Easy Ways To Stop Living Like A Total Slob That Even The Laziest People Can Do

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If you often look around your flat or house and think, “How did it get this bad?” you might be a bit of a slob.

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That’s not an insult, by the way — there are any number of reasons it might be hard to keep on top of housework, from a busy job to childcare responsibility to mental health issues (and that’s just to name a few). Or, you know, you might just be lazy. However, a clean living space contributes to a calm mind, so if you want to start tidying your space, here’s how to do it. Don’t worry, it’s pretty low effort!

1. Try the two-minute rule.

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If a task takes less than two minutes, do it right away. Hanging up your coat, putting a dish in the dishwasher, or tossing your socks in the laundry basket takes barely any time at all. It’s simple, but it can prevent a lot of small messes from piling up into big ones. Before you know it, these quick tasks will become a habit and your space will stay tidier with minimal effort.

2. Make your bed every morning.

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I know, I know, it seems pointless when you’re just going to mess it up again at night, but making your bed takes less than a minute and instantly makes your room look neater. Plus, starting your day with an accomplished task can set a positive tone. If nothing else goes right that day, at least you made your bed. It’s a small win, but it counts!

3. Keep cleaning supplies where you use them.

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Store bathroom cleaning spray under the sink, keep a dust cloth in your bedroom drawer, or stash some all-purpose wipes in the living room. When everything’s within reach, you’re more likely to give things a quick wipe when you notice they need it. It removes the excuse of “the cleaning stuff is too far away” and makes quick clean-ups much easier.

4. Use baskets to corral clutter.

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Baskets are the lazy person’s best friend when it comes to tidying. Instead of meticulously organising everything, just toss similar items into a basket. Books, remote controls, gaming stuff — give them all a dedicated basket. It might not be perfect organisation, but it looks a lot neater than having everything strewn about, and it takes minimal effort.

5. Don’t put it down, put it away.

Anna Bizon

This one’s a game-changer. Instead of dropping things wherever, take the extra few seconds to put them where they belong. Came home and took off your shoes? Don’t leave them in the middle of the floor — put them on the shoe rack. Finished with that book? Don’t leave it on the coffee table — put it back on the shelf. It’s a small change in habit that can make a big difference.

6. Do one load of laundry a week, start to finish.

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Laundry mountain is a common feature in many slobbish homes. Instead of letting it pile up, commit to doing one full load — wash, dry, fold, and put away — once a week. It’s not too overwhelming, and it keeps your clothes’ situation under control. Put on a podcast or your favourite show while you fold to make it less boring.

7. Keep a rubbish bin in every room.

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When the bin’s right there, you’re more likely to use it instead of leaving rubbish lying around. A small bin in the bedroom, bathroom, and living room makes it easy to dispose of things immediately. Just remember to empty them regularly — set a reminder on your phone if you need to.

8. Use the “one in, one out” rule.

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For every new item you bring into your home, get rid of something old. Bought a new shirt? Time to donate one you don’t wear anymore. New book? Pass an old one to a friend. This keeps clutter from accumulating and forces you to think twice about what you really need.

9. Set a 10-minute timer for daily tidying.

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It’s amazing what you can accomplish in just 10 minutes. Set a timer on your phone and do a quick blitz around your living space. Clear surfaces, put things away, give things a quick wipe. It’s short enough that it doesn’t feel like a chore, but consistent enough to keep things from getting out of hand.

10. Keep surfaces clear.

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Flat surfaces like tables and worktops are clutter magnets. Make a rule that these surfaces stay clear. When you finish using something, put it away instead of leaving it out. This one habit can dramatically change the look of your space and make proper cleaning much easier when you do get around to it.

11. Use the “one touch” rule.

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Try to only touch items once when dealing with them. For example, when you get the mail, don’t just put it down on the table. Instead, immediately sort it — bin the junk, file the bills, etc. This prevents piles from forming and tasks from being left half-done.

12. Keep a donation box.

Diego Cervo

Have a dedicated box for items you no longer want or need. When you come across something you don’t use anymore, toss it in the box. Once it’s full, donate it. This makes decluttering an ongoing, effortless process rather than a massive undertaking.

13. Use your waiting time.

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While waiting for the kettle to boil or the microwave to ding, do a quick tidy in that area. Wipe down the counter, put away a few dishes, or sort through that pile of papers on the side. These little pockets of time add up and can keep your space consistently tidy.

14. Adopt the “clean sink” rule.

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Make it a rule to never go to bed with dishes in the sink. It might seem daunting, but waking up to a clean sink sets a positive tone for the day. If you’re really knackered, at least give the dishes a rinse and stack them neatly. Future you will thank you in the morning.

15. Use hooks liberally.

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Hooks are a lazy person’s best friend. Put them by the door for coats and bags, in the bathroom for towels, in the bedroom for robes or tomorrow’s outfit. When hanging something up is as easy as hooking it, you’re more likely to do it instead of tossing things on the floor.

16. Keep cleaning wipes handy.

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For really lazy days, having cleaning wipes around makes quick clean-ups super easy. Keep a pack in the bathroom and kitchen. While they’re not great for deep cleaning, they’re perfect for giving surfaces a quick once-over to keep things looking decent between proper cleans.

17. Embrace minimalism (or at least, less stuff).

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The less stuff you have, the less there is to clean and tidy. You don’t have to go full minimalist, but being more mindful about what you bring into your home can make a big difference. Before buying something new, ask yourself if you really need it. Less stuff means less clutter and less to clean — it’s a win-win for lazy people!