If You Reply To Messages Like This, You’re Very Antisocial

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We’re all glued to our phones 24/7, which means it’s unlikely that there will ever be many times when we can’t take a few minutes to properly reply to a text.

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However, whether you’re pressed for time or you just don’t know what to say, a lot of people message in ways that leave a bad taste in the recipient’s mouth. Instead of friendly and open, if you do any of these things when texting, you’re coming off as antisocial and closed off instead.

1. You leave people on read for ages.

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Yes, life gets busy, but if you’re constantly leaving messages unread (or just un-replied to) for days on end, it’s a bit rubbish. It gives off the vibe that you couldn’t be bothered to spare a few seconds for a quick text. Even a simple “Hey, caught up with work, will get back to you soon” can make a difference and let the other person know you’re not ignoring them.

2. Your replies are always super short.

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If your go-to responses are always along the lines of “k”, “yeah”, or “lol”, you might want to rethink your strategy. One-word answers can come across as pretty dismissive and make the other person feel like they’re pulling teeth just to have a conversation with you.

3. You never ask questions back.

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Conversation is a two-way street. If someone’s asking about your day, your plans, or your opinions, it’s nice to return the favour. Always responding with statements and never showing interest in the other person’s life is a guaranteed way to kill any meaningful chat.

4. You ignore parts of messages that require a response.

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Cherry-picking which parts of a message to respond to can be really frustrating for the sender. If someone’s asked you multiple questions, and you only answer one, it can seem like you’re not really engaged in the conversation. It’s worth taking a moment to address each point, even if briefly.

5. You use loads of one-word responses.

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Similar to short replies, constantly responding with single words like “cool”, “nice”, or “okay” can make it seem like you’re not invested in the chat. It’s the text equivalent of nodding along without really listening. Try to elaborate a bit more to keep the conversation flowing.

6. You leave conversations hanging.

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Abruptly stopping mid-conversation without any explanation is pretty jarring. If you need to dash off, it’s polite to let the other person know, instead of leaving them wondering if you’ve suddenly lost interest or if something’s wrong.

7. You only reply when you need something.


If the only time you respond promptly is when you need a favour or information, it’s not a great look. It can make people feel like you’re only interested in what they can do for you, rather than valuing the relationship itself.

8. You overuse emojis to avoid proper responses.


While emojis can add flavour to a conversation, relying on them too heavily can come across as lazy or dismissive. Responding to a heartfelt message with just a thumbs-up emoji, for instance, might leave the sender feeling a bit short-changed.

9. You frequently leave voice notes instead of typing.

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Voice notes can be great, but they’re not always convenient for the receiver. If you’re constantly sending long voice messages when a quick text would do, it might seem like you’re not considering the other person’s situation or preferences.

10. You ghost people mid-conversation.

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Ghosting — suddenly cutting off all communication without explanation — is a major no-no. It leaves the other person confused and can damage or just destroy relationships. If you need space or don’t want to continue the conversation, it’s better to communicate that clearly.

11. You reply with memes instead of words.


Memes can be hilarious and sometimes perfectly capture a mood or response, but if you’re constantly replying with memes instead of actual words, it can make it seem like you’re not invested enough in the conversation to formulate your own thoughts.

12. You always respond way later than the original message.

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Consistently taking hours or days to respond to messages, even when you’re clearly active online, can be pretty frustrating. It can make people feel like they’re not a priority and can lead to them giving up on trying to communicate with you altogether.

13. You never initiate conversations.

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If you’re always on the receiving end of messages and never start conversations yourself, it can come across as if you’re not really interested in maintaining the relationship. Friendship and communication should be a two-way street, after all.

14. You use “read receipts” but still don’t respond.

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Having your read receipts on but then not responding for ages is bound to annoy people. It clearly shows you’ve seen the message but couldn’t be bothered to reply, which can feel pretty disrespectful to the sender.

15. You respond to emotional messages with logic.

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If someone’s sharing something emotional, and you respond with pure logic or problem-solving, it can come across as cold. Sometimes people just want empathy and understanding, not solutions. Try to read the room and respond appropriately.

16. You overuse group chats to avoid individual conversations.

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Always defaulting to group chats instead of having one-on-one conversations can make it seem like you’re avoiding deeper connections. While group chats are great for some things, they shouldn’t replace more personal interactions entirely.

17. You never acknowledge time-sensitive messages.

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If someone’s trying to make plans or needs a quick response for something time-sensitive, ignoring it until it’s too late is pretty inconsiderate. Even if you can’t give a full answer right away, a quick “I’ll check and get back to you” can make a big difference.