Frugal Habits That Would Leave A Rich Person Speechless

Some people live by the belief that every penny counts, while others don’t think twice about spending.

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For the ultra-wealthy (or even the reasonably well-off), certain money-saving habits might seem extreme, or even completely unnecessary. However, for those who are mindful of how much they’re shelling out on a regular basis, these little cost-cutting strategies are just part of daily life. Here are some of the more intense frugal habits that could leave people who aren’t struggling to make ends meet a bit lost for words.

1. Rinsing and reusing ziplock bags

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For someone who’s used to convenience, the idea of washing and reusing plastic bags might seem absurd. Why go through the effort when you could just grab a new one? But for frugal-minded people, it’s all about avoiding waste. A quick rinse means the bag can be used multiple times, saving money and reducing unnecessary plastic waste. It’s a small habit, but over time, it adds up.

2. Saving condiment packets from restaurants

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While some people have a drawer full of tiny ketchup, mustard, and soy sauce packets, a wealthy person might never even consider taking extras home. They’d probably just buy a full-size bottle without a second thought. But why let those little freebies go to waste? For frugal people, saving and using them later is just practical. It’s an easy way to avoid buying certain condiments altogether.

3. Watering down soap and shampoo

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For someone with unlimited funds, the idea of squeezing every last drop out of a bottle might seem unnecessary. But for those who hate wasting a single bit of product, adding a little water to stretch out shampoo, body wash, or even dish soap is completely normal. It doesn’t just make products last longer; it ensures nothing goes to waste. A few extra washes per bottle might not seem like a lot, but over time, it saves money.

4. Cutting open tubes and bottles to get every last drop

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Most people toss a bottle of lotion or toothpaste when they think it’s empty. But frugal people know better — there’s always a little bit more hiding in there. By cutting open a tube, they can scrape out every last bit of product, sometimes getting days’ or even weeks’ worth of extra use. It’s a habit that might leave a rich person shaking their head, but it’s second nature to those who hate waste.

5. Collecting and reusing wrapping paper

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Many people rip into presents without a care, but frugal people carefully peel off tape and fold up the paper for later use. To someone with endless money, the idea of saving used wrapping paper might seem completely unnecessary. But for those who love stretching their budget, reusing gift wrap is just smart. Why spend extra on something that’s only used once when it can be saved for another occasion?

6. Drying out paper towels or napkins to reuse later

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Most people wouldn’t even consider reusing a paper towel, but some cost-conscious people let lightly used ones dry out so they can be used again. If a napkin was barely touched, why not fold it up and save it? To someone with money to spare, this habit might seem shocking, but for those who prefer to stretch every pound, it makes perfect sense.

7. Avoiding the heating or air conditioning whenever possible

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Some people set the thermostat to whatever is comfortable without giving it a second thought. However, frugal people will bundle up in layers during winter or rely on fans instead of air conditioning in summer just to keep the energy bill down. For the ultra-wealthy, the idea of intentionally sitting in a slightly uncomfortable house just to save money might seem unnecessary. But for those on a budget, it’s just another way to cut costs.

8. Picking up free furniture from the side of the road

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A well-off person might go straight to high-end stores for furniture, but a frugal person knows that some of the best finds are sitting on the curb. A little cleaning or a quick DIY project can turn someone else’s castoffs into perfectly good furniture. It might sound strange to someone who’s never had to think about saving money, but why buy something new when you can get it for free with a little effort?

9. Using old clothes as cleaning rags

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Some people just throw out old t-shirts and towels when they get worn out, but money-conscious people turn them into reusable cleaning rags. Why spend money on disposable wipes when an old shirt does the job just as well? To someone who always buys new, this might seem unnecessary, but it’s an easy way to cut down on waste and save a little extra money.

10. Taking home leftovers from restaurants, no matter how small

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For a wealthy person, leaving behind a few bites of food might not seem like a big deal. But for frugal people, every bit of food is worth saving, even if it’s just a few fries or half a sandwich. To them, wasting food is just throwing money away. If it’s enough to eat later, why wouldn’t they take it home?

11. Refilling water bottles instead of buying new ones


Some people buy bottled water without thinking twice, but frugal people know that filling up a reusable bottle is just as good — and much cheaper. Even if they do buy bottled water, they’ll often refill and reuse the same bottle multiple times before getting rid of it. To someone with plenty of money, this might seem pointless, but for those who like to save, it’s just another small habit that adds up over time.

12. Stretching groceries to last as long as possible


While some people shop without checking their fridge first, frugal people make sure they use up every ingredient before buying more. They’ll get creative with leftovers, freeze extra portions, and plan meals carefully to avoid waste. To someone who doesn’t need to think about food costs, this level of planning might seem extreme. But for those who hate wasting money, it’s just a smart way to stretch every grocery trip.