How To Tell If You’re Really Lonely — 16 Signs You Can’t Ignore

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Loneliness is a complicated and often misunderstood emotion.

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Everyone has down days, but sometimes a feeling of isolation can be deep-rooted and suffocating. It’s tempting to brush it under the carpet and pretend you’re doing just fine, but if these things are happening in your life, they’re clear signs you shouldn’t ignore that you’re struggling with loneliness.

1. You feel disconnected even when you’re surrounded by people.


It’s possible to be in a room full of people and still feel like you’re invisible. If you often find yourself longing for real connection, despite being around other people, it’s a clear sign that the social interactions you’re having aren’t fulfilling.

2. You’re constantly reaching out but never receiving much in return.


If you find that you’re always the one initiating conversations or making plans, and other people rarely do the same, it’s a sign that you might be the one putting in all the effort. It can leave you feeling emotionally drained and unnoticed.

3. You avoid social situations because they feel pointless.


When loneliness takes hold, even social events can feel like a chore. If you’re consistently turning down invitations or avoiding interactions because they feel meaningless or don’t offer a true sense of connection, it’s a sign that your emotional needs aren’t being met.

4. You find comfort in distractions, like social media or TV.

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People who are lonely often turn to distractions like endless scrolling on social media or binge-watching TV shows. These activities can provide temporary relief, but ultimately leave you feeling emptier afterward, reinforcing the sense of isolation.

5. You feel like you’re not truly understood by anyone.

serious woman with head in handsSource: Unsplash

Loneliness isn’t just about physical absence—it’s about emotional absence. If you feel like no one really gets you, or that your thoughts and feelings are going unnoticed, it’s a sign that you’re missing meaningful connections in your life.

6. You’re constantly comparing yourself to other people.

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When you’re lonely, it’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing your life to other people’s. You may start to feel like everyone else has close friendships or a strong support network, which can magnify your own feelings of isolation.

7. You feel a sense of emptiness that’s hard to shake.

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Loneliness often manifests as an overwhelming feeling of emptiness. You might go through your day feeling like something is missing, even if you can’t pinpoint exactly what it is. Such a deep emotional void is a telltale sign of loneliness.

8. You struggle with making new connections.

young man standing outsideSource: Unsplash

If you’re feeling lonely, the thought of trying to form new relationships can feel intimidating or even exhausting. You might hesitate to put yourself out there, leading to a vicious cycle where isolation continues to grow.

9. You’ve become overly self-reliant.


While being independent is a positive trait, when you’re lonely, you may take it too far. You might have convinced yourself that you don’t need anyone else, but deep down, you crave emotional support and human connection.

10. You experience feelings of sadness that don’t seem to go away.

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Chronic sadness is often a key indicator of loneliness. If you’re feeling down for long periods of time, even when there’s no clear cause, it could be a result of not having the emotional bonds you need to feel fulfilled.

11. You feel like an outsider in your own life.

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When loneliness takes root, it can cause you to feel like you’re not truly participating in your own experiences. You might observe life happening around you, but feel disconnected from it, almost like you’re on the outside looking in.

12. You often feel overwhelmed by small tasks.

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Loneliness can make everything seem harder, including simple daily tasks. The lack of support or a sense of being understood can cause even minor responsibilities to feel more overwhelming than they should be.

13. You’re afraid of being alone with your thoughts.


If you find yourself avoiding being alone because your thoughts turn negative or lonely, it’s a sign that your solitude is bringing discomfort. True emotional connection is missing, and being alone makes you confront that absence.

14. You rely on unhealthy coping mechanisms.

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People who are lonely sometimes turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as overeating, excessive drinking, or other escapist behaviours. These temporary fixes may seem like relief, but they only mask the underlying loneliness.

15. You feel disconnected from your own emotions.

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Loneliness can cause you to emotionally shut down, leading to a sense of numbness or detachment. You might find it tough to process or express your emotions, which only adds to the isolation you feel inside.

16. You don’t feel motivated to pursue your passions.

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Unsplash/Jandre Van Der Walt

When loneliness sets in, it can rob you of the energy and motivation to do the things you once loved. Whether it’s a hobby or a career goal, the lack of emotional connection can sap your enthusiasm and make everything feel less meaningful.