Everyone goes through periods in life when everything feels like an uphill climb.

No matter how hard you try, things just don’t seem to be going your way. In fact, it seems like for every step forward you take, life knocks you two steps back. If you’re struggling to cope with that feels like an endless stretch of bad luck, here are some things to keep in mind.
1. Setbacks don’t define you.

When everything seems to be going wrong, it’s easy to feel like those setbacks reflect who you are. But challenges don’t define you; they’re just part of the journey. What matters is how you handle them. Each struggle is an experience that builds resilience, not a label of who you are.
2. It’s okay to take a step back.

When things pile up, the instinct might be to push harder, but sometimes stepping back is the best move. Taking a break to rest and clear your mind can help you return stronger. Giving yourself time and space to recharge can be the difference between burnout and a fresh start.
3. You don’t have to have it all figured out.

Feeling lost or unsure can make it seem like you’re failing, but figuring things out is a process. No one has all the answers, and that’s okay. Trust that clarity comes with time. Letting go of the need for instant answers can take some pressure off.
4. Not everything is within your control.

Sometimes, things go wrong, no matter how much we plan or prepare. Accepting that certain things are beyond your control can help you focus on what you *can* do. Control the controllables, and let go of the rest. This perspective can bring peace, even in chaotic times.
5. Reaching out for support is a strength.

It can feel like you have to handle everything on your own, but leaning on other people is not a weakness. Whether it’s talking to friends or family or going to therapy, support can make a big difference. Sometimes just sharing your load lightens it a bit.
6. Small wins matter.

When big achievements feel far away, focusing on small victories can keep you going. Little steps forward, even if they seem minor, still bring progress. Celebrating these wins gives you a sense of momentum and reminds you that you’re moving forward, no matter how slowly.
7. Your self-worth isn’t tied to your productivity.

In tough times, it’s easy to feel guilty for not doing enough. But your value isn’t about how much you accomplish, especially when life is throwing curveballs. You’re allowed to have off days and slow seasons. Self-worth is about who you are, not what you produce.
8. Everyone’s journey looks different.

It’s tempting to compare your struggles to other people’s successes, but everyone’s life path is unique. Just because someone seems to be doing well doesn’t mean you’re failing. Reminding yourself that everyone moves at their own pace can help you focus on your own path.
9. Your feelings are valid.

It’s normal to feel frustrated, disappointed, or even angry when things aren’t going well. Letting yourself feel those emotions, without judgment, can be part of processing them. Ignoring how you feel often makes things worse, while acknowledging your emotions can be the first step toward moving through them.
10. Rest is productive, too.

In our fast-paced world, rest can feel like laziness, but it’s actually essential. Taking time to rest and recharge isn’t wasted—it’s what gives you the energy to keep going. Seeing rest as part of your journey, not a break from it, helps you maintain balance.
11. Growth often comes from discomfort.

When things are tough, it might not feel like it, but challenges can lead to personal growth. Struggles often reveal strengths you didn’t know you had and push you to develop new skills. Even if it’s not clear now, tough times often bring growth in the long run.
12. You’ve been through hard things before.

Sometimes, it helps to remember other challenges you’ve faced and overcome. You’ve got through hard times before, and that resilience is still within you. Reminding yourself of past wins can give you confidence that you’ll make it through this, too.
13. Progress isn’t always visible.

When you’re in the middle of a rough patch, it can feel like nothing is changing. But progress often happens quietly, without instant results. Trusting that small actions add up, even if you can’t see the effects yet, can keep you motivated to keep going.
14. It’s okay to change your goals.

If what you’re working toward isn’t fulfilling or feels out of reach, it’s okay to adjust your goals. Changing direction doesn’t mean you’re giving up; it means you’re evolving. Sometimes the best growth comes when you allow yourself to explore new paths.
15. This season won’t last forever.

When things are hard, it can feel like they’ll always be that way, but no season lasts forever. Life is full of ups and downs, and things do change, even if it doesn’t feel that way now. Trusting that brighter days are ahead can give you hope when things are tough.