If You Believe In These 17 Things, You’re Probably Less Intelligent Than Everyone Else

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Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, but some things are simply objectively false.

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While intelligence comes in many forms, there’s no denying that if you truly think any of these things are true, you’re a lot less clever than you probably think.

1. The Earth is flat.

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Look, we’ve all seen those photos from space. If you’re still convinced the Earth is a giant Frisbee floating through the cosmos, you might want to rethink that one. We’ve known the Earth is round for centuries, and we’ve got the satellite imagery to prove it. Plus, if the Earth were flat, cats would have pushed everything off the edge by now.

2. Vaccines cause autism.

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This one’s been debunked so many times it’s not even funny anymore. The original study that sparked this belief was completely discredited, and countless studies since have shown no link between vaccines and autism. Vaccines save lives, period. They’re not some evil plot to control your mind or turn you into a human 5G tower.

3. Climate change is a hoax.

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The overwhelming majority of scientists agree that climate change is real and humans are contributing to it. If you think it’s all made up, you might be ignoring a mountain of evidence. Sure, the Earth’s climate has always changed, but not this fast. It’s like blaming your weight gain on “natural fluctuations” when you’ve been hitting the drive-thru every day for a year.

4. Crystals have healing powers.

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They’re pretty, no doubt about that. But thinking a shiny rock can cure your ailments? That’s a stretch. While there’s nothing wrong with finding them calming or decorative, relying on crystals instead of actual medical treatment is risky business. Your kidney stones won’t be impressed by your crystal collection.

5. The moon landing was faked.

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Come on, folks. We put people on the moon. It happened. The number of people who would have to keep that secret if it were faked is staggering. Plus, the Soviets would have called BS in a heartbeat if there was any doubt. It’s not like we just threw some guys in a tin can and hoped for the best.

6. Evolution isn’t real.

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Evolution is one of the most well-supported theories in science. If you think all species just popped into existence as-is, you’re ignoring a ton of evidence. From fossil records to DNA analysis, the proof is overwhelming. It’s not “just a theory” in the same way gravity isn’t “just a theory.”

7. Your zodiac sign determines your personality.

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Sure, it’s fun to read horoscopes, but thinking the position of celestial bodies when you were born dictates your entire personality? That’s a bit out there. Your choices and experiences shape who you are, not whether you’re a Pisces or a Scorpio. The stars have better things to do than decide if you’re going to have a good hair day.

8. 5G causes health problems.

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5G is just a faster way to download cat videos, not a secret mind control ray. The fears about 5G are just recycled panics from when 4G, 3G, and even radio were new. Unless you’re planning to tape a 5G tower to your head, you’re probably safe.

9. Detox diets cleanse your body of toxins.

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Your liver and kidneys are already doing a great job of detoxing your body. Those fancy juice cleanses? They’re mostly just cleaning out your wallet. If you really want to “detox,” drink water, eat a balanced diet, and let your organs do their job. They don’t need a pep talk from a $50 bottle of green juice.

10. The government is run by lizard people.

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Look, politics can be weird, but secret reptilian overlords? That’s a stretch. If lizard people were really in charge, we’d probably have a lot more heat lamps in public spaces and a national holiday for basking in the sun.

11. You only use 10% of your brain.

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This myth has been hanging around forever, but it’s just not true. You use all of your brain, just not all at once. It’s like saying you only use 33% of a traffic light because it’s not always green, yellow, and red simultaneously.

12. Ghosts are real and can be scientifically proven.

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While plenty of people believe in ghosts, there’s no scientific evidence that they exist. Those orbs in photos? Probably dust or lens flares. That creepy voice on the recorder? It could be radio interference. Not saying your house isn’t creepy, but maybe it’s just old pipes and not Great-Aunt Ethel coming back to criticise your decor choices.

13. You can “boost” your immune system with supplements.

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Your immune system is not a video game character that you can power up with special potions. While a healthy diet helps your immune system function, no supplement is going to turn you into a superpowered germ-fighting machine. Sorry, but chugging orange juice won’t give you a force field against colds.

14. MSG is harmful to your health.

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The MSG scare is based on shaky science and a dash of xenophobia. Countless studies have shown it’s safe for most people. It’s just a flavour enhancer, not a secret weapon to make you addicted to takeaway. Your body doesn’t know the difference between MSG in Chinese food and the glutamate in a tomato.

15. The Illuminati controls the world.

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If there really was a secret society controlling everything, don’t you think they’d do a better job? The world’s a mess because people are complicated, not because of some shadowy cabal meeting in a volcano lair. Real life is usually more boring than the conspiracy theories.

16. You can “manifest” anything you want just by thinking about it.

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Positive thinking is great, but it’s not a magic wand. You can’t just sit on your couch visualising a new car and expect it to appear in your driveway. Dreams without action are just daydreams. The universe isn’t Amazon Prime — you can’t just wish for things and have them show up at your door.

17. All-natural means it’s always better.

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Nature’s great, but not everything natural is good for you. Poison ivy is all-natural. So are tsunamis. And let’s not forget about our old pal, the all-natural bubonic plague. Sometimes, the synthetic stuff is safer and more effective. It’s about what works, not where it came from.