If You Hear These 21 Phrases From Your Partner, You’re In A Toxic Relationship

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Toxic relationships often creep up on us, disguised as love or passion.

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The signs can be subtle, hidden in seemingly innocent phrases. This list exposes common statements that reveal underlying toxicity in a relationship. By picking up on these red flags, you can make informed decisions about your partnership. Remember, healthy relationships are built on mutual respect, trust, and open communication.

1. “You’re too sensitive.”

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This phrase invalidates your feelings and shifts blame onto you. It’s a tactic used to avoid taking responsibility for hurtful actions. Your partner is essentially telling you that your emotional responses are wrong or exaggerated. This dismissive attitude creates an environment where you’re afraid to express yourself honestly. Pay attention to how often your feelings are dismissed or belittled.

2. “If you really loved me, you would…”

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This manipulative statement uses guilt to control your behaviour. It implies that love is conditional and must be proven through specific actions. Your partner is trying to coerce you into doing something you’re uncomfortable with by questioning your affection. Healthy relationships respect boundaries and don’t use love as a bargaining chip. Notice if your partner frequently tries to manipulate you by leveraging your feelings.

3. “You’re lucky to have me.”

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This arrogant statement implies you should be grateful for their presence in your life. It suggests an imbalance in the relationship where they believe they’re doing you a favour by being with you. This attitude can lead to you feeling indebted and afraid to voice concerns. A healthy partner sees the mutual value you bring to each other’s lives. Be wary of someone who consistently positions themselves as superior in the relationship.

4. “I’m the only one who truly understands you.”


While this might sound romantic, it’s a tactic to isolate you from other support systems. Your partner is positioning themselves as your sole confidant and source of emotional support. This can lead to unhealthy dependence and make it harder for you to seek outside perspectives. Healthy relationships encourage connections with friends and family. Be cautious if your partner tries to convince you that they’re your only ally.

5. “You always/never…”

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These absolute statements are rarely accurate and used to generalise your behaviour unfairly. They ignore nuance and context, painting you as consistently problematic. This type of language can make you feel constantly on the defensive and unable to improve. Healthy communication avoids sweeping generalisations and focuses on specific instances. Take note if your partner frequently uses these absolutes during arguments.

6. “You’re crazy/psycho/mental.”

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This phrase is a form of gaslighting, attempting to make you doubt your own perceptions and sanity. It’s used when you confront your partner about the way they act, shifting focus away from their actions and onto your mental state. This tactic can really destroy your self-confidence and make you question your judgment. A respectful partner listens to your concerns without resorting to personal attacks. Be alert if your partner regularly dismisses your concerns by questioning your mental stability.

7. “I’m not controlling, I just worry about you.”

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This statement disguises controlling behaviour as care and concern. Your partner may use this to justify monitoring your activities, friendships, or appearance. While genuine concern is normal in a relationship, it shouldn’t infringe on your autonomy. Healthy partners express their worries without imposing restrictions. Pay attention if your partner’s “concern” feels more like an attempt to control your life.

8. “You owe me.”

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Keeping score in a relationship is toxic behaviour. This phrase suggests that love and support are transactional rather than freely given. Your partner may use past actions or favours to manipulate you into compliance. Healthy relationships involve give and take without expecting immediate repayment. Be cautious if your partner frequently reminds you of what they’ve done for you as a way to influence what you do.

9. “You’re being dramatic.”

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Similar to calling you “too sensitive,” this phrase dismisses your feelings and concerns. It tends to be used to downplay serious issues or avoid difficult conversations. Your partner is implying that your reactions are unreasonable, which can make you doubt your own emotions. Healthy relationships validate feelings, even if they don’t agree with them. Notice if your partner consistently trivialises your emotions or concerns.

10. “You made me do it.”

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This statement absolves your partner of responsibility for their actions by blaming you. It’s a classic tactic of abusers, suggesting that their negative behaviour is your fault. This can lead to you walking on eggshells, trying to avoid triggering their actions. Healthy partners take accountability for their actions, regardless of circumstances. Be wary if your partner never accepts blame and always finds a way to make their mistakes your fault.

11. “No one else would put up with you.”

