Life’s too short to be overly serious all the time, right?
But, there’s a difference between a carefree spirit and a blatant disregard for anything of substance. If your life is an endless stream of fleeting moments and surface-level interactions, it might be time for a little introspection. So, grab a cuppa (or a pint, if you prefer) and let’s have a look at a few signs that maybe, just maybe, you’re not taking much seriously.
1. You keep your true opinions hidden.

Maybe you keep quiet instead of disagreeing with someone in a meeting, or you nod along with a friend’s opinion even if you don’t genuinely feel the same way. While a little diplomacy is important, constantly censoring your true thoughts might be a sign you’re afraid of being judged or disliked if people knew what you really believed.
2. Every conversation is filled with sarcasm.

Sure, a bit of witty banter can be fun, but if every sentence out of your mouth is dripping with sarcasm, it might be a defence mechanism. Are you using humour to mask your true feelings or avoid having meaningful conversations? A constant stream of sarcasm might be a sign you’re not taking anything seriously, including yourself.
3. Your commitments are as solid as a sandcastle.

From cancelling plans at the last minute to bailing on promises you made, your unreliability speaks volumes. Maybe you’re afraid of commitment or simply don’t value other people’s time. Either way, if you can’t be counted on, it’s a clear sign you’re not taking much seriously, including your relationships.
4. You’re a master of deflection.

When faced with a serious topic, you change the subject faster than a chameleon changes colour. It’s easier to crack a joke or bring up a trivial matter than to engage in a meaningful discussion. This avoidance tactic might be a way to shield yourself from uncomfortable emotions or difficult truths. But, if you’re constantly deflecting, it’s a sure sign you’re not taking anything seriously, especially your own personal growth.
5. You can’t resist the allure of instant gratification.

You live for the thrill of the moment, whether it’s splurging on a shopping spree or indulging in a night of binge-watching. While it’s important to enjoy life’s pleasures, a constant pursuit of instant gratification can be a sign of a deeper issue. Are you using these fleeting moments to fill a void or avoid dealing with your responsibilities? If you can’t resist the urge for immediate satisfaction, it’s a sign you’re not taking much seriously, including your future.
6. Your phone is an extension of your hand.

You’re constantly glued to your screen, scrolling through social media, playing games, or texting friends. While technology can be a useful tool, an excessive attachment to your phone can be a sign you’re not fully present in the real world. Are you using your phone as a way to escape from boredom or anxiety? If you can’t put your phone down for even a few minutes, it’s a sign you’re not taking much seriously, including the people you’re with.
7. You have a habit of making light of serious situations.

When someone shares their problems or concerns, you respond with a joke or a dismissive comment. You might think you’re being helpful by lightening the mood, but in reality, you’re invalidating their feelings and dismissing their concerns. This lack of empathy can be a sign you’re not taking other people seriously, or even the situation at hand.
8. Your living space looks like a tornado hit it.

Clothes are piled on the floor, dishes are stacked in the sink, and there’s a layer of dust on every surface. Your messy environment might seem like a minor inconvenience, but it could be a reflection of your inner chaos. A cluttered space can be a sign of a cluttered mind, one that’s not taking much seriously, including your own well-being.
9. You flit from one hobby to the next.

One week you’re obsessed with painting, the next you’re learning to play the guitar, and the week after that you’re taking up knitting. While it’s great to have diverse interests, constantly jumping from one hobby to the next without ever mastering anything can be a sign of a lack of focus and commitment. Are you afraid of boredom or failure? If you can’t stick with anything for long, it’s a sign you’re not taking much seriously, including your own potential.
10. You’re always late.

Whether it’s a meeting, a date, or even just a casual get-together, you always seem to arrive fashionably late. While some might see it as a quirky trait, chronic lateness can be a sign of disrespect and a lack of consideration for other people’s time. If you’re constantly running behind schedule, it’s a sign you’re not taking much seriously, including your commitments.
11. You avoid any form of self-reflection.

Journaling, meditation, therapy – you avoid anything that requires you to look inward and examine your thoughts and feelings. You might think it’s a waste of time or simply too uncomfortable to face your inner demons. But, if you’re not willing to take a good, hard look at yourself, it’s a sign you’re not taking much seriously, including your own personal growth.
12. You have a “whatever happens, happens” attitude.

You go with the flow, make decisions on a whim, and never really plan for the future. While a bit of spontaneity can be fun, a complete lack of direction can be a sign of a deeper issue. Are you afraid of taking responsibility for your life, or simply don’t care about the consequences of your actions? If you’re not willing to make any plans or set any goals, it’s a sign you’re not taking much seriously, including your future.
13. You’re a chronic excuse-maker.

You have a reason for everything, a justification for every mistake, and an excuse for every failure. You might think you’re being clever or protecting yourself from criticism, but in reality, you’re simply avoiding accountability. If you’re always making excuses, it’s a sign you’re not taking anything seriously, including your own actions.
14. Your wardrobe is a collection of impulse buys.

You have a closet full of clothes you never wear, shoes you’ve only worn once, and accessories you bought on a whim. Your impulsive spending habits might seem harmless, but they could be a sign of a deeper issue. Are you using material possessions to fill a void or avoid dealing with your emotions? If you can’t resist the urge to buy something new, it’s a sign you’re not taking much seriously, including your finances.
15. You’re always chasing the next big thing.

You’re constantly on the lookout for the next trend, the next fad, the next best thing. You might think you’re being adventurous or simply keeping up with the times, but in reality, you’re just chasing a fleeting sense of excitement. If you’re always looking for the next big thing, it’s a sign you’re not taking much seriously, including the present moment.