Gen Z Habits That Would Improve The Lives Of Boomers

Every generation has its own way of doing things, but to be fair, Gen Z has come up with some habits that could actually make life a whole lot easier for older people, too.

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While boomers grew up in a world of face-to-face interactions, strict work ethics, and doing things the “tried and true” way, Gen Z has mastered the art of making life more convenient, balanced, and, well… less stressful. Maybe it’s time for boomers to take a few notes! Incorporating these things into their daily lives could streamline things in a way that could make them a whole lot happier, that’s for sure. To be fair, a lot of boomers are already onto these habits, but for those who aren’t, take note!

1. Embracing online shopping


Yes, in-person shopping has its perks, but why make things harder than they need to be? Gen Z has perfected the art of ordering everything from groceries to clothes to household essentials, without ever leaving the house. For boomers who still insist on making a trip for every little thing, online shopping could be a total game-changer. No more waiting in long checkout lines or searching the aisles for something that could be delivered to your door in two days.

2. Setting boundaries with work

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Boomers were raised with a strong work ethic, but many of them never learned how to set boundaries. Gen Z, on the other hand, is all about avoiding burnout and maintaining a work-life balance. Instead of answering work emails at all hours or feeling guilty about taking time off, older generations could take a page from Gen Z’s book and start protecting their personal time. Life isn’t just about work, and it’s never too late to start prioritizing rest.

3. Using technology for convenience


Gen Z has a tech solution for everything, whether it’s using digital calendars, mobile banking, or smart home devices. Meanwhile, many boomers are still juggling paper calendars and writing cheques like it’s 1985. Learning to use simple tech tools could make older people’s lives so much easier. No more running to the bank when mobile deposits exist or calling to make an appointment when online scheduling is just a click away.

4. Talking openly about mental health

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For a lot of boomers, mental health was never something you talked about. You just “dealt with it.” But Gen Z has completely normalized therapy, self-care, and being open about mental struggles. Embracing this way of thinking could help older generations realise that taking care of their mental health isn’t a sign of weakness. Stress, anxiety, and depression don’t just disappear because you ignore them, and seeking support is actually one of the healthiest things you can do.

5. Not being afraid to quit toxic situations

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Gen Z has no problem walking away from toxic jobs, relationships, or environments that don’t serve them. Meanwhile, many boomers were raised to “tough it out” even when they’re miserable. Knowing when to leave something that isn’t working is an underrated skill. Whether it’s a stressful job, a draining friendship, or a situation that just feels wrong, older generations could benefit from recognising that sometimes quitting is actually the best choice.

6. Dressing for comfort, not just appearances

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Gen Z has fully embraced comfort-first fashion. Oversized hoodies, athleisure, and sneakers over dress shoes? Yes, please. Meanwhile, Boomers often still dress like they’re going to a formal event just to run errands. There’s nothing wrong with looking put-together, but older people could definitely take a tip from Gen Z and lean into more comfortable, practical clothing. You don’t have to sacrifice style—you just don’t need to suffer for it.

7. Saying “no” without guilt

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Many boomers were raised to be people-pleasers, always saying yes to favours, extra work, or social obligations, even when they don’t want to. Gen Z? Not so much. Learning to say “no” without guilt is a skill that could seriously improve everyone’s lives. It’s okay to set boundaries and protect your time without feeling like you owe an explanation.

8. Having multiple income streams

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Gen Z doesn’t believe in relying on just one pay cheque. Whether it’s freelancing, selling things online, or running side businesses, they know the value of having extra income sources. Boomers who are retired or looking to add to their savings could take advantage of this mindset. There are tons of ways to make extra money without working full-time, and a little financial flexibility never hurts.

9. Being more mindful of self-care

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Self-care isn’t just about spa days; it’s about recognising when you need to slow down, take breaks, and prioritize yourself. Gen Z understands this, but many boomers still see rest as “laziness.” In reality, taking care of yourself means you’ll have more energy and feel better overall. Whether it’s a short nap, a hobby you enjoy, or just setting aside time to relax, self-care is something older generations could benefit from embracing.

10. Normalising therapy and emotional intelligence

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Emotional intelligence—understanding and managing emotions—is something younger people value highly. Many boomers, on the other hand, grew up in environments where bottling things up was the norm. Talking about feelings, working through issues in a healthy way, and understanding emotions isn’t just “soft” talk—it actually makes life easier. Learning to communicate openly and process emotions in a healthy way could improve relationships and mental health.

11. Prioritising experiences over “stuff”

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Younger people are about spending money on experiences rather than material possessions. They value travel, concerts, and making memories over buying more things they don’t need. Many boomers have spent years collecting “stuff” that they don’t even use. Taking a more experience-driven approach—travelling more, trying new things, or making memories with loved ones—could bring a lot more joy than another unnecessary purchase.

12. Letting go of outdated social norms

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Gen Z is quick to call out outdated expectations, whether it’s rigid gender roles, toxic workplace cultures, or old-fashioned etiquette that no longer makes sense. They know that just because something was done a certain way for years doesn’t mean it’s the best way. More boomer should let go of the idea that things “should” be a certain way just because they always were. The world evolves, and keeping an open mind makes life a lot more enjoyable.