If These 14 Things Don’t Make You Angry, You May Be Apathetic

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Anger, though often seen as a negative emotion, can be a sign of passion, engagement, and a sense of justice.

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If you find yourself rarely riled up, even when you see blatant injustice or are in extremely frustrating situations, it might be worth exploring whether a touch of apathy has crept into your life. I’m obviously not advocating for rage-filled outbursts, but a healthy dose of righteous anger can be a powerful motivator for change.

1. You witness someone being bullied or harassed.

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Seeing someone being mistreated should ignite a spark of indignation within you. If you find yourself shrugging it off or looking the other way, it might be a sign that you’re becoming desensitised to injustice. A healthy sense of empathy and a desire to protect the vulnerable can fuel righteous anger and motivate you to stand up for what’s right.

2. Your favourite sports team loses in a blatantly unfair way.

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We all know that feeling of disappointment when our team loses, but if a blatant foul or unfair call doesn’t even raise your blood pressure, it could indicate a lack of passion or investment. A bit of frustration, even a playful outburst, shows that you care about the game and the spirit of fair play.

3. Someone cuts in line in front of you.

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Queue jumpers are the bane of civilised society. If you witness someone blatantly disregarding the rules and pushing their way to the front, a flicker of annoyance is perfectly natural. If you find yourself completely unbothered, it might suggest a lack of assertiveness or a disengagement from social norms.

4. You receive terrible customer service.


We’ve all experienced the frustration of dealing with unhelpful or rude customer service representatives. A little bit of righteous indignation is understandable in such situations. If you find yourself simply accepting poor service without expressing your dissatisfaction, it might indicate a lack of self-advocacy or a general sense of apathy towards your own needs and expectations.

5. A friend or family member betrays your trust.

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Betrayal can be a deeply painful experience, and a natural response might involve feelings of anger and hurt. If you find yourself brushing it off or quickly forgiving without addressing the issue, it could suggest a lack of healthy boundaries or a fear of confrontation.

6. You witness environmental destruction or animal cruelty.

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The destruction of our planet and the mistreatment of animals should evoke a sense of outrage and a desire to protect the vulnerable. If you find yourself unmoved by images of deforestation, pollution, or animal abuse, it might be a sign that you’re becoming disconnected from the natural world and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

7. Someone makes a blatantly offensive or discriminatory comment.

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Prejudice and discrimination have no place in a just and equitable society. Witnessing or experiencing such behaviour should spark a sense of anger and a desire to challenge those harmful attitudes. If you find yourself remaining silent or brushing it off as “just a joke,” it might be time to re-evaluate your own values and commitment to social justice.

8. You’re constantly being taken advantage.

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If people consistently take advantage of your kindness or generosity without any remorse, a bit of anger is a healthy response. It means that you’re recognising the imbalance in the relationship and that you’re not willing to be a doormat. If you find yourself repeatedly accepting mistreatment without asserting your boundaries, it could indicate a lack of self-respect or a fear of conflict.

9. A close friend consistently cancels plans at the last minute.

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We all have busy lives, but if a friend repeatedly bails on you without a good reason or apology, it’s natural to feel a bit miffed. This pattern can indicate a lack of respect for your time and a disregard for your feelings. If you find yourself consistently brushing it off without expressing your disappointment, it might indicate a fear of confrontation or a tendency to put other people’s needs first.

10. You witness someone littering or vandalising public property.

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Disrespecting shared spaces and harming the environment should trigger a sense of responsibility and concern for the collective good. If you see someone littering or vandalising and feel nothing, it could suggest a disconnect from your community and a lack of concern for the shared environment.

11. You’re stuck in a dead-end job with no prospects for growth.

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Feeling stagnant or unfulfilled in your career can understandably lead to frustration and even anger. If you’re stuck in a job that offers no challenges or opportunities for advancement, and you find yourself feeling completely apathetic about it, it might be a sign that you’ve lost your drive and ambition. A healthy dose of discontent can be a powerful motivator for change and personal growth.

12. You witness someone being disrespectful to a service worker.

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Treating people with kindness and respect, regardless of their profession, is a basic tenet of human decency. If you see someone being rude or condescending to a waiter, cashier, or any other service worker, and it doesn’t stir any emotion within you, it might indicate a lack of empathy or a disregard for people’s dignity.

13. Your romantic partner consistently neglects your needs or feelings.

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A healthy relationship involves mutual respect, care, and consideration. If your partner consistently ignores your needs, dismisses your feelings, or prioritises their own desires without regard for yours, it’s natural to feel hurt, frustrated, and even angry. A lack of emotional response in such situations could point to a deeper issue, such as low self-esteem or a fear of confrontation.

14. You see someone being taken advantage of or exploited.

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Witnessing injustice or exploitation should trigger a sense of moral outrage and a desire to help. If you find yourself feeling indifferent or turning a blind eye, it could indicate a sense of helplessness or a belief that you can’t make a difference. Remember, even small acts of kindness or speaking up can have a ripple effect and contribute to a more just and compassionate world.