You’ve probably had your fair share of terrible bosses, which is why it’s such a breath of fresh air when you finally have a good one.

Good leaders will see you as more than an employee — they know you’re a human being, and they treat you accordingly. You’re worth more than what you produce during your eight hours on the job, and they get that. Not only that, but solid bosses will also do a number of other things for their workers without thinking twice.
1. They actually listen when you speak.

A good boss doesn’t just hear you; they listen. They put down their phone, look you in the eye, and actually absorb what you’re saying. It’s not just about nodding along, either. They ask questions and for clarification, and remember what you’ve said. It’s like they’ve got a special filing cabinet in their brain just for your ideas and concerns.
2. They give credit where it’s due.

When the team knocks it out of the park, a good boss doesn’t hog the limelight. They’re quick to point out individual contributions and team efforts. They’ll sing your praises to higher-ups and make sure your hard work doesn’t go unnoticed. It’s not just about a pat on the back; it’s about recognising and valuing your contribution to the team’s success.
3. They’re not afraid to roll up their sleeves.

A decent boss doesn’t just delegate; they participate. When the workload is heavy, they’re right there in the trenches with you. They’re not above any task, no matter how small. Need help stuffing envelopes for a big mailing? They’re there. Computer acting up? They’ll give it a shot before calling IT. It’s about showing that no job is beneath them and that you’re all in this together.
4. They provide constructive feedback.

Good leaders don’t just tell you what you’re doing wrong; they guide you on how to do it right. Their feedback is specific, timely, and actionable. They don’t sugarcoat things, but they’re not unnecessarily harsh either. It’s about helping you grow and improve, not just pointing out flaws. They make sure you leave the conversation feeling motivated, not deflated.
5. They respect your time outside of work.

A decent boss understands that you have a life beyond the office. They don’t expect you to answer emails at midnight or work through your holiday. They encourage a healthy work-life balance and lead by example. If they do need to contact you outside work hours, they make it clear it’s not urgent and can wait until you’re back on the clock.
6. They’re transparent about company matters.

Good leaders keep you in the loop. They don’t leave you guessing about important company decisions or changes. If there’s information they can share, they do. If they can’t disclose something, they’ll tell you that too. It’s about creating an environment of trust and making you feel like a valued part of the organisation, not just a cog in the machine.
7. They advocate for your growth and development.

A good boss isn’t threatened by your ambition; they nurture it. They discuss your career goals and help you work towards them. They might suggest training opportunities, give you challenging projects, or even put your name forward for promotions. They’re invested in your professional growth, even if it means you might outgrow your current role.
8. They own up to their mistakes.

Nobody’s perfect, and good leaders know this includes them. When they mess up, they admit it. No passing the buck, no excuses. They take responsibility, apologise if necessary, and focus on finding solutions. It’s about showing that it’s okay to be human and that accountability starts at the top.
9. They create a positive work environment.

Decent bosses understand the importance of workplace morale. They create a positive atmosphere where people actually want to come to work. This might mean organising team-building activities, celebrating birthdays, or simply maintaining an upbeat attitude. They know that happy employees are productive employees.
10. They’re fair and consistent.

Good leaders don’t play favourites. They apply rules and policies consistently across the board. If they make an exception, they explain why. They judge performance objectively and don’t let personal biases cloud their decisions. It’s about creating a sense of fairness and equality within the team.
11. They trust you to do your job.

A decent boss doesn’t micromanage. They give you clear expectations and then step back. They trust that you’re capable of handling your responsibilities without constant supervision. They’re there if you need support, but they don’t hover or nitpick. It’s about showing confidence in your abilities and giving you room to take ownership of your work.
12. They stand up for their team.

Good leaders have your back. If someone from another department is giving you a hard time, they step in. If upper management is making unreasonable demands, they push back. They’re not yes-men to the higher-ups; they’re advocates for their team. It’s about creating a sense of loyalty and showing that you’re all on the same side.
13. They show genuine interest in you as a person.

Lastly, a decent boss sees you as more than just an employee. They take the time to get to know you as a person. They remember details about your life outside work and ask about them. Had a big weekend plan? They’ll ask how it went on Monday. Dog been sick? They’ll check in on how it’s doing. It’s not about being your best friend, but about recognising and respecting your humanity.