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This cruel statement is designed to lower your self-esteem and make you feel grateful for your partner’s presence. It implies that you’re difficult or unlovable, and that leaving the relationship would mean being alone. This tactic can keep you trapped in a toxic situation out of fear. Healthy partners build you up, not tear you down. Take note if your partner frequently suggests that you’re lucky they tolerate you.

12. “I’m not yelling, this is how I talk.”

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This phrase dismisses your discomfort with their aggressive communication style. It’s an attempt to normalise toxic behaviour and make you feel unreasonable for being upset. Your partner is refusing to acknowledge how their tone affects you. Healthy communication involves listening to feedback and adjusting their actions. Be cautious if your partner consistently defends their harmful communication patterns instead of trying to improve.

13. “You’re overreacting.”

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This dismissive statement invalidates your emotional response to a situation. It’s used to minimise your feelings and avoid addressing the root cause of your distress. Your partner is essentially telling you that your reaction is wrong, which can make you doubt your own judgment. Healthy relationships respect each other’s emotional experiences. Pay attention if your partner frequently tells you that you’re overreacting instead of trying to understand your perspective.

14. “I didn’t mean it like that, you’re too sensitive.”

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This two-part statement first denies responsibility for hurtful words, then blames you for being hurt. It’s a classic deflection tactic that avoids accountability. Your partner is refusing to acknowledge the impact of their words and instead criticizing your reaction. Healthy communication involves taking responsibility for how our words affect other people. Notice if your partner consistently uses your sensitivity as an excuse for the way they act.

15. “You don’t know how to take a joke.”

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This phrase is said to backtrack on hurtful comments by framing them as humour. It puts the blame on you for not appreciating their “joke” rather than acknowledging that their words were inappropriate. This can be a form of gaslighting, making you question your ability to interpret social situations. Healthy partners respect your boundaries and don’t use humour as a shield for being hurtful. Be wary if your partner frequently dismisses your hurt feelings as a lack of humour.

16. “If you leave me, I’ll hurt myself.”


This extremely manipulative statement uses the threat of self-harm to control your actions. It’s emotional blackmail, designed to keep you in the relationship out of fear and guilt. This is not only toxic but potentially dangerous. Healthy relationships don’t use threats or ultimatums. If your partner makes statements like this, it’s crucial to seek professional help, both for them and for yourself.

17. “You’re nothing without me.”

Konstantin Postumitenko

This phrase is a direct attack on your self-worth and independence. It’s meant to make you feel helpless and dependent on the relationship. Your partner is trying to convince you that your value is tied to their presence in your life. This can lead to a loss of identity and self-esteem. Healthy partners encourage your growth and know your inherent worth. Be alert if your partner consistently undermines your sense of self and capability.

18. “I’m not controlling, I just want to know where you are at all times.”

Konstantin Postumitenko

This statement attempts to normalise excessive monitoring under the guise of care. Your partner is trying to justify their controlling behaviour as a reasonable expectation. Constant check-ins and location tracking are invasions of privacy, not signs of love. Healthy relationships are built on trust, not surveillance. Pay attention if your partner insists on knowing your whereabouts at all times and becomes upset when you don’t immediately respond.

19. “You’d be perfect if only you…”

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This backhanded compliment suggests that you’re not good enough as you are. It sets up impossible standards and implies that your partner’s love is conditional on you changing. This can lead to a constant feeling of inadequacy and a cycle of trying to meet unrealistic expectations. Healthy partners accept you for who you are, flaws and all. Be cautious if your partner frequently suggests ways you need to change to meet their standards.

20. “I’m not jealous, I just don’t want you talking to other men/women.”


This phrase attempts to disguise possessive behaviour as something more innocent. Your partner is trying to control your social interactions under the pretence of trust or respect. This level of restriction is unhealthy and can lead to isolation. Healthy relationships are built on mutual trust and don’t require cutting off half the population. Notice if your partner frequently expresses discomfort with you interacting with people of a certain gender.

21. “You’re making a big deal out of nothing.”

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This dismissive statement invalidates your concerns and feelings. It’s often used to avoid addressing issues that are important to you. Your partner is essentially telling you that your priorities don’t matter. This can lead to a breakdown in communication and unresolved problems in the relationship. Healthy partners listen to your concerns and take them seriously, even if they don’t agree. Be wary if your partner consistently downplays issues that are important to you.