If you’ve ever been stuck at a party, work event, or other social gathering desperately trying to come up with something good to say (or anything to say at all), I’m with you.

If you’re not someone who’s naturally extroverted or chatty, it can be hard to start conversations, especially with people you don’t know all that well and aren’t comfortable with. If you’d like to be a bit more of a social butterfly but are struggling, I’ve got you — here are some things to say that could lead to some pretty interesting convos.
1. “What’s the most ridiculous thing you believed as a kid?”

This one’s a goldmine for laughs and nostalgia. Everyone’s got at least one hilariously misguided childhood belief, whether it’s thinking chocolate milk comes from brown cows or that your parents could see you when you closed your eyes. (Wait, was that just me?) Sharing these silly stories is a great way to bond over shared embarrassment and get the laughs going.
2. “If you could have dinner with any historical figure, who would it be and why?”

This question lets people show off their interests while also sparking some fun “what if” scenarios. You might learn that your quiet coworker is secretly obsessed with ancient Egypt, or that your friend’s dream dinner date is with a notorious pirate. It’s a chance for everyone to geek out a bit and maybe learn something new in the process.
3. “What’s the worst fashion trend you ever embraced?”

We’ve all had our fashion faux pas, and reminiscing about them is always good for a laugh. Whether it’s the frosted tips of the ’90s, the low-rise jeans of the 2000s, or that one regrettable haircut, everyone’s got a style skeleton in their closet. Bonus points if someone’s brave enough to pull out photographic evidence!
4. “If you could instantly become an expert in one thing, what would it be?”

This question reveals a lot about people’s interests and aspirations. Maybe someone wishes they could speak five languages, or another dreams of being a master chef. It’s a great way to uncover hidden passions and maybe even find some common ground. Who knows, you might even inspire each other to pick up a new hobby!
5. “What’s the weirdest food combination you actually enjoy?”

Prepare for some eyebrow-raising answers with this one! From dipping french fries in milkshakes to putting peanut butter on burgers, everyone’s got that one weird food pairing they swear by. This should set off some playful debates and might even lead to impromptu taste tests if you’re at a party with snacks on hand.
6. “If you could trade lives with any fictional character for a day, who would it be?”

This is a fun way to tap into people’s imaginations and favourite stories. Maybe someone wants to wield magic at Hogwarts, or another fancies themselves as a superhero. It’s a chance for everyone to let their inner geek shine and potentially bond over shared fandoms. Just be prepared for some drama about which fictional universe is the best!
7. “What’s the most useless talent you have?”

We’ve all got those random skills that serve absolutely no purpose but are kind of impressive anyway. Can you lick your elbow? Recite the alphabet backwards? Asking this one sometimes leads to impromptu demonstrations and lots of laughs. It’s a great way to lighten the mood and show off your quirky side.
8. “If you could make one rule that everyone in the world had to follow, what would it be?”

This question can lead to some interesting insights into people’s values and pet peeves. Answers might range from the silly (everyone must dance when they hear ABBA) to the serious (be kind to one another). It’s a chance to share your vision for a better world, or just come up with the most ridiculous rule you can think of.
9. “What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?”

This one can lead to some genuinely meaningful conversations. People often have great stories about the advice that changed their lives, whether it came from a grandparent, a stranger, or even a fortune cookie. It’s a chance to share wisdom, reflect on life lessons, and maybe even pick up some new guidance along the way.
10. “If you could have any animal as a pet, regardless of practicality, what would you choose?”

Get ready for some wild answers! From domesticated tigers to friendly dolphins, this question lets people’s imaginations run wild. It’s a great way to learn about people’s favourite animals and hear some hilarious explanations for why someone thinks they could totally handle having a polar bear as a house pet. Just don’t be surprised if the conversation devolves into debating the merits of various mythical creatures as pets!