How To Recognise That You’re Intimidating Someone

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People with strong personalities often come off as intimidating, even when they don’t mean to be.

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If you notice that someone rarely looks you in the eye, it could be a sign that they feel a little uneasy around you. It’s like they’re trying to avoid direct engagement because they’re nervous or unsure of how to handle your energy. Pay attention if they seem to focus on anything else but your face when you’re talking.

1. They avoid eye contact with you.

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If you notice that someone rarely looks you in the eye, it could be a sign that they feel a little uneasy around you. It’s like they’re trying to avoid direct engagement because they’re nervous or unsure of how to handle your energy. Pay attention if they seem to focus on anything else but your face when you’re talking.

2. Their body language becomes closed off.

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Watch how they hold themselves when you’re around. Crossed arms, hunched shoulders, or turning away slightly could mean they’re feeling a bit defensive or distant. Closed-off body language is often a signal that someone is trying to put a barrier between themselves and whatever’s making them uncomfortable.

3. They speak in a quieter voice around you.

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If someone seems to quiet down or mumble when they’re talking to you, it could be because they’re feeling intimidated. Maybe they’re worried about saying the wrong thing, so they speak softly or hesitantly. When someone’s voice changes around you, it’s often a sign they’re feeling unsure.

4. You’re the one always starting the conversation.

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If you find that you’re the one who always has to say the first word, it might be because people are hesitant to engage. They might not know how to approach you or fear they’ll say something wrong. If they’re chattier with other people but quiet around you, they might be holding back because they’re intimidated.

5. They agree with everything you say.

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If someone seems to agree with whatever you say, even when you know they might have a different opinion, they could be trying to avoid confrontation. When people are intimidated, they often go along with the flow to keep things easy. Constantly backing down from their own ideas might be a sign they’re trying to keep the peace.

6. They seem nervous or fidgety around you.

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If someone’s constantly fidgeting—whether it’s playing with their clothes or tapping their foot—it could be a sign they’re nervous. People often fidget when they’re feeling uncomfortable or out of their depth, and if this happens around you more than anyone else, you might be the cause of that unease.

7. They don’t open up about their personal life.


When someone keeps conversations strictly surface level and never really shares anything personal, it might be because they feel vulnerable around you. If someone consistently avoids talking about their life, it could be because they’re worried about being judged or just aren’t comfortable enough to open up.

8. They apologise way too often.

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If you notice someone saying “sorry” all the time, even for things that aren’t their fault, it could be because they’re intimidated by you. Excessive apologising is often a sign that someone is afraid of messing up or feels anxious about your reaction to things, even small ones.

9. They laugh nervously at your jokes, even when they’re not funny.

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We all know when our joke didn’t quite land, but if someone’s laughing anyway, it might be because they’re trying to stay on your good side. Forced or awkward laughter can be a sign they’re trying to please you or avoid conflict, even if they didn’t find the joke that amusing.

10. They seem relieved when conversations with you end.

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If someone looks visibly more relaxed when your chat is over—maybe they exhale or suddenly perk up—it could be because they found the chat stressful. A noticeable shift in their demeanour after your conversation wraps up might indicate they were feeling on edge while talking to you.

11. They defer to you in group discussions.

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If people in a group setting always let you take the lead or default to your opinion without offering their own thoughts, it might be because they’re too intimidated to voice their own ideas. Phrases like “Whatever you think” or “You decide” could be signs that they’re reluctant to go against your opinion.

12. They struggle to keep a conversation going.

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If you notice that chats with someone often feel stilted or one-sided, it could be because they’re not sure how to talk to you. They might give short answers or seem to run out of things to say quickly, which often reflects discomfort or nervousness about keeping the conversation flowing.

13. They’re overly formal or polite with you.

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If someone is going out of their way to be overly polite in a setting that doesn’t really call for it, they could be intimidated. When someone is using your title, being extra careful with their words, or just sticking to a level of formality that feels out of place, it might be because they’re trying to keep things as “safe” as possible.

14. They seem to shrink or make themselves physically smaller around you.

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If someone seems to hunch over, cross their arms, or shrink into themselves when you’re around, it’s often a physical sign of intimidation. People unconsciously try to take up less space when they feel overwhelmed or intimidated, almost as if they’re trying to be less noticeable.

15. They back down from disagreements really fast.

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If someone immediately backs off during a disagreement, saying things like “You’re probably right” or “Never mind,” even when they had a valid point, it could be because they’re intimidated by you. They might worry about conflict or fear you’ll dismiss their perspective, so they decide it’s easier to let it go.