, or niche subjects you never knew existed. Be prepared to add a few titles to your watch list – and maybe challenge some of your own beliefs in the process.

9. If you could solve one global problem, what would it be, and how would you approach it?

two men talking outsideSource: Unsplash

This is where you separate the dreamers from the pragmatists. It’s amazing to hear the creative solutions people come up with for issues like climate change or world hunger. You might walk away feeling a bit more optimistic about humanity’s potential.

10. What’s a piece of advice you wish you’d received earlier in life?

two women talking at workSource: Unsplash

Everyone’s got some hard-earned wisdom to share. This question often leads to heartfelt stories and valuable life lessons. It’s a great way to connect on a more personal level and maybe pick up some sage advice in the process.

11. How do you think art influences society, or vice versa?


Art lovers and social commentators will have a field day with this one. It’s fascinating to explore how creativity shapes our world and reflects our values. You might end up debating the role of artists in social movements or the impact of pop culture on our daily lives.

12. What scientific discovery do you find most exciting or concerning?

Vladimirs Poplavskis

Science geeks, this one’s for you. From CRISPR to dark matter, there’s no shortage of mind-blowing discoveries to discuss. It’s interesting to see what people find thrilling or terrifying about scientific progress. You might learn something new or gain a fresh perspective on ethical dilemmas in research.

13. How do you think we can bridge the gap between science and public understanding?


This is a hot topic in our era of “fake news” and science scepticism. It’s great for discussing the role of education, media, and communication in spreading scientific literacy. You might hear some innovative ideas for making complex concepts more accessible to the average person.

14. What philosophical question do you find most intriguing?

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Get ready for some deep thinking. Whether it’s the nature of consciousness or the meaning of life, philosophical questions can lead to fascinating debates. It’s a great way to explore different worldviews and challenge your own beliefs.

15. How do you think we can balance technological progress with ethical concerns?

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With great power comes great responsibility, right? This question dives into the ethical challenges of our rapidly advancing tech world. From AI ethics to data privacy, there’s plenty to discuss. It’s interesting to see how people weigh the benefits of innovation against potential risks.

16. What’s a common misconception about your field of work or study?

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People love debunking myths about their expertise. You might be surprised at how often popular beliefs are way off base. It’s a great way to learn something new and see how passionate someone is about their work. Plus, you might finally understand what your friend in that obscure field actually does all day.

17. How do you think education systems should evolve to better prepare students for the future?

man and woman colleagues at tableSource: Unsplash

Everyone’s got an opinion on education, whether they’re a parent, teacher, or just remember their school days. This question can spark heated debates about standardised testing, practical life skills, and the role of technology in the classroom. You might hear some revolutionary ideas for overhauling the entire system.

18. What role do you think empathy plays in leadership?

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This one’s great for diving into the softer side of success. It’s interesting to see how people balance the stereotypical “tough boss” image with the need for emotional intelligence. You might end up discussing some inspiring leaders or sharing horror stories about empathy-deficient managers.

19. How do you think we can promote critical thinking in an age of misinformation?

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In the era of fake news and echo chambers, this question hits close to home. It’s fascinating to hear different strategies for navigating the information overload we face daily. You might pick up some tips for sharpening your own BS detector or get into a debate about media literacy education.

20. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing your generation?

Source: Brooke Cagle/Unsplash

This one’s great for bridging generational gaps. Whether you’re talking to a Gen Z-er worried about climate change or a Baby Boomer concerned about retirement, you’ll get insights into different life stages and priorities. It’s eye-opening to see how perspectives shift across age groups.

21. If you could design a course for A-level students, what would it be about?

career woman at workSource: Unsplash

Get ready for some creative ideas! This question taps into what people think is missing from traditional education. You might hear pitches for practical life skills like taxes and budgeting, or niche subjects like the philosophy of memes. It’s a fun way to reimagine what learning could look like.