Being a decent human being isn’t rocket science, but somehow, plenty of people still struggle with it.

If you catch yourself doing any of the following things, it’s time for a serious reality check. This isn’t about being perfect, but it is about being honest with yourself and making an effort to be better. So, let’s dive in and see if you’re guilty of any of these not-so-nice behaviours.
1. You always put yourself first.

There’s nothing wrong with taking care of yourself, but if you consistently prioritise your own needs and wants over everyone else’s, you’re heading into selfish territory. Relationships are about give and take, and if you’re always the one taking, don’t be surprised when people start giving you a wide berth. Learn to compromise and consider others’ feelings before making decisions that affect them.
2. You’re a chronic interrupter.

We get it, you’ve got things to say, but constantly cutting people off mid-sentence is a surefire way to make them feel unheard and undervalued. Not only is it rude, but it also suggests that you think what you have to say is more important than what anyone else has to contribute. Take a breath, let others finish their thoughts, and then take your turn to speak.
3. You’re always running late.

Occasionally running a few minutes behind is forgivable, but if you’re consistently showing up late to meetings, events, or social gatherings, you’re essentially telling others that you don’t value their time. It’s disrespectful and can lead to missed opportunities and strained relationships. Start planning ahead, factor in extra time for unexpected delays, and make a genuine effort to be punctual.
4. You never apologise.

Everyone makes mistakes, but refusing to apologise when you’ve done something wrong is a major red flag. It shows a lack of accountability and suggests that you believe you’re above reproach. Swallow your pride, own up to your missteps, and offer a sincere apology when necessary. It’s not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of maturity and integrity.
5. You’re a notorious gossip.

Talking about others behind their backs might feel like harmless fun, but it can have serious consequences. Not only does it erode trust and damage relationships, but it also reflects poorly on your character. If you’re known as the office gossip or the friend who can’t keep a secret, people will start to question your loyalty and trustworthiness. Focus on building others up instead of tearing them down.
6. You’re always complaining.

Life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, but constantly complaining about every little thing is a surefire way to bring everyone down. It’s emotionally draining to be around someone who’s always negative, and it can make others reluctant to spend time with you. Try to find the silver lining in challenging situations, and if you really need to vent, do so sparingly and with a trusted friend.
7. You never follow through.

If you’re the type of person who makes plans or commitments and then consistently flakes out at the last minute, it’s time to reevaluate your behaviour. Not only is it frustrating for others who were counting on you, but it also makes you come across as unreliable and untrustworthy. If you say you’re going to do something, make sure you follow through, and if you can’t, communicate that as soon as possible.
8. You’re always on your phone.

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get sucked into the never-ending scroll of social media and text messages, but constantly being glued to your phone when you’re with others is a big no-no. It sends the message that whatever’s happening on your screen is more important than the people right in front of you. Put your phone away, be present, and give others your undivided attention.
9. You’re a know-it-all.

Confidence is great, but there’s a fine line between self-assuredness and arrogance. If you’re always the first to offer your opinion, even on topics you’re not well-versed in, and you refuse to listen to others’ perspectives, you’re likely coming across as a know-it-all. Remember that everyone has something to teach you, and being open to learning from others is a sign of true intelligence.
10. You’re a backseat driver.

Whether you’re in the passenger seat or navigating a group project, constantly telling others what to do and how to do it is a quick way to get on their nerves. Unless someone has explicitly asked for your guidance, trust that they’re capable of handling things on their own. Offer support and advice when needed, but don’t try to control every aspect of the situation.
11. You’re a conversation hog.

There’s nothing wrong with being a chatterbox, but if you’re always dominating conversations and leaving little room for others to contribute, it’s time to take a step back. Good communication is a two-way street, and being a good listener is just as important as being a good speaker. Practice active listening, ask questions, and give others a chance to share their thoughts and experiences.
12. You’re a fair-weather friend.

True friendships are built on a foundation of mutual support and loyalty, not just fun times and convenience. If you’re the type of friend who’s always around for the good times but nowhere to be found when things get tough, you’re not being a very good mate. Show up for your friends during their highs and lows, and be willing to lend a helping hand or a listening ear when they need it most.
13. You’re a sore loser.

No one likes losing, but throwing a strop every time things don’t go your way is a sure sign of immaturity. Whether you’re playing a friendly game of footie or competing for a promotion at work, it’s important to be a gracious loser and a humble winner. Congratulate others on their successes, learn from your mistakes, and remember that life isn’t always about coming out on top.
14. You’re a serial ghoster.

In the age of online dating and instant messaging, ghosting has become an all-too-common way of ending relationships or avoiding uncomfortable conversations. But here’s the thing: it’s cowardly and disrespectful. If you’re not interested in someone or something, have the decency to communicate that directly. Don’t leave people hanging or wondering what they did wrong. A little honesty goes a long way.
15. You’re a blame shifter.

When things go wrong, it’s easy to point the finger at others and absolve yourself of responsibility. But constantly blaming others for your own mistakes or shortcomings is a toxic habit that will quickly erode trust and respect in your relationships. Take ownership of your actions, learn from your missteps, and focus on finding solutions instead of assigning blame.
16. You’re a judgmental critic.

We all have our own opinions and preferences, but constantly criticising others for their choices, appearance, or beliefs is a surefire way to come across as judgmental and narrow-minded. Remember that everyone is on their own journey, and just because something isn’t your cup of tea doesn’t mean it’s wrong or inferior. Practice empathy, embrace diversity, and focus on your own personal growth instead of tearing others down.