While psychopathy is more commonly associated with men, female psychopaths exist and can be just as manipulative and destructive.
However, their tactics are all over the place, making them harder to identify. Here are some of the ways female psychopaths lure their victims and the devastating consequences that can follow. Before we go on, a quick caveat: this is a complex topic, and it’s important to approach it with sensitivity and understanding.
1. They create a captivating facade.

Female psychopaths are often masters of disguise. They can appear charming, charismatic, and empathetic, easily drawing people into their web. They may present themselves as vulnerable or in need of help, appealing to their victim’s sense of compassion and protectiveness. This facade is a carefully constructed illusion designed to disarm and manipulate.
2. They exploit vulnerabilities.

Once they’ve established a connection, female psychopaths will start to probe for their victim’s weaknesses and insecurities. They’ll listen attentively, offer sympathy, and appear to understand their victim’s struggles. This information is then used to manipulate and exploit, making the victim feel dependent on them for emotional support and validation.
3. They love bomb their victims.

Love bombing is a tactic commonly used by female psychopaths to quickly gain control over their victims. They shower them with affection, attention, and compliments, creating a whirlwind romance that feels too good to be true. This intense affection blinds the victim to any red flags and makes them more susceptible to manipulation.
4. They isolate their victims.

Once they have their victim’s trust and affection, female psychopaths will start to isolate them from their support network. They’ll sow seeds of doubt about their friends and family, making the victim believe that they’re the only person who truly understands them. This isolation leaves the victim vulnerable and dependent on the psychopath for emotional support and validation.
5. They gaslight and manipulate.

Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where the abuser makes the victim question their own sanity and reality. Female psychopaths are experts at gaslighting, twisting the truth, denying events, and shifting blame onto their victims. This constant manipulation destroys the victim’s self-esteem and makes them doubt their own perceptions and memories.
6. They use sex as a weapon.

Female psychopaths often use sex as a tool for control and manipulation. They may use it to lure their victims in, withhold it as punishment, or use it as a bargaining chip. This can create a toxic dynamic where the victim feels objectified and used, further eroding their self-worth.
7. They play the victim.

When confronted about their behaviour, female psychopaths will often play the victim, claiming to be misunderstood or unfairly treated. They may even turn the tables and accuse their victim of being abusive or manipulative. This can create confusion and doubt, making it difficult for the victim to break free from the psychopath’s control.
8. They destroy their victim’s reputation.

Female psychopaths may engage in smear campaigns, spreading rumours and lies about their victims to discredit them and isolate them further. This can damage the victim’s reputation, relationships, and even their career. This tactic is used to maintain control over the victim and prevent them from asking for help or leaving the relationship.
9. They sabotage their victim’s relationships and career.

To maintain control, female psychopaths may subtly sabotage their victim’s other relationships and career. They might create drama, spread rumours, or manipulate situations to make the victim appear unreliable or unstable. This can damage the victim’s social standing and professional opportunities, making them more dependent on the psychopath.
10. They engage in financial exploitation.

Money is another tool of control for female psychopaths. They may convince their victims to invest in their schemes, take out loans on their behalf, or simply drain their bank accounts. This financial exploitation can leave the victim in a precarious financial situation, further isolating them and making it harder to leave the relationship.
11. They use emotional blackmail.

Female psychopaths are experts at emotional blackmail. They may threaten to harm themselves, reveal secrets, or accuse their victim of abandoning them if they try to leave. This manipulation can create a sense of guilt and obligation in the victim, keeping them trapped in the toxic relationship.
12. They discard their victims without remorse.

Once they’ve drained their victim emotionally, financially, and socially, female psychopaths may discard them without a second thought. They move on to new targets, leaving their victims shattered and confused. This abrupt discard can leave the victim with deep emotional scars and a lingering sense of betrayal.
13. They may engage in physical violence.

While female psychopaths are less likely to engage in physical violence than their male counterparts, it’s not entirely unheard of. If they feel threatened or lose control, they may resort to physical aggression to maintain dominance and control over their victim.
14. They leave their victims with lasting trauma.

The psychological and emotional damage inflicted by a female psychopath can be devastating and long-lasting. Victims may experience anxiety, depression, PTSD, and other mental health issues. They may struggle with trust issues, self-doubt, and difficulty forming healthy relationships in the future.
15. They are often difficult to identify.

Unlike the stereotypical image of a psychopath, female psychopaths are often charming, charismatic, and manipulative. They blend seamlessly into society, making it difficult for people to recognise their true nature. This makes them even more dangerous, as they can wreak havoc on their victim’s lives before anyone suspects anything is amiss.
16. They rarely take responsibility for their actions.

Even when confronted with evidence of their wrongdoing, female psychopaths rarely take responsibility. They may deflect blame, downplay their actions, or simply deny any wrongdoing. This lack of remorse can be infuriating and frustrating for victims wanting closure and justice.
17. They can be found in all walks of life.

Female psychopaths aren’t limited to any particular profession or social circle. They can be found in any walk of life, from the corporate world to the arts scene. This makes them even more difficult to identify and avoid. It’s important to be aware of the signs of psychopathy and trust your gut instincts if something doesn’t feel right in a relationship.