Everyone gets a bit grumpy sometimes, but if you’re constantly rubbing people the wrong way, you may need to reassess your behaviour.

No one likes to be around someone with a bad attitude, and if you do these things, you’ve definitely got one. The good news is that the sooner you recognise it, the sooner you can do something about it.
1. You’re always looking for what’s wrong.

Nothing’s ever good enough. Your friend’s new haircut? Meh. That fancy restaurant meal? Overpriced rubbish. Always seeing the downside makes it hard to enjoy anything, and it’s a real downer for everyone around you.
2. You turn everything into an argument.

Casual chats somehow become heated debates. You’re always ready to prove someone wrong or defend your point. It’s exhausting for other people, and they might start avoiding topics just to keep the peace.
3. You can’t let go of grudges.

Someone did you wrong five years ago? You’re still fuming about it. Holding on to every little slight stops you from moving on and enjoying life. Plus, it’s a lot of emotional baggage to carry around.
4. You think you deserve special treatment.

You reckon the world owes you something. Maybe it’s a promotion at work or jumping the queue at the shops. When things don’t go your way, you get properly miffed. It’s a recipe for constant disappointment.
5. In your stories, you’re always the victim.

Bad stuff only happens to you, and it’s never your fault. Your victim mindset stops you from learning from mistakes or taking charge of situations. It’s a bit like being stuck on a hamster wheel of bad luck.
6. Compliments make you uncomfortable.

When someone says something nice, you brush it off or think they’re lying. Not being able to take a compliment pushes people away and keeps you stuck in a negative headspace.
7. You judge people instantly.

You’ve sized someone up before they’ve even said hello. These snap judgements stop you from really getting to know people. You might be missing out on some great friendships or opportunities.
8. Saying “thanks” is a struggle.

Showing gratitude doesn’t come easy to you. Maybe you think it makes you look weak or puts you in someone’s debt, but not saying thanks can really rub people the wrong way. It’s really not that hard!
9. Everything’s a competition.

From work projects to nights out, you’ve got to come out on top. Your constant need to win is draining for you and annoying for everyone else. Not everything needs to be a contest. Sometimes you should just enjoy doing things for the sake of it.
10. Other people’s success bugs you.

When your friend gets a promotion or your sister buys a new car, you can’t genuinely be happy for them. You might feel jealous or try to play down their achievement because you’re a bit of a hater. It’s a quick way to lose friends.
11. Sarcasm is your go-to.

Instead of saying what you mean, you use snarky comments or backhanded compliments. Your roundabout way of communicating just confuses people and creates tension. Can’t you ever just be straightforward and nice?
12. Your inner voice is a real downer.

The voice in your head is always pointing out your flaws and expecting the worst. The problem is, your negative self-talk affects your mood and how you treat other people. It’s like having a pessimistic narrator for your life.
13. Admitting you’re wrong feels impossible.

You’d rather dig your heels in than admit you’ve made a mistake. Of course, your stubbornness stops you from learning and growing. Plus, it makes you look a bit silly when you’re clearly in the wrong.
14. You think you’re better than other people.

You’ve got a bit of a superiority complex going on, and your holier-than-thou attitude makes it hard for people to warm up to you. Nobody likes feeling looked down on.
15. Trust isn’t your strong suit.

You’re always waiting for people to let you down or stab you in the back. While you do need to be cautious, your lack of trust makes it hard to form real connections. It can get pretty lonely always keeping your guard up.
16. You can’t handle criticism.

When someone gives you feedback, even if they’re trying to help, you get defensive or angry. Sadly, your knee-jerk reaction to criticism stops you from improving and learning new things. We’ve all got room for improvement in life. Embrace it.