You likely know by now that class has nothing to do with money and everything to do with how you carry yourself.

Those without it tend to say whatever comes to mind without thinking of how it might sound or who it might upset. There are certain phrases that only classless people would use — those who care about how they come off and whether or not they’re being respectful and considerate wouldn’t dare.
1. “I don’t care what anyone thinks.”

While it might sound tough, this statement usually comes off as dismissive. People with class value other people’s opinions without letting them dictate their lives. Saying you don’t care at all just shows you’re not open to constructive feedback or other perspectives.
2. “Do you know who I am?”

Pulling rank or flaunting your status never makes you look good. Classy people don’t need to remind other people of their importance. Instead, they let their actions and character speak for themselves, without relying on titles or status to prove a point.
3. “That’s not my problem.”

Shifting responsibility and acting like you’re above helping out shows a lack of empathy. Classy people take ownership where they can and offer help when possible, even if something isn’t directly their issue. Dismissing other people’s concerns only shows a lack of character.
4. “I’m not here to make friends.”

This statement is a clear indicator that you’re more interested in your own agenda than building genuine connections. People with class understand the importance of relationships, whether personal or professional. They don’t treat people as expendable or unnecessary.
5. “You can’t talk to me like that.”

While standing up for yourself is important, demanding respect in an aggressive way comes off as insecure. Classy people address disrespect calmly and assertively without escalating the situation. They don’t need to yell to make their point clear.
6. “I’m too good for this.”

Whether it’s a task or a situation, saying this phrase makes you sound arrogant. People with class don’t think they’re above anything—they approach every situation with humility and grace. This attitude helps them navigate even the toughest situations with dignity.
7. “You’re lucky to have me.”

Telling someone they’re fortunate to have you around only shows that you’re trying to inflate your own value. Classy people show their worth through actions, not by demanding recognition. People appreciate those who are humble about their contributions.
8. “I don’t need anyone.”

While independence is a good thing, saying you don’t need anyone shows a lack of understanding of the value of relationships. Classy people know that being part of a community or network is important, and they don’t pretend they can do everything alone.
9. “I hate people like that.”

Making broad, judgemental statements about other people reflects poorly on you. Classy people avoid hate speech or divisive comments, focusing on understanding and respect instead. Blanket statements that tear other people down just make you seem small-minded and intolerant.
10. “That’s not fair to me.”

Constantly talking about fairness in terms of yourself can make you seem self-centred. Classy people understand that life isn’t always fair, and they focus on how to move forward gracefully instead of complaining. They take challenges in stride without playing the victim.
11. “I don’t have time for this.”

Dismissing someone or something by claiming you don’t have time for it comes off as rude. Classy people make time for what matters and know how to gracefully decline without making anyone feel like they don’t matter. They don’t treat other people’s time as less valuable than their own.
12. “It’s not my fault.”

Blaming other people or refusing to take responsibility is a clear sign of lacking class. People with class own up to their mistakes and look for ways to improve. They don’t waste time pointing fingers or deflecting blame when things go wrong.
13. “I’m not impressed.”

Bragging about your standards or dismissing someone’s efforts as unimpressive just makes you look arrogant. Classy people don’t feel the need to belittle anyone to prove their own worth. Instead, they find ways to appreciate or respectfully critique without putting anyone down.
14. “I deserve better.”

While knowing your worth is important, demanding better treatment in an entitled way shows a lack of tact. Classy people handle disappointment or unfair situations with grace, expressing their concerns without sounding demanding or entitled. They know how to stand up for themselves without being rude.
15. “They don’t know what they’re doing.”

Talking down about anyone, especially behind their backs, only reflects badly on you. Classy people offer constructive criticism when needed, but they don’t waste time gossiping or tearing people down. They focus on solutions rather than complaining about people’s shortcomings.
16. “You’ll regret this.”

Threatening someone with regret comes off as immature and vengeful. People with class don’t need to threaten or warn other people about their decisions. They let their actions and results speak for themselves and don’t waste time with threats or ultimatums.
17. “I’m better than them.”

Comparing yourself to other people to prove superiority is a sure sign of lacking class. Classy people don’t need to measure themselves against anyone else to feel good about who they are. They focus on self-improvement and let their achievements speak for themselves.