You probably think psychopaths are always men — cold-blooded serial killer types. But the truth is, female psychopaths are far more common than people realise.

They may not leave a trail of bodies behind them, but their manipulative, callous and exploitative behaviour can still wreak havoc and destroy lives. Female psychopaths often fly under the radar, but there are telltale signs once you know what to look for. Here are 13 tips to spot the female psychopath in your life.
1. They have plenty of superficial charm.

She oozes charisma and can be incredibly alluring, especially when you first meet her. Her charm is a finely honed tool she uses to draw people in and get what she wants from them. But as studies have shown, it’s all surface-level — there’s no real depth or authenticity beneath the dazzling smile and witty banter. Once she’s got what she wants from you, the mask will slip.
2. They tend to be pathological liars.

Deception comes as naturally to her as breathing. Research confirms that psychopaths lie even when they have no real reason to, just for the thrill of pulling the wool over someone’s eyes. Her lies range from small, everyday untruths to huge, elaborate fabrications. And if you catch her out, she’ll just spin new lies to cover her tracks without missing a beat.
3. They manipulate people without a second thought.

She views people as pawns to manoeuvre in whatever way necessary to get her desired outcome. Experts note that she’s skilled at detecting your weak spots and insecurities and exploiting them mercilessly. Before you know it, you’ll be doing things you never thought you would, all because she’s pulled your strings and made you dance to her tune.
4. They completely lack empathy for anyone but themselves.

She is completely unable to put herself in another person’s shoes or feel what they are feeling. Other people’s pain and suffering just doesn’t register — it’s like she’s missing that chip. If someone is crying in front of her, she’ll remain unmoved, perhaps even bored or impatient. The only emotions she can mimic are ones that will help further her agenda.
5. They often have delusions of grandeur.

She believes she is superior to everyone else and destined for great things. Rules don’t apply to her, and she should always have the best of everything. As case studies illustrate, she’s the star of her own film, while everyone else is a mere extra. Her arrogance and contempt for others is palpable.
6. They’re all about thrill-seeking and risky behaviours.

She is addicted to the adrenaline rush of high-stakes risks and living on the edge. Psychopathy research shows that she acts on every whim, giving no thought to consequences. This could manifest as anything from shoplifting and reckless driving to racking up huge debts to fund her lavish lifestyle. The threat of being caught just adds extra excitement.
7. They shirk responsibility whenever they can.

Nothing is ever her fault. She always has an excuse or someone else to blame, even if she’s been caught red-handed. As studies confirm, she shirks any duties or obligations and leaves others to clean up her messes. If a relationship or job is no longer serving her, she’ll just walk away without a backward glance.
8. They’re cunning and calculating.

Behind her impulsivity is a shrewd and cunning mind. Psychopathy experts point out that she’s always looking for an angle to exploit and thinking several moves ahead. She hones in on people’s weaknesses and figures out how to use them to her advantage. Her machinations are intricate and well-planned.
9. They’re jealous and competitive.

If someone else is getting attention or acclaim, she has to find a way to make it all about her. She wants to be the best and have the most, no matter what it takes. She’ll sabotage a colleague to get a promotion or steal a friend’s partner because she can’t stand to see someone else happy or successful.
10. They lead a parasitic lifestyle.

She latches onto others and leeches off them for money, a place to stay, professional connections or whatever else she needs. It’s a one-way relationship where she takes and takes while giving nothing back. Case studies show that once she’s bled the host dry, she detaches and quickly moves on to a fresh victim.
11. They engage in intimate manipulation.

She wields her sexuality like a weapon, using it to lure and trap partners. But as research reveals, physical intimacy for her is not about intimacy or shared pleasure — it’s a transactional means to an end, a way to exert power and control. She’ll get bored and frustrated with a partner quickly and start looking for new conquests.
12. They turn on the crocodile tears easily.

She can turn on the waterworks at the drop of a hat, but her tears are just another manipulative ploy. Studies show she mimics the emotions that she thinks will evoke pity and sympathy and get her what she wants. But the crying stops as abruptly as it started once she has the desired result. There’s no real feeling behind it.
13. They try to gaslight you.

She will utterly undermine your sense of reality, to the point you question your own sanity. Analyses of psychopathic behaviour show female psychopaths deny things they said, accuse you of things you didn’t do, rewrite history and project their own qualities and actions onto you. All done so stealthily that you don’t realise it’s happening until you’re in too deep.